Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 370 368: You stole my dragon

Chapter 370 368 You Stole My Dragon
Stealing a dragon is not an easy task every time, the limit is stuck, and then you have to withstand the appearance of the last dragon falling to the ground skill, whether you can grab it depends entirely on luck, and there is a very close nerve reflex arc, there is no way to try it all , and if it is not worth stealing, it is not worthwhile, and the lost heads cannot be recovered at all.

Stealing a dragon is something that cannot be practiced with skill.Bai Yu would never do anything he was not sure about.

"...Ming Wang has never been opportunistic, I guess Jianan will give it a try." Su Yuan knew his family's support very well, because this person was not even willing to touch Longchi's side during training. , he is not such a gambler character at all.

However, Lin Jianan would not try it, and others don't know where the effort has gone.

Lin Jianan finally took a breather from the devilish training arranged by Ji Yingduo, how could he not slip away?He agreed to go out with Song Jin'er to buy fried crayfish, glanced at Team 1 on the first floor, and slipped out.

Gao Le's expression of bitterness and deep hatred: "Really, I can think of the result after I stole this one case. It will be beyond redemption."

Maybe I will be grinded by SWB's jungler for a month in a row, and I will never think about solo queue in the Korean server from now on.

Li Cheng just likes to torture Gao Le very much, let him understand what it means to really steal a dragon: "You are sure to steal it before you steal it! Are you too crazy? Don't you like stealing dragons the most? Picking up for nothing Who doesn’t want it if it’s cheap!~”

"There is no such thing as a free pick!" Gao Le not only knew he was wrong, but he really didn't want to steal it anymore. Not as much as today, I swear that I will live well in the future, okay! This is another one, okay? Fight hard, let's form a group in the middle and fight with the opponent."

"Eh hehe, you only dare to find soft persimmons to steal dragons, don't you! A real man must dare to face a bleak life! It's useless to say anything! You have to go!" It's not like Li Cheng didn't think about holding a group in the middle of the wave .

But in a fight with such a skilled opponent, the group of them will die in a row and in a row, and their postures will be neat when they fall down.

To put it bluntly, she just can't fight head-on, she doesn't have that strength.

Gao Le saw that Baron Nash's health bar was coming to an end, and he raised his heart to his throat, and he was at the most nervous moment: "I can't do it!"

He didn't want to experience the days when he was targeted by Kim Min Kwon until he vomited.

"You have to do it! If you are a man, you can't say you can't do it!" Li Cheng entered the field, and the timing was just right.

Baron Nash's health has bottomed out, and this is also the time when SWB's middle and wild spirits collapsed the most.

Li Cheng didn't flinch: "Come on, Pikachu!"

"!" Gao Le was exhausted from queuing all night today, and he didn't know if he could still steal the dragon after grinding for more than 25 minutes.

Li Cheng licked his dry lips and devoted himself to this wave of harassment, unable to hear a single noise.

At this moment, in the training camp of the DT team, there was suddenly a quiet needle drop.

Gao Le pursed his lips tightly: "..."

Li Cheng's trick enchantress was exposed to the opponent's view of the dragon pond. Sure enough, the God King was patrolling beside the PPD grass waiting for someone to attack from the front, and he collided with him.

Ahri hesitated to move, but soon used the W skill to find the half-pipe LeBlanc.

Li Cheng knows what it means to show up at the level of a wild area guide book: "My god, it's so dangerous, I almost got hurt by Ahri's W. warding + skills to find the way!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Ahri's correct usage of jungler.

It was the first time Bai Yu saw how bright Ahri's jungle skills were in the jungle, and he was a little surprised: "The light effect is too strong, it doesn't look like an assassin."

"Well, it's a gorgeous moment. I figured it out... Forget it, it's clear." Li Cheng's LeBlanc avoided the opponent's pathfinding skills by moving, and she predicted Well, the direction in which the skill may be calling.

"Consecrate it!"

Li Cheng suddenly released the skill when Gao Le shouted. Just when he fell to the ground with a trace of blood, Li Cheng's LeBlanc suddenly used the displacement skill W+R+Q+E that could almost span half the screen. Double rushing into Ahri's skill range, throwing out his ultimate move, QE double-hooked to Riven who passed the stop, received a flat A to activate the passive, and smoothly killed Ahri in seconds.

It only takes 1 second to kill.

Ah Li staggered to the ground. This was the moment of hesitation. She struck first and he died first.

Su Yuan spit out lollipops from his mouth: "Hahahahaha, absolutely, ancestor! Who taught you, LeBlanc?!"

Dong Mingyang also breathed out: "Oh my God, my heart jumped to my throat just now. Not to mention hand speed, my mentality is quite convincing."

Su Yuan applauded Li Cheng: "I'm very convinced!"

Even if anyone knows how to move, the key is to have a stable mind. Even if you know who the opponent is, you can still use your skills steadily, which is not easy.

It would be strange if he didn't tremble before making a move.

Ji Yingduo especially admired Li Cheng's sudden shift when he popped his head out and was found to avoid it: "You put a radar on your head before you moved!"

"No, it's intuition!" Li Cheng didn't know why her intuition was so accurate, she just sensed where the other party was, so she was able to move away in an instant.

She suddenly remembered that that position was actually very special, it was his favorite position in the jungle.

My heart was pounding, as if I could hear the other party say later: "Your dagger is right in my heart".

Su Yuan also didn't look up to see clearly who missed the opportunity: "Did I get dazzled just now? I think he seemed to hesitate!"

"Nonsense, what a delay, what a waste of hesitation." Dong Mingyang didn't think Jin Minquan would let it go.

Su Yuan analyzed it and wondered if it was right: "Just now Ahri still has BUFF on his body, so he went to harvest a wave of fire dragons, and when he came back, he picked up the rhythm of fighting dragons. Nothing was delayed. Compared with Misa's LeBlanc, It should be like the disparity of a cat catching a mouse, as long as LeBlanc is exposed to the field of vision, he can release R and QA to take away the crispy LeBlanc! After shaking for a while, a thought flashed and then became dull for 2 or 3 seconds."

Ji Yingduo agreed: "He did hesitate. It's not a matter of delay. He didn't even hit the second level of damage from the Orb of Deception just now."

If he strikes first, she will die first.

Dong Mingyang couldn't believe this possibility at all: "Are you fantasizing? Dear friends! This is not on the field. The delay of our overseas VPN must be biased for LeBlanc he saw!"

Even Bai Yu was sure that the other party was hesitating: "He really was hesitating. You don't believe our team's internet speed and you don't believe your eyes? What's stuck?"

"This...or it happened that we got stuck just now!" Dong Mingyang still didn't believe it.


(End of this chapter)

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