Chapter 29
Qingluan's natal fire stopped in mid-air, Feng Yi wanted to take this opportunity to coax Feng Yuhuan, give himself a step down, and then sent a private voice transmission: "Woman, tell me, will you spare his life?"

Subconsciously, I wanted to reply: kill!
However, remembering the confession of the remnant soul, to accumulate merits for her, Feng Yuhuan said via voice transmission: "Save your life, just punish it at will."

Feng Yi received the instruction, and snorted coldly at the great elder who was kneeling below: "Offending this deity, the death penalty can be avoided, and the life penalty cannot be escaped!"

Then the blue flames that stopped around the Great Elder gathered into a ray of light, and slammed into him, and people were instantly sent flying by the flames. Although most of the lethal flames were restrained, there was no fatal danger, but the Great Elder would rather directly Just kill it.

He is the most majestic elder in charge of punishment and the most intimidating force among his disciples, but at this moment, he is thrown into the air by a small flame from a green chicken that looks no bigger than a palm, spitting out blood.

The most frightening thing was that the divine fire that burned everything burned all his clothes and hair!Under the noses of many onlookers, Chi Liuliu lost all face.

The Great Elder didn't have the face to stay any longer, and as soon as he was free, he immediately picked up a spell and teleported to disappear in place.

Feng Yi laughed loudly in mid-air, and returned to Feng Yu Huan's side frivolously, flattering her: "How is it? Is this deity doing well?"

He raised his eyes and glanced at the green chicken with its head up, looking like it was waiting to be praised.

There was an unconcealable smile on the corner of Feng Yuhuan's mouth, and the embarrassment and embarrassment of the great elder made her feel a lot happier in an instant.And the biggest creditor is this green chicken that looks a little cute now.

Grabbing Feng Yi with both hands, holding it in front of him, he lowered his head slightly and kissed his little furry head: "Well done."

Then, Feng Yuhuan saw Feng Yi shaking her body excitedly again, the green hair on the top of her head began to turn red, and gradually spread to her whole body and became hot.

Putting aside the hot wings, Feng Yuhuan felt that the green chicken should be renamed the color-changing chicken, or the fever chicken.

Feng Yi has not recovered from the excitement and shyness of being kissed at this moment, and is still trembling after being thrown on the ground.

This woman, the lifetime partner whom Feng Yi had taken a fancy to, was so proactive, she just kissed her in such a large crowd.

Really, really...

I love it so much!
Feng Yuhuang left Feng Pei'er's residence, didn't care about the big pit, and returned to her hut.

Feng Yiyi has returned to the hut at this moment, completed the task entrusted to her by the saint, and reported to her: "Master saint, since Feng Pei'er was injured by you last time, she has cried to the elder, and it is said that she The grandfather scolded angrily. Afterwards, she had close contacts with several outer disciples of Fenggu.

These outer sect disciples have low cultivation bases and belong to the collateral clan of the Great Elder's lineage.In order to curry favor with Feng Pei'er, he often gave her many rare items.In the past, Feng Pei'er didn't pay much attention to the collateral clansmen, but since she was beaten last time, she started to contact these outer disciples.

The mana cultivation of outer disciples is generally not high, and they need to do some tasks to make money for cultivation resources in the valley.They can't do high-level tasks, and often accept small tasks entrusted by the people of Fenggu Town.Therefore, they are relatively familiar with the common people in Fenggu Town.

In Fenggu Town, I heard that you go to the free clinic every six months, and I also know that in the eyes of the common people, you are like a god of salvation. Even after many believers built longevity statues to worship, Feng Peier came up with an idea , to ruin your image in the hearts of the common people and ruin your reputation.

——This time, I went to interrogate the murderers captured by Immortal Feng Ling who killed the common people, but I didn't expect that it was the outer disciples Feng Pei'er ordered to frame you.Saintess, you are so powerful, you found the investigation clues in no time, and these outer disciples just threatened them casually and confessed.

Immortal Venerable Feng Ling has imprisoned Feng Pei'er, and also passed down the decree, so that the elders and elders of all clans in Fenggu will gather in the temple tomorrow to make the matter public and judge Feng Pei'er. "

"No wonder I destroyed Feng Pei'er's palace. She never came out. It turned out that Huangniao imprisoned her." Feng Yuhuan affirmed Feng Yiyi's ability to handle affairs: "It's done very well. I will keep more people in the future." Take some time to practice, and use all the spiritual plants here if you need them."

Feng Yiyi quickly waved his hands: "No, no, this spiritual plant was cultivated by you with a lot of effort."

"The things cultivated are all for use. After tomorrow, I will go to the secret realm to retreat for a period of time. I hope that when I leave the customs, your cultivation base will have a breakthrough." Although Feng Yuhuan has always been ruthless, she is very kind to those around her. People are extremely generous.

Especially for those who are loyal and capable, she is even more generous.

"The next time you go out of the customs, if you can break through to the perfect state of refining the gods, I will use a fairy medicine to refine a pill for you to help you break through the golden alchemy state."

"Yi must work hard to cultivate, and live up to the expectations of the saint." Feng Yi quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Well, I have time to learn more cooking skills." Feng Yuhuan paused, unconsciously recalling the delicacies made by Tianyan in the secret realm, swallowed, and said, "For example, roasted pocket chicken with honey sauce."

Uh?Feng Yi was taken aback, not understanding why the topic suddenly changed so quickly?One second he was still talking about cultivation, and the next second he turned into roast chicken.But still nodded vigorously and agreed, as long as the lady wants to eat, she will definitely learn to cook.

"Tell me about the distribution of forces in Fenggu." Feng Yuhuan tapped her fingers on the table, listening to Feng carefully explain the current distribution of various clans and dependent forces in Fenggu.

In the past, Feng Yuhuan really only focused on studying medicine, planting herbs and refining alchemy, and didn't care about anything about Fenggu.But it is different now, she has become Feng Yuhuan, and according to her own inertia, she wants to cultivate and consolidate her power.

Fenggu will be the strongest force she relies on in the Immortal Demon Continent. Although she can't control everything in her hands now, she is not allowed to exceed her control too much.

After tomorrow, she will be in seclusion for a long time.Therefore, before that, she had to disrupt and rearrange the distribution of forces in Wind Valley.

At least, before she leaves the customs, make sure that most of the people in Fenggu belong to her sphere of influence.

Thinking of the lethality caused by Feng Yi's deliberate misleading today and the deterrent effect achieved by his powerful cultivation base, Feng Yuhuan originally didn't plan to announce that Feng Yi was her beast pet before he became an adult, after all, the green chicken The image really made her feel a little ashamed.

But now, it is necessary to release one's bargaining chips for everyone to see, so that these clan elders and elders who have lived for a long time to become smart can see the facts and choose their positions.

After thinking about this, Feng Yuhuan let go of her heart and communicated with Feng Yi: "Feng Yi, come and find me."

"Okay, the deity will be here soon." Feng Yi turned into a green light and disappeared, trembling happily.

His family, Feng Yuhuan, finally called his name!

(End of this chapter)

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