Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 337 335: When we meet again, we will be enemies

Chapter 337 Chapter 335
Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo kept walking through the VIP channel to send Jin Minquan to the security checkpoint, not even daring to blink for fear of any accident.

You must know that for such a heavyweight player, losing a single hair will cause widespread concern in the industry.

People on your territory must return home safe and sound, otherwise you should ignore them.

Jin Minquan reluctantly searched for Li Cheng near the security checkpoint, but couldn't catch anything.

He had just said goodbye, and his face showed the look of the Cowherd looking forward to the Weaver Girl. He simply didn't know what to say to Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo.

Ji Yingduo murmured in her heart, hurry up, you won't be able to tie her to you, okay?

Li Cheng was afraid that he would cause riots if he appeared next to Jin Minquan, so he didn't show up at the security checkpoint.

To be honest, she didn't wear a peaked cap or a mask, so she was easily recognized when she traveled brightly.Even if she wasn't a celebrity, her good looks would attract a lot of onlookers.

Jin Minquan waved his hand to greet Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo: "Goodbye!"

Ji Yingduo said goodbye generously.

"Goodbye is the enemy, I think you should be very clear that Misa will also be your enemy!" Bai Yu said this lightly when Jin Minquan turned around.

When Jin Minquan turned his head sharply again, Bai Yu and Ji Yingduo were already submerged in the sea of ​​people, and no one could be seen.

As Ji Yingduo walked towards the entrance of the VIP passage, he muttered, "Why did you say that when you said goodbye just now?"

Isn't this purely stimulating Jin Minquan's desire to win?

Looking at Jin Minquan's appearance today, Ji Yingduo was confused and entangled, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

Bai Yu seemed to see through everything: "He didn't want Misa to be his opponent, so he wanted to take Misa away early in the morning and bring him to the SWB team, so he could tie Misa to the SWB tank forever , and at the same time can achieve the purpose of being inseparable from the opposite square.

Now he knows that Xiaocheng will never run away with him to the SWB team.

Then in the intercontinental competition and the World Championship, whether he sacrificed the interests of the team to release the water, or beat the opponent until he cried with all his strength, or because of emotional interference, his state declined, etc. It is possible, and he will definitely follow up with him in the future. We play psychological tactics, I want him to cut off the possibility of using Misa to disturb our emotions. "

Even if the pressure to face Jin Dashen will be a little higher, at least Li Cheng will not be caught in the middle. The opponent is the opponent on the field, you have to figure it out.

This is probably the reason why Korean teams have to sign a no-love treaty with professional players.

Top players will definitely eliminate all unstable factors that are not conducive to the game.

Ji Yingduo didn't think so: "From my point of view, the manager of the SWB team was also afraid that Jin Min Kwon's status would decline, so he was asked to come here, at least to detonate the bomb in advance, which is better than detonating it in the intercontinental competition.

So he came here not only to confess his love, but also to determine what would happen to him. "

"It makes sense, this time, he gained a lot.

In exchange for a championship ring, Misa promises that she will never fall in love in her career.

Then he can wait for Misa on the field no matter when she retires, and also tell her that he will not retire until the day she retires. This is an attitude of preparing to fight with us to the end. "Bai Yu also had ups and downs in his heart, because facing such a durable player, his condition is only a small part, and experience and playing style are the most important.

If Jin Min Kwon's entire career lasts more than ten years, the intercontinental and world championships will always be full of "excitement".

Ji Yingduo can see his determination: "Although Guoli Orange has a stubborn personality, he is the type of keeping promises. After seeing our attitude, he will not hesitate, and will definitely use 120 points of strength to confront us. beat.."

Bai Yu also knew that he was impulsive today: "Just think that I just said the trash talk that should be said in advance, so as not to stretch it for too long, and we won't be able to let it go."

Ji Yingduo felt that Bai Yu was really tough enough: "Well, that's true. But if you pissed him off, aren't you afraid that he will control points in the ranking?

Now the Korean server can’t wait to throw out 4 or 5 teams a day. Our Chinese team is also causing great harm to passers-by in the Korean server. If this is targeted by all members of SWB, our youth trainees will not be able to play in the Korean server. I trained in the Korean server. "

Bai Yu felt that if Jin Minquan had this amount of capacity, the LOL competition system committee would not give him special rewards. He is a very general player: "Don't you know his style? Can you really piss him off?" There are only people who can defeat him, and when will he pay attention to the rest of the trivial matters."

Inexplicably, Ji Yingduo felt that he was lying on the ground again: "It's normal for me to be better than him in solo, and you don't care how old he is than me! How many years has he debuted... Plus he started from S3, he didn't How about you won the singles championship?"

Of course Bai Yu was not referring to this.

Bai Yu turned his head while pacing quickly and said: "I don't think we should be so leisurely, and don't even compare the training time, then it really can't be justified.

Go back to training early. "

Ji Yingduo let out a very unhappy cry.

Ji Yingduo and Bai Yu are together, and Bai Yu has always restrained Ji Yingduo.

The two happily returned to the international airport and when they arrived at the VIP lounge, they searched for Li Cheng, but there was no one there.

Ji Yingduo thought she was going to the bathroom, so he picked up his mobile phone and made a call, but no matter how far or near he walked around, he heard the echo of Li Cheng's mobile phone ringing on the sofa chair coffee table in the lounge.

The blood scabs on her ankles haven't been completely removed, and she can't walk very well now, so she shouldn't be able to go far, but she can't be found anywhere.

Ji Yingduo sat on the sofa and took a sip of his drink, saying why not wait a while?
Maybe he started shopping at the airport.

The first floor above the airport international arrival is the shopping mall, and there is a whole floor of upper bunks. Maybe she just went shopping because she was bored of waiting?Otherwise, I will not call or answer.

Bai Yu used Li Cheng's mobile phone to call the Bluetooth phone on her smart watch, but the other party still didn't answer.

Then the lobby manager who arrived at the VIP lounge came over and said, "The lady who was waiting for you here just now has been away for half an hour, and she just ran out in a hurry."

Ji Yingduo pinched Li Cheng's cell phone with a Pikachu shell and asked suspiciously: "Where can she go without a cell phone?"

In this era, going out without a mobile phone is more serious than playing hooligans, not to mention that she has no cash on her.

(End of this chapter)

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