Chapter 268
Feng Xiaoxue's words struck into the mind of the peeping soul outside like a bolt from the blue.

Feng Yuhuang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes widened.

Therefore, Feng Xiaoxue was not the only divine beast given to her at all, but placed beside her to monitor all her actions.

She also told her every day how much she felt about Haodi and how she missed him.

It turned out that Emperor Hao knew all about it, but he was still unwilling to come and see her.

"Master's obsession is clearly with you, master! But she can't stop cutting..." Feng Xiaoxue felt aggrieved for Emperor Feng Yu.

"Shut up. Go down." Emperor Hao snorted coldly, his eyes swept away, Feng Xiaoxue fell silent for an instant, and stepped back.

Emperor Hao had a complex expression, still rubbing the two jade bottles, hiding the pain in his eyes.

The three-headed beast sighed: "Xue Fenghuang is right, if you go to see her when she is obsessed, I'm afraid it will be the last time."

"She still can't cut it off..." Emperor Hao whispered.

"You hope that she will never be beheaded." The three-headed beast said: "In this way, you can continue to deceive yourself and others."

"Since when did you lose your mouth like Feng Xiaoxue?"

"I have three heads and three mouths. If I say these words, it's called a broken mouth?" The three-headed beast is very helpless, and it also feels sorry for its master: "The responsibility on your heart is too great, and it has been too hard for the long years. .”

Emperor Hao seemed to be touched, and he also babbled: "The ancestor god left me such a problem, which concerns the entire prehistoric creatures, and I am the lord of the prehistoric, what can I do? After all, the Emperor Yu is my raised child. "

"However, she is also the Lord of Chaos! Back then, the ancestor gods left blood essence to restrain her, and asked you to urge and supervise her cultivation to the point of killing three thoughts. This is the only way to dissolve the chaos, and the way to preserve the entire prehistoric world."

"The Ancestor God couldn't do it by himself, but he entrusted me to do it." Emperor Hao said with sarcasm, but also with unconcealed pain: "Yuhuang still foolishly thought that after she cut off her obsession, she would be like me, To become the supreme being of the prehistoric world can achieve the supreme avenue.

The child didn't know that once she cut off her obsession, she would have to go away.Use your own cultivation to the peak, combined with the essence and blood of the ancestor gods, to completely cleanse the last chaotic energy, turn it into a ruin, and become the nutrient of the prehistoric aura...

But if Emperor Yu hadn't cut off his obsession, the suppression of the blood essence of the ancestor god would not be able to last for too long.If the Primal Chaos Qi is allowed to continue to grow, the blood essence will no longer be able to suppress it, once it erupts..."

At the end of Haodi's speech, his heart was in so much pain that he didn't speak anymore...

None of them knew that all the words were heard clearly by the Fengyu Emperor who broke out of his soul.

She didn't know how she melted her soul back into her body, she was stunned by the truth she heard.

When he returned to his body, he couldn't even bear the blow, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Her phoenix eyes were confused, she curled up slightly, trembling...

She never imagined that the ultimate goal of the person who accompanied her for countless days and nights, raised her and educated her, who she regards as the closest, most trusted and intimate person in this world, was to coax her and make her go back to ruins. and go.

No wonder, no wonder, all along, Emperor Hao said the most words to her is "You should practice."

Every time he promised to play with her, every tenderness, every tender persuasion, it was at the price of a breakthrough in cultivation.

He said, "It's time for you to practice, stop playing."

He said: "Cultivate hard. When you can cultivate like me, I will take you out of this mountain to play."

He said: "When you practice to cut a thought, I will give you a unique thing."

He said: "Come out and cut down the evil thoughts, I promise you will stay with you from now on, okay?"

He said: "For the matter of a man and a woman to reproduce offspring, two people need to be in love with each other."

However, after the two of them did this in the cave, he didn't allow her to mention it again, and fled in a hurry, never to appear again.

yes!This is what needs to be congenial.

How could he fall in love with each other?He accompanies her, pampers her, and urges her to study cultivation, all because of a responsibility entrusted to him by the ancestor god.

How could Emperor Hao fall in love with her?

He has always pampered and protected himself, just because he was afraid that he would go crazy, lose control of his body's strength, and destroy everything.So he had no choice but to pamper and protect her, making her mistakenly think that he loved her.

It's ridiculous.

His ultimate goal is to let her cut off the three thoughts, return to the ruins, and become the nourishment of the entire prehistoric aura.

He is the lord who protects the entire prehistoric world, but she has the lord of chaos in her body who can destroy the entire prehistoric world.

They are the two sides of the irreconcilable power.

What's ridiculous is that the two depended on each other and spent countless long years clinging to each other.She regarded him as the love of her life, but he only wanted to destroy her.

Yes, they are right.

It's not that she can't find her own obsession, but because her obsession is Emperor Hao, she can't stop this feeling.

But now, the monstrous hatred and anger have turned into new obsessions.

The air of chaos in her body was churning with her emotions, her pupils became so dark that there was no focus, and black mist lingered all over her body, she screamed heart-piercingly, "Ah~!"

With a loud bang, the retreated cave was instantly blown to pieces, and the whole mountain was shaken.

"Master!" Feng Xiaoxue looked in horror at the Feng Yuhuang who soared into the sky, surrounded by demonic energy, with long hair flying all over the sky, full of hostility.

"You still have the face to call me master?" She raised it and taught it, but it turned out that it was the thing that Emperor Hao sent to monitor her by her side, eating things that betrayed her.

With five fingers, Xue Fenghuang was grabbed by her at will, and the black energy eroded away.

When Emperor Hao arrived, he rescued Feng Xiaoxue in time and motioned for it to leave quickly.

"Yu Huang, what's wrong with you? Calm down, you will harm the place where you live, the prehistoric land where you were raised, and the creatures close to you..."

The sudden runaway made Emperor Hao dare not confront him head-on.

Feng Yuhuang squinted at the man she loved with all her life, and laughed wildly: "The Honghuang who conceived and raised me? You are still lying to me. You are the one who conceived and raised me, and I have always relied on my body The air of chaos."

Emperor Hao's expression changed, as if he still couldn't figure out how she knew everything?
"You want me to kill three thoughts? You want me to return to the ruins to provide you with nutrients?" Feng Yuhuang suddenly grabbed at Emperor Hao's heart with five fingers: "Emperor Hao, I want to dig out your heart to have a look , is it empty?"

"No, Emperor Yu. I'm trying to figure out a way..." Emperor Hao hurriedly retreated, blocking this terrifying attack.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your deceitful words again."

Feng Yuhuang's phoenix eyes were filled with hatred and anger, and she allowed the chaotic energy in her body to rise more and more violently, no longer suppressing it, and even wanted to turn the blood of the ancestor god into her body to suppress the chaotic energy and destroy it.

"Emperor Hao, since you are devoted to guarding the Great Desolation, you are willing to sacrifice me. This world is unkind, so don't blame me for ruining the Great Desolation, and let everything return to ruins and chaos!"

The air of chaos that could no longer be suppressed directly exploded, and the body of Emperor Fengyu turned into nothingness. The air of chaos swept across the entire mountain in an instant, covering and eroding the boundless flood...

She annihilated the whole prehistoric...

 Stay tuned for the finale tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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