Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 374 372: How will you settle this account with me?

Chapter 374 Chapter 372 How to settle this account between you and me?
"Yeah, I just felt sorry for him and felt guilty at first, because I affected the other party's state and caused him to undergo surgery at this time.

Now it seems that it is okay to feel really stupid. Who in this world can influence him? "Li Cheng pouted Lao Gao, looking both heartbroken and annoyed.

She checked her phone, but there was still no information from the other party. She even wondered if she had added the wrong account.

[Misa] sent a message to [Great God King] last month: You can take advantage of the surgery recovery period to go to the dermatology department for fractional laser treatment, which can remove the acne pits on your face.

The news fell flat.

In the next half month, Li Cheng didn't dare to send a message to the other party, because she always had the courage to say a word to him, and she didn't even have the thick skin she was usually proud of.

But Ji Yingduo immediately understood what Li Cheng said: "It's not too late for you to figure it out now!"

He is such a formidable opponent.

Ji Yingduo thought he could wait for Li Cheng's questioning, or even a teasing sentence from her, but nothing came.

After a long silence, Li Cheng's tone became deep. She lowered her head and looked very frustrated: "The ruler in the Canyon of Kings is not so easy to defeat. I can't even tear a defensive point. His I'm in awe of being powerful."

Li Cheng saw the gap between himself and the opponent, and only then did he deeply realize how meaningful his championship ring is.

Dong Mingyang felt dazed again: "Hey, I was scared to death... I really thought you were in love for the first time. It turned out that love begets hate!"

"No, you're wrong, who doesn't like the strong?" Li Cheng asked Dong Mingyang in a rhetorical tone.

Dong Mingyang seemed to hit it off with her: "Yes! Do you know that I want to marry him as a man! In this circle, his wife has the most fans, and I can't squeeze in, eh, yes, come on Du Enrou promised to help you find out the details of that matter?"

Su Yuan glared at Dong Mingyang suddenly, meaning that Mingshen is still there, can you pay attention to the occasion when you speak?

Dong Mingyang also stared back: "We are all from our own family, what else can't we ask?!"

Su Yuan simply ignored him: "Get lost!"

Li Cheng was even more troubled because Dong Mingyang asked about that extreme fan: "Hey..."

The effect of Du Enrou's action was certainly outstanding. She promised to give a reply within three days, and she really did give a reply within three days.

The results of the investigation surprised Li Cheng.

It turned out that the brain-dead girl who directly broadcasted self-mutilation for Kim Min-kwon was actually Ming Yinliang's ex-girlfriend.

This girl is a money worshiper, a complete green tea bitch.

In the beginning, Ming Yinliang pretended to be a rich second-generation outer packaging, and the two of them dated like glue for a period of time, building yachts and buying bags, which made this girl think she was very lucky and became a phoenix .

But as Ming Yinliang's pocket money dried up, the ex-girlfriend who thought he was a real nobleman saw through the fact that he didn't have a big villa or a sports car at all.

The custodians of all the sub-funds of Century Property Preservation Company belong to his half-brother Yin Mingyao.

When the green tea whore knew this, she maintained a relationship with Ming Yinliang and used him to get close to Yin Mingyao, while collecting information beneficial to her so that she could pinpoint her. However, Ming Yinliang caught her on the spot, and the incident came to light.

She left immediately without getting any benefit from Yin Mingyao.

The ex-girlfriend who was cheated was not reconciled, so she kept in touch with Ming Yinliang intermittently. Ming Yinliang actually told the other party that he would be rich soon, richer than his brother, and asked her to wait for him.

In fact, he is engaging in venture capital to deceive investors. The plan is being implemented.

Ming Yinliang's ex-girlfriend was just like him. She was a liar who had no bottom line and was used to defrauding others.

She has been pretending that she is a socialite and spread the cheated money to various small artists, and heard about Misa and Kim Min Kwon from Yin Mingyao, and at the same time Ming Yinliang actually sent money to engage in Misa , and by the way, an e-sports player, she planned to arrange this large-scale vicious fan incident that could kill three birds with one stone, and directly broadcast the self-harm scene.

Li Cheng also didn't expect that offending a pervert and a perverted ex-girlfriend could lead to so many things: "Ming Yinliang pretended to repair his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, but in fact he wanted to take revenge on this woman and his younger brother Yin Mingyao, and more directly The purpose is to destroy me. This kind of person is worthy of being a shocking fraudster.

He spent a sum of money to achieve the effect of killing three birds with one stone, which I admire very much. "

"The truth is actually revealed!" Dong Mingyang felt that Misa could completely restore her reputation.

Li Cheng gave them a white look and continued: "It's not that simple, Du Enrou only agreed to help me investigate, and didn't say to help me clarify.

Last week, after the opponent received the S5 championship ring sent back by the LPL competition system committee, on the day of his return to the arena, didn't Kim Min Kwon sit in front of the live broadcast camera with a big pomp and calmly give fans a face-to-face, expressing that he is still healthy?
That is in place of a press conference.

After all, Ming Yinliang's ex-girlfriend is not a vegetarian. She knows that Yin Mingyao used to rent out the SWB team to do things for the boss. No one will look good if this thing is revealed. Our LPL arena, VH team, and even the SWB team will be in the gutter. The ship was overturned, so SWB simply took it all away, and didn't even hold a press conference. "

"Eh!" Dong Mingyang finally understood why Master Sha was so melancholy, and he didn't see her so uncomfortable when she shaved her hair. "This is too disgusting! Is there any evidence for this watch? Impossible!"

Li Cheng closed his eyes sadly: "She really has it. You just say why Yin Mingyao is so brain-dead. He made a video of the clip where Jin Min Kwon scored high points when he booked the venue back then, and stored it on the cloud sharing platform."

"Yin Mingyao's fucking family lives in a stinky ditch! Has his mother raised him but not his mother taught him! Blast him!" Dong Mingyang exploded in anger, and bounced off the stool.

Li Cheng shook his head: "No, the name of the god king is still there, and Jin Zaiwen even gave that woman a hush money. This incident formed a chain of interests that restrained everyone."

In fact, she was the one who was most constrained. She cared about Jin Min Kwon's reputation, and this was her weakness.

Yin Mingyao and Ming Yinliang cannot be publicly whipped, because SWB was not honored when it was in trouble, and the ex-girlfriend who caused the accident cannot be exposed and whipped.

And she had already figured it out. If she had not offended Ming Yinliang on the street, this incident would not have happened. She could not involve Jin Minquan and damage his reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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