Orange Blossom is a bit sweet

Chapter 31 030: Little counselor?

Chapter 31 030 Little counselor?

Ji Yingduo relaxed for a while while cutting into the map.

He raised his hand to take a sip of mineral water, screwed on the bottle cap with one hand, and at the other end of the network cable, his teammates listening in could hear his steady breathing, the sound of swallowing while drinking water, and the clicking of the mouse.

The sound of dawn is really nice.

The articulation is very clear, the tone is unhurried, like an announcer, and the master of the pen is willing to be driven by him, what kind of person is this?
The God of Breaking Dawn is very cold. He has very little activity in Sword Three, but he is a celebrity in Ionia.

The girls in the chat group all held their breath, for fear of missing a note from Li Xiao.

This person is sitting in front of the screen. Does he have a pair of peach blossom eyes as delicate as silk, or a pair of deer eyes as clear as water?
Is it a sword eyebrow or a horizontal eyebrow?
Are the lips thin or thick?
It's really exciting.

Ji Yingduo heard Li Cheng talking about how to order the Juggernaut's runes, his slender fingers paused for a while, and then he took off the headset and brought it back again. The microphone was tilted up and pressed closer to his lips: "The rule of three heads and one tower Do you still remember?"

Li Cheng held her breath, sat up straight, and replied like a good student: "Well, oh...remember."

"Without runes."


"Summoner skill without healing and recovery."


"Use the grass on both sides of the river as the boundary, and start again if you go beyond the grass, understand?"


Ji Yingduo said in a calm manner, by the way, move the joints of his hands to avoid soreness. He felt that Li Cheng acted a little too cute today.

Li Cheng replied in a low voice: "Hey, when I think about it, it seems like I haven't soloed with Master for a long time."

She was sighing sincerely, it really seemed like a lifetime away.

"Boys, please light a candle silently in the dungeon for me first.
I think this round is over, I want mirror mode next time! "Li Cheng sighed deeply. She needs to lose first to find her status. After all, she really threw away what she learned before and needs to review it.

(Mirror mode: the mode that appeared in the later period of S4, the official entertainment map.

The mirror image means that the ten heroes on both sides are exactly the same. There is a ban process at the beginning, and everyone recommends the hero. The hero with the most candidates is the duel of this hero, 10 identical heroes.

She doesn't know which hero she should choose. Although Bai Yu will protect herself a little, under Ji Yingduo's nose, the possibility of getting hints from the opposite side is very small, so she wants the mirror image mode.

The happiest mirror mode is when 10 people pick the same hero, and you can see 10 Teemos growing mushrooms on the map. )
In the middle solo, there has never been any enemy in the dark.

Daomei has been an excellent duel hero since the ancient S1 period.

With super high damage, unlimited displacement ability, and super long control, in the hands of Ji Yingduo, everyone who is a sword girl and Neng Tianxiu can't get in.

Li Cheng may be so dead that he doesn't even have room to fight back.

Ji Yingduo saw the invincible little sword master holding his sword and hiding under the tower like a maggot, so he shook his head from side to side and rubbed his shoulders: "Okay, you can get out, I will let you have one hand, let you die Be flamboyant."

Being controlled to death by Daomei's infinite displacement is indeed a gorgeous death.

After hearing Ji Yingduo's words, Li Cheng became more motivated: "No! You are already level 3, and I haven't developed yet!"

Unknown people were laughing and laughing in the chat room.

【Ye Chong】: "Hahahaha, I burst into tears from laughing, level 3, hahahaha, Ye Ying, hurry up and get out of the circle to make gestures, we know you are very brave."

[Kangqiong]: "The Great God wants to give you one hand?! Xiaoying, I suggest you choose the right hand, it is more suitable than the left hand! Hahahaha."

We all know that the right hand is used to release skills, and the left hand can also release skills, but you need to use the mouse to click.

But Li Cheng said angrily: "I can't die like this, my master will be very embarrassed, okay? I'm not that good!"

Ji Yingduo didn't take it seriously, she knew best if she was good or not, but hearing Li Cheng's attitude of not admitting cowardice, she thought that she was sensible if she had the energy.

Li Cheng said that since she became a teacher, hiding under the tower when facing him is also a kind of courage. She really couldn't react at the moment of death and screamed every time.

10 minions were sent out in 108 minutes in the middle.

It has been 5 minutes since the meeting, and it can be seen how complete the Juggernaut has shrunk.

【Kang Qiong】: "Xiaoying, I'm going to laugh, you can't let your master replenish troops, your tower is about to fall, your master is almost level 6, do you have to replenish troops to 100, Is this solo ending in a way where the king doesn't see the king and the soldiers don't see blood?"

People like Qian Zhihe, who couldn't help but want to complain, had to intervene, and he could see it more clearly at the map scene: "Why can't the king see the king! It's obvious that the king can't see the turtle!"
I thought that Xiaoying was as fierce as she was in the field map of Jianzhi [-], when she saw someone, she rushed to do it! "

【Ye Chong】: "Leader, don't bother Xiaoying, she must be seriously waiting for reinforcements, she is a girl with strong self-esteem!"

Qian Zhihe was about to laugh out loud: "Hahahaha, hey, hahahahahaha..."

Ling Zhiqi was very angry: "Thousand paper cranes, I think you are the turtle, stop laughing!"

Ji Yingduo turned his wrist and replied with a faint chuckle: "She really did this before, huddled under the tower and counted the time with her fingers, and she won a lot.

But, Qian Zhihe, you say she is a turtle, so what am I? "

Thousand Paper Crane was so frightened that he almost bit his tongue, Li Xiao's voice was too cold, and when he made the sound, he had already come out of the camp and brushed past the leader's character.

Ji Yingduo hadn't heard the answer yet, so he asked coldly: "What do you mean, captain?"

Qian Zhihe knew that he couldn't escape, so he slapped his table and answered bravely: "I am a bastard! I am a turtle! I am I am I am!"

Sure enough, everyone laughed again in the audio chat.

Li Cheng's nervous palms were sweating, and the sound of fabric rubbing came from the receiver. She knew that ghosts and ghosts were chatting in the audio chat channel, but she was too lazy to pay attention to these people watching the fun. She focused all her attention on it. On the way, find ways to develop yourself.

Before level 6, the damage from the tower was quite painful.

A little crispy girl like Daomei won't rush over, right?
Just now Ji Yingduo went back to the camp.

At this time, Li Cheng poked his head out a little bit, and retreated some troops.

After the group leader Qian Zhihe was verbally called by Ji Yingduo, his emotional intelligence seemed to come online. He reminded Ye Ying with the male duck mulberry: "Xiao Ying, hurry up, hurry up! Hide quickly! Your master is out again."

【Ye Chong】: "Headman hhhhhhhh, you don't bring such a thing, oops, I can't, my bones hurt from laughing!"

[Kang Qiong]: "Team leader, it's too late for you to pick up your EQ. The master will go back and beat you later."

Li Cheng ran back in a jerk, and hid back on the back of the tower. Her tower fell off with less than 20% left.

Almost shouted for help.

Daomei leisurely walked to the tower circle where Li Cheng was squatting and slapped the soldiers in the tower defense circle, and suddenly entered the circle with a Q skill [Blade Impact] and hit the Juggernaut.

Li Cheng had long expected that Ji Yingduo would use Dao Mei's Q skill to get over the tower, but she didn't expect that Ji Yingduo would flash before entering the tower, and then hit her with his Q skill.

She uses flash to escape, and others use flash to kill, what a difference.

She really couldn't guard against the flash + displacement skill, and still gasped in shock the moment she was hit by a second.

Alas, it was too fast. Ji Yingduo had figured out a new trick. He didn't just stay close to the tower and wait until she was mentally prepared before taking action.

From God's point of view that's a cool one.

There is only one word for her, and that is to run!
Li Cheng, who was about to run, was hit by the W skill before he ran out of the circle.

Dao Mei can use her W skill to avoid certain physical damage and control the opponent's movement at the same time.

Ji Yingduo calculated exactly which direction Li Cheng was going to run, because Li Cheng didn't really have many options to go around under the tower, and there was no way to go around the tower.

Then he released a big move, controlling the movement of the Juggernaut, and then took the head away with the R skill, without wasting a second.The Juggernaut didn't even have any blood left, and the whole process was so fast that people dared not blink.

Immediately, a first blood notification flashed on the screen.

[Kang Qiong]: "Has anyone seen it clearly?"

【Ye Chong】: "...Ye Ying, have you survived 3 seconds?"

Li Cheng's forehead was sweating and he screamed when he fell to the ground: "Let me take a breath... I think I survived for 3 seconds. It took 5 seconds from being hit to falling."

Ji Yingduo supported his chin and listened to the group chat, then unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and drank two more sips of water: "Well, you worked hard today and released a Q skill, which exceeded the time for drinking a sip of water. You really did your best, I Should I consider not punishing you?"

(Retribution: One of LOL's summoner skills.)
 The master is covered with anger value debuff~~
  In the new book period, I hope everyone will support and water the little seedlings for counting tickets!

  Thanks, Bow (((o(*▽*)o)))
(End of this chapter)

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