Chapter 24
Wind Valley Town:
Although the Immortal Demon Continent respects cultivating immortals, there are still many ordinary people.The people living in the upper realm rely on the protection of the fairy gate to survive.Stretching hundreds of miles outside the Fenggu Fairy Gate is the residence of the common people, called Fenggu Town.

The location of the free clinic is outside the altar at the edge of Fenggu Town.The altar was built on the side of the valley river that cut off the world like a moat outside the fairy gate of Fenggu, separating the fairy gate from Fenggu town on both sides.

The roaring roar of the river is artificially impossible to cross, only the immortal cultivators of the Wind Valley Immortal Gate can fly over it.

At this moment, the patients who came from other places to seek help from the saint for healing, or came to see the rumored saint, or the devout believers of the saint have surrounded the empty altar square with water.

Feng Yiyi stood at the height of the altar, unable to utter a word for a long time.How would she convey what the Holy Maiden told her?With so many people, one mouthful of saliva can drown a person.

The crowd waited for a long time but did not see the saint, and the crowd couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Wind Messenger, why hasn't the Holy Maiden come yet?"

"I beg the Holy Maiden to come out quickly! My old man's illness cannot be delayed any longer..."

"My lord, please show me your spirit!"


The crowd became a little chaotic. Fortunately, many devout believers of the Saintess spontaneously formed a team to maintain order and comfort many patients.

A figure stood outside the crowd, watching the scene in front of him coldly.The demon lord Hao Diyin lost his cultivation and changed his appearance, except for a pair of dark eyes as deep as ink, with a kind of indifference that ignores everything.

Well, as if that wasn't confusing enough.

Haodi smiled, and with the mentality of fearing that the world would not be chaotic, he casually touched an old man lying on a stretcher, his body suddenly stiffened in pain, he twitched a few times, and then died suddenly...

The aunt who was following the old man shook his wife's body and howled, "Old man, old man! Help, help... Lady Saint, please show mercy!"

The crowd, which was originally a little riotous, became even more restless now.Immediately afterwards, patients in the crowd suddenly became ill and died quickly.

Hao Di raised his eyebrows slightly, he only hurt one person's life.This sudden and accelerated death, someone else did it?

The crowd panicked and wailed everywhere:

"How did this happen? My lord, how can you refuse to save me?"

"Holy girl, holy girl... my daughter can't survive anymore, how can you just abandon her? She's still so young..."


The howls were accompanied by the pain of losing their loved ones, and the insane people began to rush frantically towards the height of the altar where Feng Yiyi was.

The saintess believers around the altar could hardly suppress the rioting crowd, and they kept shouting to the wind one by one: "Wind Messenger, please ask the saint to come out, we are almost unable to support."

Feng Yiyi was so anxious that tears were about to come out. The situation happened so suddenly that she didn't know what to do.Now tell the people that the Holy Maiden is not coming, I am afraid that she will really be torn apart by the people.

A sudden voice in the crowd coaxed: "The holy girl is clearly refusing to save her, it's in vain for us common people to trust her so much."

"That's right, I even enshrined a statue of longevity for her, and I smashed the statue of longevity when I got home. I don't believe that the saint is the savior anymore."

"That's right, it's smashed. I don't trust the hypocrite Saintess anymore! She just wants to deceive us people to worship her, and today she finally showed her true colors."

Under these incitements, many people in the square were also filled with righteous indignation. They overthrew all the behaviors that have never stopped treating the common people for ten years, and began to accuse the saint of all kinds of wrongdoings, accusing her of being so helpless. What a disgraceful behavior.

Feng waved his hands vigorously one by one, listening to the various voices of his own saint being wronged, he was so angry that tears fell down: "That's not the case. How can you say that about the saint? What she has done for the common people in the past ten years , how many people were saved by her, how can you generalize?"

Hao Di looked at the rioting crowd with great interest, and his eyes fell on a few sneaky figures in the crowd.He only moved one person just now, and the rest of the dead should be the few people who just incited the crowd to riot.


It seems that not only him, but other people also want to trouble the saint Feng Yuhuan.This rumored saint seems to have made many enemies, and she is not as respected and popular as imagined.

He was happy to watch the play freely.

(End of this chapter)

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