Chapter 59
Night, pitch black.

Especially in a place like Jieshan, where birds don't shit and people are infrequent, you can't see your fingers, and it's so quiet that you can even hear a needle drop on the ground.

When the sound of small stones rolling outside the cave was heard, Yu Cha suddenly opened his eyes from the darkness, and his figure bounced up quickly, leaning against the cave wall.

Without being able to use his spiritual power, Yu Sha relied on his killer instinct in his previous life and was extremely vigilant.

In the dark, her night vision ability is not bad, and she pricked up her ears to listen to the movement outside.

The footsteps are extremely light, if it wasn't for the little trick she had set up with stones, she probably wouldn't find it until people entered the cave.

In the oppressive situation of Jieshan, it is not easy for people to walk with such light steps.

Listen to the sound of moving footsteps, there are about three people.

She didn't know how strong the cultivator's fighting ability was, but if he could escape Danzong's warning and enter Mount Jie without anyone noticing, even with Yin Mengli's help, he might not be easy to deal with.

Hmph, Yin Mengli!After suffering for half a year, I finally made a move...

With a slight movement of his hand, a small dagger appeared in his hand, and he held it tightly.The dagger that Tianyan sent was very good, cutting iron like mud.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Yu Sha's body stretched slightly against the stone wall, like a black panther waiting to hunt and prepare to attack, its breathing slowed down and became lighter...

Near, five, four, three, two, one...

When the first figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, Yusha popped out instantly, and there was a flash of silver light in the darkness. The speed was so fast that people had no time to react. The dagger directly wiped the opponent's throat with extremely accurate force, and the main artery was cut.

Apart from the strong smell of blood and the sound of those whose throats were cut struggling to lie down, there was no sound in the night.

Yu Sha killed one person with one blow, and he didn't want to fight. The figure flashed against the other side of the stone wall. Relying on his understanding of Jieshan's topography in the past six months, he accurately flashed into the recessed gap in the stone wall, waiting for the second opportunity to make a move... …

"No, there is an ambush." ​​The other two body-cultivating cultivators leaned back to back vigilantly, and walked into the cave step by step.

Yu Sha clings to the gap, trying his best to integrate himself with the stone wall.

The remaining two body-cultivating monks were looking around the entire cave, but they didn't see anyone.

The position where she hid happened to be a blind corner for people entering the cave, and this gap could be seen after walking about ten steps.

Now, how can she solve one of them as quickly as possible before they find out?
The first moment was when the opponent was unprepared and succeeded, but now that the enemy is on guard, it is a bit difficult to kill him with one move.

Listening to the footsteps of the two, and counting the sound of the footsteps moving, a small dagger appeared in Yu Sha's other hand.

Her palms were slightly sweaty, she hadn't used this trick for a long time...

The two enemies were very cautious, and they moved carefully with every step. The short distance of ten steps felt like a long walk.

Three, two, one...

The dagger in his hand was thrown out at a strange angle with his wrist, and the two enemies dodged in an instant. At the same time, Yu Sha used the power of the stone wall on his heel, and his figure flew out from the gap, and the dagger in his other hand pierced through. .

The two people back to back quickly separated, facing her, one raised his hand to block the stabbing dagger and snatched it away. The other walked around behind her, and the palm wind attacked, as fast as lightning...

At the moment when the palm wind hit behind him, Yu Sha committed himself to go around in a circle at the same time, stood up from behind the opponent, grabbed the other hand from the darkness, and the first dagger thrown out at a strange angle flew out of the cave One circle, it appeared in her hands accurately.

Seizing the moment, he suddenly stabbed fiercely from the dead point on the back of the opponent's neck, and killed another one!
This series of actions only happened within two or three seconds, and everything was just right.After solving the second one, Yu Cha didn't hide anymore, and rushed towards the last one directly...

Ding ding ding, the two daggers collided quickly in the dark, sparking a little light, and the two fought dozens of moves in an instant, evenly matched.

"Who are you? Didn't you say that there is only one alchemist here?" A hoarse male voice came from the darkness: "Are you also a body cultivator?"

Yu Sha had no intention of answering at all, and continued to rush to fight with the opponent.

After the two had gone through hundreds of moves in the dark, Yu Sha tried all the moves he had learned, and also tried out the depth of the opponent's skills.

This body-cultivating cultivator is very skilled. Fortunately, he just dealt with two of them. If she had to deal with three enemies of the same skill at the same time, she probably would have to take some injuries to handle it.

"Stop playing." With this sound, Yu Sha's original speed increased a lot, and he quickly eliminated the opponent before he got used to it.

After dealing with the three enemies, Yu Sha relaxed his body slightly, squinted his eyes suddenly, and shot the dagger in his hand towards the entrance of the cave: "Who?"

When did the fourth person come, she didn't realize...

How long has this person been here?How long have you been watching?
To be able to appear so quietly, the skills must be higher than the three who just arrived.

Without hesitation, Yu Sha no longer hides his clumsiness, and bursts out at the fastest speed to attack the people outside the cave entrance.

Her target was the opponent's throat, when the palm wind hit, the opponent slightly turned sideways to slap the palm on his chest, but unexpectedly, when Yu Sha got close, his palm turned into claws, and directly grabbed his neck.

He only had time to take a step back, and the sharp nails scratched the opponent's neck, leaving a trail of blood.

"Tsk..." With a soft tsk, the opponent also made a move, grabbed Yusha Rouyi, pulled him into his arms, and whispered before she made a move: "It's me."

"Tianyan?" The familiar voice made Yusha stop, and he was hugged into his arms.

Hao Di lowered his head slightly, put his forehead on her forehead, took Yu Sha's hand to touch the bloodstain on his neck: "It's so cruel, I almost lost my appearance."

"Why did you appear here?" Touching the wound on Haodi's neck, Yu Sha knew that there is no spiritual power on Mount Jie that can automatically repair the wound, so he rubbed it lightly: "Does it hurt?"

"The whereabouts of these three people are a bit strange tonight. I have been in touch with the people sent by Yin Mengli frequently, so I paid more attention." Haodi's voice became hoarse and lazy with the movement of Yusha: "Who knows, come here. You just hit me."

The corners of Yusha's mouth curled up almost invisibly. In the 30 years of her last life, she didn't seem to have encountered a person who silently cared and paid, and every time she faced it by herself.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and traces of bright light scattered like water, allowing the two people on Mount Jie to be bathed in a light curtain of light and dim.

"You didn't open your mouth, I thought it was an enemy." The body that finally relaxed, simply leaned directly on Haodi's body: "Tianyan, thank you for coming. There is no medicine here, you go back and apply medicine..."

"I heard..." Hao Di tightened his arms, lowered his head in her ear and said, "Saliva can also be used as medicine. Sha'er, take some medicine?"

The low and magnetic voice carried an unspeakable bewitchment in the dark night, accompanied by the warm breath passing over the ears, straight into the heart, fluttering like a feather, making the heart tremble slightly.

Yu Sha subconsciously wanted to push him away, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that the other party raised his jaw, under the beautiful and smooth jaw line, in the middle of his white neck like jade, there was a little blood dripping from the fatally sexy Adam's apple.

Suddenly, Yu Sha leaned closer and bit gently, feeling the other party's soft snort, the rolling of his Adam's apple when he swallowed with difficulty...

"Sha'er..." Hao Di's hoarse voice overflowed from his throat.

"Okay, go back and apply the medicine." Yu Sha pushed him away, took two steps back, and looked away from the wet part of the opponent's neck.

Did she just go crazy?Actually nibbling and licking like a puppy...

This little goblin-like saint, let go after flirting, it's a test of his patience...

It's just that, now that he is Tianyan, it seems that he can't do anything else other than endure and leave.

"Throw the bodies of these three people outside Yin Mengli's room."

After leaving the last sentence, Yu Cha had already recovered his composure, and returned to his stone bed covered with thick quilts to lie down.

"Okay." Hao Di didn't say much, and dragged the three corpses away.

(End of this chapter)

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