Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 244 Extremely Good and Extremely Evil

Chapter 244 Extremely Good and Extremely Evil
"The hour is up."

Haodi appeared from the crack in space, saw her little saint's hand being held by a man, and instantly took her into her arms to declare her ownership.

Regardless of Yu Sha's dissatisfied eyes, the hand around her waist tightened.

He knew that this man definitely had other plans, so he took advantage of the maneuver to make a move.

The little saint of his family is grateful to the adoptive father who raised her, so she is naturally polite to him.

Bai Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, his glazed pupils gradually turning dark brown.His body's instinctive reaction told him that the man who suddenly appeared in front of him was very dangerous.

However, in his heart, regarding this man who has replaced his position in Yusha's heart, and is holding Yucha in his arms at this moment, he can't suppress the urge to kill him quickly.

Haodi directly ignored the existence of Bai Qingge. In his eyes, except for the woman in his arms, everyone else was no different from ants under his feet, so he didn't need to pay attention.

"Has the matter been resolved? It's time to go back." Hang Mou asked, and she had to educate her well when she got home, and she couldn't let anyone else touch her hand except herself.

Yu Sha took a look at Bai Qingge, and when he looked at his pupils that were about to turn black, he whispered to Haodi and begged: "Don't do anything, he is my adoptive father, he is in my favor."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Qingge raised his gun and fired six bullets at Haodi as quickly as lightning.

Holding Yusha's waist, Haodi raised his hand, a light shield blocked all the bullets: "Don't overestimate your strength."

Bai Qingge abandoned his gun and rushed over with all his strength.

Hao Di soared into the air, a cloud of black mist condensed in his hand, and with a slight push, the buildings outside the square were smashed to pieces.

"Are you sure you want to fight again? I'm afraid that if I can't control my strength well, you won't even have scum left." Haodi stared at Bai Qingge in midair.

Bai Qingge is not stupid if he puts down his aura, this disparity in power balance makes him gradually regain his sanity.

After the pupils returned to their original clear and beautiful glazed color, they looked up at Yu Sha: "It's him, right?"

The man she loved and was willing to give herself to.

Yu Sha hooked the corners of his lips and nodded affirmatively.

Bai Qingge said again: "There is a huge disparity in strength, this is going to be a fight, I'm afraid it will be difficult for foster father to teach him for you."

"Why do you still expect us to fight?" Haodi was dissatisfied, and after landing with Yusha in his arms, he really wanted to punch Bai Qingge.

Pressing the palm that was about to move, Yu Sha smiled and said: "I was able to draw with him once, and I will definitely not be worse in the future."

After a slight pause, Bai Qingge instantly understood that this once definitely did not refer to the time when the man in front of him was weak, but Yu Sha was once strong enough to tie him.

Looking at this child who was equal to him in two worlds, Bai Qingge waved his hand after all, and said calmly: "Let's go."

Yu Sha's eyes were slightly moist, and he asked: "Do you have any wish that I can fulfill for you?"

Bai Qingge shook his head subconsciously, and said after a long while: "Find the place for me. If you find it, whether I live or die, show me the world."

"it is good."

After agreeing, Haodi held her hand, and the two disappeared...

After the two returned to Yusha's room, Haodi touched her face first, and asked with concern: "How is it? Can the soul take it?"

"It's okay." Yu Sha smiled, "I'm going to meet He Lan."

Feng Yuhuan in the body heard it, and quickly asked: "Are you dissatisfied with my handling of He Lan? He may have caused you to be killed in the previous life, but I faintly feel that there is another reason for the matter. Don't be impulsive. Killing him, committing murder is not good for your soul cultivation."

"You handled it very well. In fact, after experiencing everything in the Immortal Demon Continent, I am much less obsessed with this world. The Huang Gang will come to an end in my previous life, and it is all the result of my own willful actions.

In my previous life, I actually had no humanity, and I did a lot of underground transactions, which were harmful to nature and reason.It is well deserved to end up like that. "

Yu Sha recalled all kinds of things in her previous life. At that time, her elder sister advised her to stop, but she didn't listen.At that time, He Lan told her that if the Huang Gang continued in such a dark way, they might not be able to go far.She still does her own thing.

In fact, think about it, how many people cursed her name because of the destruction of the poison family at that time; how many other countries were displaced because of her arms business...

She has never formally examined how many sins she has committed. If she hadn't been reborn in the Immortal Demon Continent and merged with Feng Yuhuan, she would have never felt that she had missed anything in her previous life...

At that time, she would occasionally think that when she came back to the earth, what she would do was to lead the royal gang to bleach, cut off the underground business, and let the Feng family bleach to really raise their heads.

And now, isn't what Feng Yuhuan is doing exactly what she wants to do?

Feng Yuhuan asked: "Then why do you want to find He Lan?"

"In my previous life, I received a message from him before I got on the plane. At that time, I hated him so much that I didn't even open it and threw the phone away." Yu Sha recalled, "I want to know if he really hates me, Hate so much that I have no bones left?

I ask myself, when I treat someone I trust, I also treat him wholeheartedly.I gave He Lan all the rights, even if the identities and positions are different, I think that trust and friendship is at least true. "

"How do you ask?" Feng Yuhuan analyzed: "He didn't know what happened in his previous life, and now He Lan is still wavering because of all the confusing behaviors I did before. It's useless to ask. .”

"Yes." He sighed in a low voice.

"Actually, I'm glad that your vengeful heart has balanced so much, and you've surprised me by re-examining everything rationally."

"That's because the two of you have been fused for too long, and each other's souls have been deeply influenced by each other. Your good thoughts and Sha'er's evil thoughts are constantly being neutralized."

The communication between Yusha and Feng Yuhuan did not conceal Haodi. When he said this, the two suddenly realized that even though they did not practice the Soul Melting and Cracking Soul Technique, their souls were still slowly growing. fusion.

This realization surprised the two of them.

"I said earlier that the two of you are one." Haodi stroked her hair, picked up a strand and kissed her lightly.

"How could this be?"

"The compatibility of your souls is as high as splitting from the same person, and fusion is a matter of time." One extremely good and one extremely evil are not healthy souls at all.

"You already knew?" Yu Cha stared at Hao Di, pressing tightly.

Hao Di was thoughtful, and replied: "No, there is such a strong feeling."

Feng Yuhuan tentatively asked: "Could it be that you don't want the two of us to split up and face choices, so you hope we can merge into one?"

"Don't you want to face this kind of choice?" Haodi asked back, hugging her tightly and bowing her head to kiss...

Sometimes it’s better to do more than talk!

Feng Yuhuan: "..."

Yu Sha: "..."

Well, do it!
(End of this chapter)

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