Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 335 333: Don't ask me why I got sand in my eyes

335 Chapter 333 Don't ask me why I got sand in my eyes

Li Cheng couldn't control his emotions, and his eyes were wet again: "Is there any eardrum repair surgery or something?"

Jin Minquan was afraid that Li Cheng would dislike him, so he immediately replied: "It can be repaired, my hearing loss is caused by damage to the eardrum, not neurological hearing loss, so it is Misa that can be cured! Really! However, as long as there is no delay in the schedule during his career, surgery will not be performed.

Because the recovery period is very long, and there are certain risks.One of the requirements during the recovery period is that you can’t take a plane for one year, but you basically fly in the second half of the season every year, so there is no way to have surgery now. "

Li Cheng nodded vigorously: "Of course, it can definitely be cured, but won't the pressure on your ears be too great when you fly to Jiangcheng like this?"

After knowing his situation, Li Cheng wanted to cry even more.

Jin Minquan wiped the tears from the corners of Li Cheng's eyes in a panic: "Don't cry, I'm sorry, you see I have to fly often to participate in the Intercontinental and World Championships, so it's okay, don't cry!

I didn't mean to grab you today, but I'm too afraid that you will leave inexplicably, I'm sorry. "

Li Cheng is remorseful, she shouldn't go to Korea to meet him willfully, and when she sees him, she will leave him with a heartache and make him chase him. Isn't this adding to the burden on her ears?

Li Cheng also kept saying sorry.

Li Cheng really wanted to shake off the tears on her face, because it was too embarrassing.

Fortunately, I learned expression management when I was an idol, and I can control myself not to turn the corners of my mouth, otherwise it would be ugly in front of the male god.

Ji Yingduo looked at Li Cheng wiping his tears from a distance, and sighed once every 3 seconds: "This...what can I do...!"

He had never seen Li Cheng look so cute and pitiful, and his heart was picked up. He was always the only one who made Li Cheng cry, and it was no one else's turn. He would be made to cry by other boys, which made him very upset.

Bai Yu didn't know what to do: "Are all Koreans so sensational?"

Ji Yingduo took a sip of his coffee: "Is it a racial talent? The skills are all added to the romantic routine."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu had a flash of inspiration: "How about I contact Xiaocha?"

Ji Yingduo clapped his hands: "Oh, by the way, quickly ask Xiaocha what to do in this situation."

Bai Yu quickly grabbed his cell phone and called his sister.

Xiaocha was taking a lunch break when she was woken up by a phone call from her brother.

Normally, if it weren't for an urgent situation, Bai Yu would never disturb Xiaocha who was in class at school. She was a high school student.

Xiaocha yawned at the beginning, and then immediately regained her spirits. Since her associative ability was completely distorted by Li Cheng, a lot of tragic plots had been imagined in her mind at this moment.So even such a close sister, after knowing what happened to Jin Minquan, persuaded: "Brother, let him go for a while, after all, it's not on the field, is it?"

Bai Yu felt that he let Ji Yingduo usually because of their love for him, and because he was the oldest brother among them, he should let them go.

But Xiaocha asked him to let Jin Minquan know what was going on: "You let me let him?"

Xiaocha couldn't tell why, so: "Brother, I just think he is so pitiful. He has no parents since he was a child, and he still can't hear clearly. We must let him."

Bai Yu helplessly held his forehead: "He's not pitiful, okay? He's trying to be pitiful now so that he can abduct your sister Misa. Then after she becomes a Korean's daughter-in-law, you won't be able to see her often." She did."

Xiaocha was taken aback: "Ah? Really? That's not okay! Sister Xiaocheng won't go with him, didn't she promise that we would be together forever!" When did Xiaocha agree? Can't remember, but she just believes that Li Cheng will keep his promise.

"So you have to think of a way." Bai Yu spoke to Xiaocha in a serious tone.

Xiaocha got up to 120 points and said, "Then you will take my sister back?"

Bai Yu wanted to hear something important: "How to grab it?"

Xiaocha replied blankly: "Brother, you are so smart, you have to use your super high EQ to think about it~"

Ji Yingduo snorted coldly: "Xiaocha is really too naive, she overestimated Guolicheng's integrity, I'll go and rescue her."

It is not the first time that Ji Yingduo went to "rescue" Li Cheng.

When she was young, she was often surrounded by boys from other schools who came to watch her after school. No matter where she went, she was the focus of discussion among the boys. There was only one reason: she was beautiful.

Her beauty is not the kind of ordinary people. She has been favored since kindergarten, she was already a campus star when she was in elementary school, and she was already a well-known little fairy in the region when she was in junior high school.

When Ji Yingduo helped her get rid of those boys who were chasing after him, he basically used the same routine - to solo in the game.

Although Jin Minquan couldn't treat it like ordinary people, but after all, he didn't come to single out, he came to confess his love, right?
Bai Yu thought Ji Yingduo had come up with some new idea: "How to save him?"

"Let's go solo, what else can we do?" Ji Yingduo wanted to rush over just now, then turned around and turned back. Because he didn't bring a laptop, he was going to borrow a computer from the lobby manager of the VIP lounge.

Bai Yu helped his forehead helplessly: "Stop it, I don't think solo is a good way."

Just when Ji Yingduo was busy for a long time and finally got a computer, he saw Jin Minquan took out a jewelry box for rings from his backpack.

A very delicate box with a transparent glass cover and two layers of gold painting on the inside and outside, like a crystal texture.

In an instant, he and Bai Yu's nervous hearts rose to the top of their throats.

Ji Yingduo couldn't believe that he could propose marriage just after meeting him for the first time: "I'll go! What do you want to do?"

Bai Yu said with him in unison: "What is this for!"

Li Cheng also stood up from the sofa chair in fright.

Jin Minquan opened the crystal box cover from the front, and there were three strangely shaped rings inside.

Li Cheng covered her mouth in surprise, as if she was being proposed, but it was not the other party asking for marriage. The one he wears is the official custom-made championship ring of the LOL competition system committee in the S3/S5/S6 season, and the third championship ring of Kim Min Kwon is even more special. It is a special crystal ring, representing his irreplaceable status in the LOL world.

Li Cheng took the crystal box with a very pious heart, and looked at the three rings carefully. At this time, Ji Yingduo also approached from behind. At first, he meowed, and stepped away with a reassuring look. After all, it was not a diamond ring, and then Immediately knowing what it was, all attention was captured.

Ji Yingduo was also very surprised: "LOL world championship team championship ring!"

(End of this chapter)

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