Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 26 Demon Lord and Saintess

Chapter 26 Demon Lord and Saintess
Feng Yuhuan raised her eyes slightly, looked at the person who came in from behind the screen, and said softly, "You are not sick."

"I'm sick of heart." Haodi sat down casually across the table, staring at Feng Yuhuan with burning eyes.

He had to admit that this girl looked really pure and untouchable, and it would be a good idea to bring her back to the Demon Palace for collection.

Feng Yuhuan consumed a lot of mental power, and the remnant soul was already a bit over-consumed at this moment, and the tiredness could not be concealed between her brows.Strong support the spirit to deal with the comer.

Looking up at this man, there is a pair of obsidian-like indifferent eyes that seem to see through the world, which is extremely attractive. The combination of facial features is extremely ordinary, making people forget it.There is no spiritual power fluctuation around the body, it should be an ordinary person.

"Please sit down." Feng Yuhuan smiled, very politely: "I don't know what's bothering you?"

Hao Di was dressed in ordinary blue cotton and linen clothes, but when he sat across the table, he had an unconcealable majestic demeanor, and he sat on a futon with a sense of dignity like a dragon king.

"I actually got an extremely precious toy. It was in my pocket, but it was snatched away by an unexpected guest. I feel very uncomfortable, but there is no way to get this precious toy back." Hao Di said something. refer to.

Qingluan was snatched away, and a contract was signed. This kind of divine beast only recognizes one master for the rest of its life, and it is true that it cannot be taken back.He just wanted to see, what kind of person is this woman who can make Qingluan recognize her as her master?

"The phenomena in the world are illusory, and everything is transformed. The heart moves and everything moves, and the mind is quiet and everything is still. People, the more obsessed and entangled, the more futile, let go, and then you can be at ease!"

Feng Yuhuan's voice was soft and flat, but every word seemed to resonate with the world, causing the water in the Guhe to churn and roar, and the sky behind her was filled with brilliance.

Hao Di's dark eyes like ink flashed, and he felt that the hidden cultivation in his body was faintly loosened in these few short sentences and resonated.

This is not a realm of enlightenment that can only be achieved by immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul realm.The words that come out of this kind of perception already have the Taoism recognized by the world, at least it must reach his kind of perception that is only one step away from reaching the heavenly fairyland.

Could it be that this girl's innate ability to enlighten Tao is what the Qingluan divine bird is looking for?
"I have one more thing, I can't figure it out. I want to ask the saint to help me." Unconsciously, Haodi's disdainful attitude changed slightly, and he already had the intention of talking with him.

"You say."

"I have a neighbor who is neither relatives nor relatives. I see him in distress, and I give him help from time to time. Or food, or clothes, or money. One day, I was in trouble and couldn't help him. My neighbor called me a hypocrite. I had good intentions, but I didn’t expect that people’s hearts are not enough, and this neighbor takes my help as a matter of course. If I don’t get it, it’s my fault.”

Haodi's words are again not about drunkenness, what he is referring to is actually the incident of the common people's riots that he saw this time. Under the instigation of people with good intentions, many people accused the saint.He wanted to see, what was her opinion on this matter?

"Mountains and rivers are easy to rise and retreat, and small people are easy to reverse and easily overwhelm. Human feelings are like paper, and the world is like a chess game. Choosing to help others is to be kind. As long as you give and don't expect anything in return, everything will be fine. Don’t be moved by it now. It’s enough to stick to your heart.”

"You can see clearly." This saint is a true and kind person. She clearly knows that people's hearts are capricious, and human feelings are as thin as paper. Fan can make people feel at ease.

It's just that this runs counter to his path of practice.He is a demon, he cultivates as he pleases, and even walks a way of killing.He was thinking, will this holy woman who is dedicated to saving the world save him, the devil who became enlightened by destroying the world?
Haodi thought evilly: he kills one person, and the saint saves another; I don't know if he kills faster or the saint saves more?
Feng Yuhuan's remnant soul became weaker and weaker, and she no longer had enough mental strength to support her to fly back to Wind Valley.The enchantment formed by her covering the square finally flashed and disappeared completely.

The instant the barrier disappeared, Guhe's wind blew in with cold air, messing up her black hair all of a sudden.

"I hope today's words can clear up a little bit of confusion for you." Feng Yuhuan stood up, brushing away the hair that was blowing her face, but the power of the remnant soul was already too weak to support her body, and she fell down while shaking.

Feng exclaimed one by one, and before he could rush over to support the Holy Maiden, the figure in front of the table flashed and embraced the weakened body.

Haodi hugged Feng Yuhuan, only to feel the soft fragrance in his arms, but it fit very well, and he unconsciously tightened the person in his arms.Raising his hand to gently brush the broken hair off her face, the soft and smooth touch between his fingertips feels good.

Before Feng Yuhuan fell into a deep sleep, she only had time to leave a spiritual thought to Yu Sha: "Help find the monk who killed the people, don't hurt people's lives."

It took only a split second for Yu Sha to take over Feng Yuhuan's body.When he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of black eyes as deep as a deep pool, and an ordinary face.And the owner of the human face hugged her tightly, and the fingers stroking her face.

"Let go." Commanding coldly, Feng Yuhuan broke free twice but couldn't break away from the opponent's embrace, her phoenix eyes suddenly burst into murderous intent.

The hair infused with spiritual power instantly wrapped around Haodi's wrist, and suddenly pulled away the hand that was touching her face.

"My lord saint, he is a commoner, please be merciful." Feng Yi said in time to save the person whose wrist was almost cut off by a strand of hair.

Haodi let go of him, staggered back two steps, touched his wrist which was strangled deeply by the hair, bleeding profusely, and said innocently with a pale face: "I was kind enough to watch the saint fall and help her." Just live."

The interpretation of an ordinary person who has no power to restrain a chicken is three points to the bone.Feng Yiyi quickly picked up a technique to stop his bleeding, and took out the wound medicine with elixir to rub on him.

Feng Yuhuan didn't even bother to stay out of the corner of her eye, and flew directly across Guhe to go back to Fenggu...

Feng Yiyi explained with a bit of embarrassment: "Well, the saintess is unintentional." He hurriedly handed the elixir in his hand to Haodi: "You take this medicine back and apply it, it will be fine in two days."

After all, he hurried back to the valley with Feng Yuhuan.

Haodi tossed the bottle of elixir up and down, looking thoughtful.The deep bone-deep wound on the wrist healed in the blink of an eye.

The moment the saint opened her eyes again in his arms just now, he was absolutely right.Those were a pair of pupils that were so indifferent that they were almost heartless, completely different from the gentle, kind eyes that were full of warmth when they were treating the common people.

There is also the hostility around him that cannot be concealed, and the hair of spiritual power that kills him mercilessly.It's more like the Feng Yuhuan who formed a pact with Qingluan in the secret realm.

This saint is a bit interesting...

The corners of Haodi's mouth raised slightly, and he slowly walked away from the altar, step by step, like a stroll in a garden, but his figure was strange, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye...

(End of this chapter)

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