Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 145 Clothes and Food Parents

Chapter 145 Clothes and Food Parents
The two ran fast like a gust of wind in the forest, and encountered several carnivorous beasts on the way, but they were easily dealt with.

It was almost dusk when they arrived at the territory of the primitive tribe in the north.

This tribe is indeed larger than the original other side.Dozens of caves, big and small, were dug out, and now they are all gathered on the flat ground outside the caves, building fires.

The children are running and playing, the women are cooking the ingredients, and the young adults seem to have just returned from hunting and are dragging the body of their prey to clean it up.

"Qiyi, have these two tribes had any conflicts?" Yu Sha asked in a low voice, squatting beside a boulder not far away.

"No. The distance is a bit far, and there are many beasts in this forest, and the food is sufficient. Each has its own hunting area, and there has been no conflict." Yun Qiyi also replied in a low voice.

"At present, although these primitive people are tough, they are very simple. Do you want to communicate with them and get in touch with each other?" Yu Sha thought for a while, and then said: "It's not good to go to the door empty-handed, how about going to hunt for some prey?" ?”

Yun Qiyi: "..."

After staring at Yusha for a long time, he asked, "Why should I contact the relationship?"

"You don't want to go?" Wei Wei sighed in disappointment, and Yu Sha didn't want to force others to do it: "Then think of another way."

Yun Qiyi: "..."

Confused by these endless words, Yun Qiyi stretched out his hand and pulled back the person who had been staring at the tribe in the distance: "Tell me first, what are your plans? What is the purpose of the relationship? "

Unexpectedly, Yu Sha glanced at him with an 'idiot' look, as if he didn't intend to explain clearly.

Can't you see through such an obvious truth?If Tianyan must have known what she meant immediately.

Looking back at the tribe again, Yu Sha muttered to himself: "If it doesn't work, just go and kill that Tyrannosaurus rex. Then I will become the top of the food chain in this forest, and I should be able to subdue them too."

Yun Qiyi was helpless: "Sha Sha!"

"Okay, let's go back first. I'll go see Tyrannosaurus Rex tomorrow." Yu Sha got up and walked back.

The people behind him could only continue to follow, he thought for a long time, and finally realized Yu Sha's plan, suddenly realized.

But the woman was already far away from him, so she had no choice but to keep up quickly. Halfway through, she hunted down a few wild boars and brought them back to feed the tribe.

Yu Sha has only been here for a few days, and he has never even spoken to this group of aborigines.However, they respect her very much, and even warmer to her than to Yun Qiyi, who has been here for more than half a year.

Except for the fact that she healed their leader and made his crippled leg able to walk on the ground, every day Yu Cha would show up at night and early in the morning to have a meal with the people of this tribe, and the rest of the time was basically in the forest. Detect and kill prey.

Yun Qiyi sat on the haystack, puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Yu Sha couldn't stand the small eyes he gave him from time to time, and asked first.

"These aborigines seem to have a lot of respect and affection for you."

Taking a sideways glance at Yun Qiyi, it was rare for Yu Sha to give him an answer with kindness: "Since I came, has their daily food improved a lot? Can we treat our parents better?"

Yun Qiyi was not stupid, he immediately understood the reason.

Since Yu Sha came, he went out to explore the forest early in the morning every day, and he must have hunted a lot of prey when he came back.

She doesn't like Bigu Dan herself, and she is happy to eat some hot food every day, so she always catches some animals according to what she wants to eat.

Yun Qiyi thought about the time he came here, because Bigu didn't need to eat, and apart from accompanying them to go hunting occasionally, he really seldom provided anything for the aborigines of this tribe.

"People here only think about how to survive and how to fill their stomachs every day? Therefore, spiritual development is not high, and what needs to be satisfied is only basic food and clothing."

Yu Sha said indifferently: "When they are satisfied with the basic food and clothing, they will start to have other needs. The evolution of human beings is like this. The higher the intelligence, the more greedy."

"It seems that a few aborigines from the northern tribe came here two days ago, and they left after peeping for a while." Yun Qiyi remembered what Yu Sha saw when he went out alone that day.

Seeming to be more interested in this matter, Yu Sha raised his eyebrows: "Look, the insatiable greed is about to start. I have hunted a lot recently, and I guess I have hunted a lot on the opponent's territory."

"You mean, tribes start going to war with tribes?" Just for food?

"Just a few people still fighting?" With a sneer, Yu Sha pondered for a while and said: "The tribes in the north are not stupid. With their scale, coming here is devouring, and it is definitely not a fair competition. They are probably sent to find out the truth. Don't make a move."

"Then we really want to fight?"

"No, we can't let them fight. Let them merge." The strength of a race is the rise of continuous integration.

Yu Sha tapped the furry animal skin under his seat lightly and rhythmically with his fingers, and suddenly laughed: "Perhaps, we can cultivate a common belief for them as a common goal of integration."

"Huh?" Yun Qiyi looked at her curiously.

"Go, find a bigger piece of wood." Excitedly urging Yun Qiyi, Yu Sha made a very bold decision, which made the future a legend of the desperate situation of body training.

Not knowing exactly what kind of medicine Yu Sha sold in the gourd, Yun Qi Yi Yiyan found a piece of wood more than half a foot high.Watching her carve on wood for a long time.

He thought he had carved out some peerless image, but when the other party excitedly turned the carved wood to show him, Yun Qiyi couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

Dare to carve for a long time, but you can carve such an ugly thing?

What appeared on the wood was the facial features of a human face. The two eyebrows were thick and uneven. One eyebrow was upturned, and the other seemed to have been carved wrongly and then fell down.The two eyes are also big on one side and small on the other, two big holes have been dug out for the nose, and there are two thick and huge lips.

"Who is this carved from?" Yun Qiyi couldn't help but ask, who on earth looks so angry?

Yu Sha would never admit that what she wanted to sculpt at first was her own appearance, but she didn't have this kind of talent. In the end, she turned into this ghostly appearance, opened her eyes and said nonsense: "Don't worry about who this is? This is faith!"

Liar!Who would believe in such an ugly thing?If you watch too much, you will have nightmares.

"Go, put the wood of this statue on the most conspicuous place on the flat ground. Starting tomorrow, let these primitive people have three meals a day to worship." Yu Sha didn't give him extra room to think, and stuffed the wood into Yun Yi's arms , commanded him to do something.

Hey, starting tomorrow, you will have your gods!
(End of this chapter)

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