Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 221 Lost the Vest

Chapter 221 Lost the Vest
Feng Yuhuan, who had already eaten a large bowl of Lingmi porridge, was not hungry, but she couldn't bear it. Yusha's body was not immune to delicious food by nature. When she saw the delicate and delicious food served on the table, she couldn't eat anymore. few.

In the end, I had to use the little bit of spiritual power that had just been introduced into my body to help consume and eliminate the stuffed food in my stomach.

Sitting in the living room watching Feng Huang make tea, Feng Yuhuan felt amused at her behavior of using spiritual power to consume food, and couldn't help grinning.

"Huh?" Feng Huang glanced at her: "Why?"

Shaking her head, Feng Yuhuan restrained her smile, leaned forward and said, "Grandpa teach me how to make tea."

"it is good."

Feng Yufeng was not interested in this kind of tea ceremony like an old man, so she got up and went back to her room.

Feng Yuhuan studied very seriously, almost after Feng Huang explained it once, she was able to realize a lot.

There was unconcealable admiration in his eyes, Feng Huang handed the tea set to the granddaughter, watching her gracefully move, calmly look, complete all the steps of making tea like flowing clouds and flowing water, there is a faint sense of immortality.

"Grandpa, try it." He picked up the teacup and handed it over.

After taking a sip of tea, Feng Huang said, "Let's talk."


"Didn't you learn tea art to distract your sister? What do you want to tell me in private?" Feng Huang's eyes were filled with wisdom that sees through everything.

Feng Yuhuan smiled: "I can't hide it from Grandpa. Yesterday I went to Langui Nightclub and talked with He Lan. I plan to return his original territory to him."

"The territory you have laid down by yourself is up to you."

He looked up in surprise: "Grandpa doesn't care? After all, this is an external force within the scope of our ancestral house."

"If I cared, how could I allow these juniors to mess around in the area where I live." Feng Huang bowed his head and drank tea.

After a long while, he said, "Have you investigated He Lan?"

"Yeah." Feng Yuhuan knew that before she arrived at this body, Yu Sha had investigated: "He Lan, 32 years old. An orphan, escaped from the orphanage at the age of 16, and has been hanging around with the local local snakes in T City. This person Brave and resourceful, the most terrifying thing is not afraid of death.

At the age of 20, he became the boss of most of the night market forces in T City, and moved southward based on this. In 12 years, it occupied one third of the southern part of T Province.Over the years, the management has been very high, the supply to the top is good, and the prestige of the management is also very strong. "

"You think highly of him." Feng Huang glanced at Feng Yuhuan, and said, "Why don't you consider staying with such a talent to help you?"

"Don't worry. His background looks too clean, and everything is so logical. Knowing that this area in the south is the ancestral home of the Emperor's Clan, he still moves his power here. Either he wants to provoke, or he has a purpose."

Feng Yuhuan's analysis: "As long as you have a little brain to provoke the Royal Gang, you will not do it. Then what is his purpose? Why do you get close to the Royal Gang? Or, why use these sites to get close to me?"

"He wants to recommend himself?" Feng Huang smiled.

"Yes, it looks like that." Feng Yuhuan recalled Yu Sha's previous life, and that's why she thought so, so that He Lan could control too much step by step, killing her.

"Are you planning to directly isolate all possibilities that may harm the Royal Clan or you?" Feng Huang raised his eyes and looked at his granddaughter.

"Huang'er, to achieve great things, you must have the courage and wisdom to make good use of talents." Feng Huang picked up the teacup and drank it in one sip: "It's a talent, why can't you use it? It's because you are afraid that you won't be able to use it. Spear Attack Son Shield!"

Eyes lit up, Feng Yuhuan nodded: "I understand, Grandpa."

"What else?"

"I want to know the origin history of the Feng family."

Feng Huang paused for a moment, his eyes seemed a bit reminiscent, and he sighed: "The Feng family has changed. Too many things have been discarded. After Grandpa took over, it is difficult to be able to change. If you want to know the Feng family, Go to the basement library and have a look."

"The basement library?"

"Well, the family history records of the Feng family are all there." Feng Huang took out an ancient key and handed it to her: "It's in my study, you can find the mechanism yourself."

After receiving the key, Feng Yuhuan leaned closer to Feng Huang, and hugged his old man's arm affectionately: "Thank you, Grandpa."

A trace of warmth flashed in Feng Huang's eyes, he patted her hand, and stood up: "From now on, this kind of thing that doesn't come home at night is not allowed to happen again. Feng's parents are in the same family, so don't leave any tongues."

This old man knows everything!
"Okay, grandpa." Feng Yuhuan blushed slightly, and replied.

Holding the key tightly in her hand, Feng Yuhuan went straight to the study.


He Lan's family:

He Lan, who lived in the independent villa area, was frowning at the moment, holding a stack of documents in his hand, and kept flipping through them.

There are some photos of Yusha on the information, as well as dense text.

It stands to reason that such an investigation has been exhaustive.

Feng Yuhuang, the granddaughter of the current helm of the Royal Gang.

He was kidnapped at the age of 5 and disappeared.

It seemed to be discarded in an abandoned dump in country M, and was later rescued by a local farmer from the garbage dump.The farmer, Dink, raised her as his daughter.

But the farmer raised Feng Yuhuang in a free range state, and didn't even give her a proper name.Called her 'outcast' all the time.Let her be with a group of gangsters every day.

Later, collecting protection fees, fighting, gambling and fraud...

As long as she can get the money, she is willing to do it.Forcibly turning a girl into a person who is more ruthless in fighting than boys.

At the age of 16, her adoptive father died, and she smuggled to Huaguo, where she hid in an underground black market to fight.

Until the age of 20, he was found by the Huang Gang.

During the four years in between, under the name of 'Yu Sha', she set an undefeated legendary record.

There is no problem with this information, and it even includes some photos of her growing up, as well as testimony from the local population of M country.

However, that night when Yu Sha broke into his house, that silver gun...

There is also the way of hitting people, which is too accurate to attack all the weak points of people.

That kind of fighting style is not like fighting since childhood, even if he has several years of black boxing experience, it is too accurate.

If it can be killed, the opponent will definitely not use a single move to waste, kill with one move!
Yes, this is the weirdest part.

It looks more like a killer!
silver gun?

He Lan stood up suddenly, pulled his injured calf, and sat down again with a howl.

Among the killers, the one who frightens people with a silver gun, the No. 1 person in the killer rankings, codenamed Sha.

If this is the experience of a killer forging his own identity, then it makes sense.

Yusha is Sha?
Feng Yuhuang is actually the number one assassin in the world, so far no one has seen the real Sha?
This guess made He Lan's palms sweat slightly, and at the same time made him faintly excited.

He found another reason to be near her.This discovery is really surprising!
He Lan suddenly felt that it was really worth it for him to be beaten by Yu Shana Dun himself!
(End of this chapter)

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