Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 93 Interrupting Good Things (2 More)

Chapter 93 Interrupting Good Things (Part [-])
When Yun Qiyi heard the fighting in the martial arts arena, he suppressed his injuries and went out from the room to see what happened.

Standing in the dark, the night wind blew a little cold, but it was not as cold as the two hugging each other on the martial arts field brought him the coolness in his heart.

With a wry smile, he wanted to quietly retreat to the room.He clearly knew that that man was very important to Yu Sha, and he was more aware of the distance between himself and that man.

That is the person who can protect her and protect her.

And myself... In the end, I only had to rely on Yusha to protect him behind him.

What qualifications does he have to stand by her side?

The figure was completely hidden in the darkness, Yun Qiyi gasped for a few moments, but was choked by the sudden rise of breath, and coughed violently, unable to restrain himself at all.

Then, he saw that after hearing the sound of coughing, Yu Sha broke free from the person who was holding him, and hurriedly walked towards him.

He was both surprised and happy, he didn't want to be seen secretly hiding in the corner and peeping; and because of his own cough, Yu Sha left the man behind and came to see him.

Perhaps, in her heart, she is not without a place.She also cares about herself, right?
He rushed back to his room as fast as he could, and when he lay down, he heard Yusha's knock on the door: "Qiyi, I'll come in to see your injuries."

Pushing open the door and entering, seeing Yun Qiyi with a pale face, Feng Yuhuan's heart tightened, she walked over and pressed his shoulder when he got up: "Don't move, lie down."

"How are you?" After she was picked up that day, she also passed out.

Shaking her head, Feng Yuhuan gave him a comforting smile, put her hand on his pulse, and felt the flow of his breath and spiritual power: "I'm fine. You suffered a serious internal injury, and you may recover so quickly."

There was a 'bang' sound, and then the person who followed in kicked open the door, and when Feng Yuhuan cast a suspicious look, she said: "At midnight, it is not good for a lonely man and a widow to live in the same room."

Seeing Tianyan, Yun Qiyi suddenly remembered the hopeful eyes of his senior brothers who died in Heitan with him more than four years ago, and hurriedly asked, "My senior brother..."

"Dead." After throwing out two words lightly, Tian Yan sat at the table, took out the jug and wine glass, poured and drank, his eyes fell on the two people in front of him, staring at Yun Qiyi made him feel uncomfortable.

Feng Yuhuan frowned and gave him a reproachful look before turning her head to comfort Yun Qiyi: "I'll prepare the pill for you. You need to lie down and recuperate. It's not appropriate to use your spiritual power during this time."

Due to the inability to use his spiritual power, Yun Qiyi's trauma also healed slowly.Up to now, the several bone-deep wounds on the heart that were torn by the dragon's claws are still bleeding.

The violent cough just made the wound tear open again.Blood has spread out of the clothes, staining most of the white coat red.

"Take off your clothes." Feng Yuhuan stepped forward and untied his belt directly: "Let me see the wound..."

Yun Qiyi held down her hand, even though he knew that it was just a doctor's treatment.

However, when he thought of this woman, he was no longer just a pharmacist and doctor in his heart.That was the only woman who moved his heart for so many years.

It's normal for a doctor to take off his clothes to look at his wounds, but now the woman he likes wants to take off his clothes to look at the wounds, and immediately feels embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Feng Yuhuan asked with concern, thinking she touched his wound: "Does it hurt?"

A strange blush appeared on his face, Yun Qiyi shook his head, and said: "No, give me the medicine, I'll take some medicine myself."

"I'll feel more at ease." He wanted to reach out to untie his belt, but the person behind him grabbed his hand, pulled him up, and pushed him behind him.

Tianyan said in a cold voice, "I'll come."

After finishing speaking, he tore off his clothes in twos and threes, revealing several hideous wounds with deep visible bones.

Frowning, Feng Yuhuan took out the potion for cleaning and disinfection, and Tianyan took it before she stepped forward: "I'll do it."

The movements were not gentle, and even a little rough to wash the wound with the potion over and over again. The pain made Yun Qiyi sweat on his forehead, trembling all over, and stared at Tianyan viciously.

Did this man deliberately take this opportunity to retaliate against him for interrupting their good deed?
"You, take it easy..." Feng Yuhuan once again wanted to take over when she saw that the person was in such pain.

Tian Yan looked back at her and said, "Sha'er, where's the medicine?"

This glance contained the dissatisfaction that he was left halfway, and also carried the ambiguous atmosphere of the two unfinished, reminding Feng Yuhuan that the two of them were going to double cultivation just now...

His face blushed unconsciously.Turn your eyes away and hand him a bottle of medicine.

After quickly giving Yun Qiyi good medicine, Tian Yan got up and took Feng Yuhuan's hand and walked out.

"Shasha." Yun Qiyi hurriedly called out, stared at by Tian Yan's murderous eyes, and swallowed the next words.


It was so intimate.

In the past four years since he was absent, when did the relationship between the two develop so rapidly?

"You have a good rest, I will come to see you tomorrow." Feng Yuhuan only had time to explain, and was taken away by Tianyan.

As soon as the two entered the room and the door was closed, Tianyan directly trapped him between the door and his arms, with a gloomy voice: "Chacha? Huh?"

"That..." Feng Yuhuan put her hand on his chest, turned her face slightly to avoid the blowing breath: "God, Tianyan, it's late at night... Shouldn't you go back to your room to rest?"

"Chasha... do you want to explain to me? What happened between you and Yun Qiyi in the past four years?" Tianyan approached her and hooked her chin with his fingers.

"Nothing happened. I... I'm tired and I want to rest." Feng Yuhuan began to communicate with Yusha in her body: "Come out and bear..."

Yu Sha didn't respond at all, and pretended to be dead.

"Oh? Want to take a break?" Tianyan smiled, with an ambiguous tone: "What we were interrupted just now, can we continue before taking a rest?"

What was interrupted just now?
Double... double repair?
"No, no, no..." Feng Yuhuan blushed, and pushed away the close face with one hand: "I, I think we should talk about what happened in the past four years!"

Eyes slightly bent, suppressing the smile on the corner of his mouth, Tianyan nodded, let her go, and sat at the table.

After a while, he hooked his fingers at her and said, "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Feng Yuhuan sat across from him, and summed up a few words lightly: "There has been nothing wrong in the past few years. I just retreated for three years, and then it took another year and a half to go to the Eighteen Souls. Fenggu six people and Yun Qiyi intercepted and killed Fei Rong, they have been alone all this time."

"Shasha~." Tianyan said lightly at the end, with doubts: "You think I'm so easy to fool? Huh? Shacha?"

Unconsciously, the scene of Yun Qiyi crying and telling about that night appeared in his mind, but it was his secret after all.Feng Yuhuan didn't intend to tell the matter, but said: "The day I broke through the final stage of the Aperture Realm, I asked him to accompany me through the trick."

"anything else?"


"Shasha~!" Tianyan got up and approached her: "It seems that you are more inclined to double cultivation with me, it really suits my heart."

Getting up in a panic and backing away, Feng Yuhuan yelled at Yusha almost with the intention of praying: "Come out quickly, please!"

"Tsk~!" Yu Sha tutted lightly, taking control of his body.

(End of this chapter)

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