Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 44 Saving lives is important (2 more)

Chapter 44 Saving People Is Important (Part [-])
At the outer gate of Danzong, Haodi reclined on a magnificent and comfortable imperial concubine chair. The reclining chair covered with sable velvet was incompatible with this simply furnished room.

"Forty rounds of refinement..." Haodi, who stared at the light curtain in front of her eyes and watched Feng Yuhuan's every move, murmured: "This spiritual power, the earth fairyland? How is it possible?"

It's unheard of to reach the fairyland with spiritual power at only [-] years old.Even he has never done it...

Huofeng planted Lingzhi back into the house, and replied: "Maybe the upper realm hides a lot of secrets, just like the lower realm, no one knows the existence of the master?"

The entire Immortal Demon Continent knows that the Lower Realm is the region of the Demon Realm, and there are twelve underground palaces and twelve Demon Palace Lords who are in charge of the Demon Realm.Only these twelve palace masters know that the supreme leader of the demon world is the demon lord Hao Di, and serve him.

No one knows that there is a fairyland in the lower realm who has already broken through, the supreme demon lord exists.

If the celestial sects in the upper realm knew about the existence of the demon lord, they would have been heavily guarded and panicked, fearing that the demon realm would attack the upper realm at any time.

"Well, Fenggu has a long history and has always been mysterious. I can take this opportunity to use this saint to investigate." Thoughtful, Haodi's eyes never left the person who entered the third round of teleportation on the light curtain .

Huofeng kindly reminded: "You replaced the avatar to get close to the saint. If it is revealed in the future, the matter of making the avatar and the saint a Taoist couple will also become a mess."

The master of his family does things as he pleases, and it is common for things that were decided in the last second to change immediately in the next second.

"Is the avatar of this seat not a part of this seat? Is there a difference?" With a squinting glance, Huofeng was so frightened that he knelt down.

"There is no difference. It's just that the way of the saint's cultivation is the way of salvation, while yours is the way of killing..."

Walking with their backs completely, out of place, born and sworn enemies!
Hao Di curled his lips into a smile, quite pleased: "Salvation and killing are a good match."

Is it a good match?The corner of Huofeng's mouth twitched, wondering where did the owner see the match?
"I kill all the way, and she saves all the way. It is very good to achieve both my way and the way of a saint."

Fire Phoenix: "..."


The place where the third round of assessment was sent was a small village with simple folk customs.

The village has a small population, about a hundred people, and they are full of enthusiasm for the new monks.

"The Immortal is here again, and the triennial assessment is here again, welcome!"

The villagers smiled sincerely and led the fifty or so monks to their homes for accommodation.

These monks soon discovered that this place may be the gathering place for the assessment every three years, because every villager's home has an alchemy room wrapped in a formation for the monks to use.

How can this be owned by ordinary people?

It must be Dan Zong's handwriting again.

Immediately, the attitude of the monks who looked down on these villagers turned slightly better, and they talked politely with the villagers, only to find out that this village really existed in the upper realm.

Originally, this place belonged to a part of land in the back mountain outside Danzong. Later, the people in Danxia Town under the jurisdiction of Danzong suffered from some incurable diseases.

Danzong has always been more concerned about treating the common people than other sects, so they simply turned the surrounding land into an independent space to accommodate these seriously ill common people.

Borrowing the extremely meager aura here will not harm ordinary people and even prolong life.Every year, several alchemy disciples are sent to treat them.

Later, the triennial new disciple assessment was also set up here.In this way, the assessment disciples can contribute a little bit to treat these sick common people.

Similarly, in exchange for it, the common people provide board and lodging for the disciples who are being assessed.After all, sometimes alchemy is not something that can be done in a day or two.

The villagers here were sent out after being cured, and a new batch of patients came in.

After the fifty monks from the third round of assessment entered the independent alchemy room, an old voice came from the alchemy furnace.

"Based on the fact that the content of this assessment was set by the great master, it is different from the previous assessments. This assessment lasts for one month, and the elixir refined is Snow Spirit Pill. The Snow Spirit Pill was created by the Grand Master. This time, we will share the formula with everyone shared."

Then, a sheet of pill formula and several elixir plants needed for the pill appeared beside the pill furnace.

"Snow Spirit Pill, a high-level pill. Each assessment student has one and only one elixir material. If it fails, there will be no other ingredients to refine. This pill is extremely time-consuming. The great master concentrates on it day and night, and it takes 20 days to complete the pill."

"The materials provided by Danzong are engraved with seals. After the assessment is over, the alchemists can judge the quality of the snow spirit pills made with the materials with Danzong's seal."

"An additional assessment item is to treat the local villagers within this month. The more people who recover, the more points will be added to this assessment."

At the end of the announcement of the assessment content, an old voice resounded forcefully: "The third round of assessment officially begins, countdown!"

Almost all the monks chose to refine the snow spirit pill first, and then talk about saving the villagers.

After all, with the ability of a great master, it takes 20 days to refine the alchemy. Who knows if they can finish it in a month?

As expected of the content of the assessment stipulated by the grand master himself, it is extremely strict...

Yin Mengli took the pill formula and pondered for a long time, and with her ability, it would take about a month to refine this pill, that is to say, she might not be able to add extra points to treat patients.

Compared with the two, she resolutely chose alchemy...

As long as the quality of the elixir is improved above all others, she can also be favored by the great master and accepted as a direct disciple.

Only, Feng Yuhuan in the alchemy room glanced at the recipe of Xueling Dan, put away the ingredients and recipe, and wanted to leave the pill room.

Yu Sha, who gave the remnant soul control over his body, couldn't help reminding: "Do you want to refine the elixir first and then come out to save people?"

Normal people's thinking has to be clear about which is more important.After all, it is an assessment, and the pill is the most important thing.

Feng Yuhuan, the remnant soul, didn't turn her head back, and her thoughts came out: "Saving people is the most important thing! This elixir has been refined a lot since I became a teacher in my previous life, and it can be refined in five days. But just now I saw many villagers and found that many His illness can't last a few days."

Unable to resist Feng Yuhuan's innate compassion and mission of saving suffering and suffering, Yu Cha simply restrained his soul into a state of self-awareness, allowing the other party to control his body to toss.

With a flick of her finger, she changed her black attire into the white she was accustomed to, took off the black hat and replaced it with a white gauze to cover her face, and Feng Yuhuan walked out of the alchemy room...

Almost all the villagers were looking forward to guarding outside the alchemy room, hoping that one of these monks would come out and save their lives.

But in the end, only the white gauze covered her face, and Feng Yuhuan, who was walking lightly in holy lotus steps, met the almost desperate eyes of the villagers.

"Ah, fairy fairy... save us, please save us!"

Pairs of cloudy eyes that had lost their spirit, and a haggard face burst into light when they saw Feng Yuhuan, and they knelt down to beg, as if grasping the last straw.

"Everyone, please get up quickly." Feng Yuhuan helped him up personally, and said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will do my best to heal everyone. However, there are a few villagers who are dying of illness and need to be treated first. Everyone go back and wait, I will Coming right away..."

The gentle voice has a convincing and convincing sense of comfort. The villagers went home with full expectations and waited for help.

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(End of this chapter)

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