Chapter 226
When returning to the car, Feng Yuhuan took out a bracelet.This is the unique contact method of the Asura Killer Organization.

Next, she had to find her adoptive father.To ensure the safety of Mochen during her absence this year.

The bracelet flickered, and a strange symbol appeared.

This is their password symbol, which translates to: headquarters, identity confirmation.

He raised his wristband, scanned his pupils, and then entered his own unique password.

After the identity was confirmed, she naturally received her adoptive father.The entire organization knew that her immediate supervisor was only her adoptive father.For the rest, no one can call her.

"Are you still in this city?" Feng Yuhuan asked, "I have something to ask you."

"Come to this address." An address came soon after, and Feng Yuhuan glanced at it, startled for a moment.

Isn't this the hotel where Haodi is staying now?
His face changed slightly, could it be that Bai Qingge came to the door and confronted Haodi?

"Hurry up, go here." After giving the driver the address, Feng Yuhuan urged anxiously: "Hurry up."


Hao Di closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa in the living room outside the suite until Hao Yin brought the doctor over.

"Brother." Hao Yin called out.

Hearing Haodi lazily "hmm", but still closed his eyes, as if resting.

Hao Yin endured the annoyance, and continued to speak kindly: "The doctor is here, elder brother let the doctor take a look? Or are you tired, I will ask the doctor to come back later."

Hao Di opened his eyes, glanced over lightly, and fixed his eyes on the person behind the doctor.

The doctor hurriedly said: "This is my new assistant, if you don't like it, let him go out."

The assistant carrying the medicine box bowed his head, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and the glasses slid down from time to time because of his bowed head, and he kept raising his hand to hold the frame.

Push up and slide down, push up and slide down, inexplicably funny.

Several people moved to the round table and sat down. Haodi put his hands on the table and slightly raised the sleeves of his black shirt, revealing a white and flawless wrist.

The doctor rested his finger on the pulse, listened carefully to the sound of the strong pulse, and frowned unconsciously into the word 'Chuan'.

This was supposed to be a body that was eroded into a shell by the slow poison he concocted, but the beating pulse was obviously very healthy.

"How is it?" Seeing the doctor retracting his hand, Haodi put his elbows on his forehead and stared at the doctor with a half-smile.

"Did Young Master Hao feel that his physical condition has improved a lot recently? Besides taking the medicine I prescribed, what else have you taken? Can you show me the medicine?"

Hao Di hooked the corner of his lower lip, showing a slight sarcasm: "I haven't taken any medicine recently. The doctor introduced by my grandfather said that I don't need to take medicine in this situation, just exercise more every day."

"Didn't take the medicine?" Hao Yin shouted in surprise: "Every time the person who brought you the medicine took out the empty bowl, didn't you drink it?"

"I lost it." Hao Di said lightly: "It's strange to say that if you don't drink the medicine, your body will get better. What do you think is going on?"

Hao Yin's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned his gaze to the doctor: "Doctor, what's the matter with my elder brother?"

The doctor felt a chill rising from the spine behind him, and Haodi's eyes seemed to see through everything, with a look of "I'll see how you break it".

"Originally, the recuperation is divided into several stages. Since the body can get better without taking the medicine at this stage, it proves that the direction of the previous recuperation is correct." The doctor hurriedly said: "Now adjust the prescription and enter the next stage of recuperation."

"Oh?" Haodi's eyes swept over several of them, and the assistant who was carrying the medicine box behind his back, who had been pushing the frame of the mirror, paused for a moment.

Get up and walk to the room: "Then go and adjust."

The doctor stood up and warned: "You still have to keep taking the medicine. Since it is proven to be useful, you have to start again when you stop. This is the last stage of conditioning, please don't give up."

Hao Di's figure who came to the door paused, and then turned his head and glanced at them: "Oh? It's the final stage."

After drinking it, it is almost time to return to the west, so it is called the final stage.

"Yes, big brother has been insisting on it for a while. After all, only after taking good care of your body can you marry Feng... No, marry a sister-in-law, right?"

"I'm afraid my health is too good for her to bear..." After leaving a meaningful smile, Haodi walked into the room and closed the door.

Hao Yin sneered silently, still can't bear it?With that tattered body, I don't even know how many seconds it lasted.When the time comes, I'm afraid that the green hair will be so worn that I can't lift my head up.

Only the assistant behind the doctor clenched his fists when he heard Haodi's words with his hands hanging on both sides of his body.

"Let's go." Hao Yin led the people back to his room.

"How is it? What's the matter with that trash?" Hao Yin immediately grabbed the doctor and asked after closing the door, "I thought he was struggling, but his mental state was obviously not right. I didn't expect him to pour the medicine without telling everyone. .”

The doctor first turned around and hurriedly took down the medicine box carried by his assistant, and then said: "His pulse is healthy and strong. It doesn't make sense! He has been taking the medicine for so many years, even if he doesn't take it for a few days, his body will still suffer. Basically useless."

"What if he has been hiding it from you all this time and giving you the illusion of being sick and disabled?" the assistant on the side asked.

Hao Yin frowned, feeling extremely dissatisfied with the rude interruption of the new assistant, subconsciously vented his anger on him.

"Get out. Is it your turn to talk?"

The doctor's face changed, he apologized a few times, and pulled Hao Yin aside: "You are dying? Say a few words less."

Hao Yin was not stupid either. The doctor's strange behavior made him re-examine the assistant whose face was covered by a huge frame.

The doctor's identity is a doctor, but his secret identity is a killer.Directly under the Shura killer organization.A person who can make him value comity so much must have a high status in the organization.

"How did you find out?" the doctor continued to ask in a low profile.

"A patient who has been ill for a long time, does not say whether there is a pinhole on the wrist, and the blood vessels are more prominent in the hand that has been receiving injections and drips all the year round. And his hands are too flawless."

The assistant's voice had a hoarseness that had been honed by sandpaper, and it sounded very uncomfortable: "His whole state, his eyes are all playful. From the beginning to the end, it's like watching a fool, watching you act."

"Impossible. These medicines are unique to your killer organization. I don't say that I can supervise him to drink medicine every day, but I can't say that I watched him drink it for several years. Is there something wrong with your medicine?"

Hao Yin was anxious, if it was found out that he was the one who framed his elder brother all these years, and if his father found out, he might be abolished.

"It's not a problem with the medicine, it's a problem with the person." The assistant pushed his glasses and said, "Either the person you saw drinking the medicine before was a fake, or the person in front of you is a fake."

After finishing speaking, the bracelet in the assistant's hand flickered, and he turned around and left the room.

(End of this chapter)

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