Reborn villain becomes savior

Chapter 141 Primitive Humans

Chapter 141 Primitive Humans
Yusha walked in this endless desert for nearly half a year, and encountered many strange and mutated creatures along the way.

After fighting all the way, he felt tired and slightly weak from the first time he dealt with the three giant scorpions.Up to now, he can use his terrifying skills and strong physical strength to stop a hundred without changing his face.

Feng Yuhuan admired her perseverance.Although the monk's time is very long, casual retreat is more than a hundred years.

However, you can’t feel the passage of time in retreat and comprehension, and this kind of sun rises and moon sets every day, facing the boundless, the same scene everywhere you look, and there is only yellow sand rolling everywhere you go.

Day after day, in the extremely harsh environment, there will be terrible crisis attacks anytime and anywhere, and the mental state is tense even when you close your eyes and rest.

She walked in this desert for half a year, tirelessly...

The current thought in Yu Sha's mind is that he wants to have a place where he can take a bath.

In the past six months, although Huangniao's cassock and Tianyan's close-fitting cassock have isolated all dust pollution from the outside world, as a monk of this realm, there is very little dirt and impurities discharged from his body.

In fact, the body is still clean, it's just a human habit, and she really couldn't stand the fact that she didn't have to take a bath for half a year.

The whole body is wrapped so that only a pair of phoenix eyes are left exposed. After climbing the highest sand dune, squinting and looking into the distance, it seems that you can see a small piece of greenery.

Have an oasis?It can be seen from such a distance, it should be a small oasis.

Uplifted, Yu Cha quickly rushed towards this oasis.

It took Yu Sha three days to get to this visible oasis.Fortunately, not a mirage.

There is not even a little transition distance between the magical desert and the oasis, which is a desperate place for body training. Once you step into the oasis, it is like entering a forest.

The dense trees are like entering a tropical rainforest, with strange trees towering into the clouds and low bushes.There are also many birds inhabiting among the forests.

Yu Sha only went straight to the place where the humidity was thick. Sure enough, after traveling in the forest for several hours, he could hear the sound of water flowing, and when the wind blew, he could clearly feel the damp water vapor coming.

As it got closer, the sound of the water rushing was very loud.

Passing through a large forest, the eyes suddenly opened up.Under the bright light, large waterfalls flow straight down, and the big pool below is green and seems to be bottomless.

Yu Cha threw a stone near the water pool to measure the depth, the water in the pool is not deep.Without saying a word, he plunged in with a plop.

Feng Yuhuan worried in her body: "I know you want to wash up urgently, but at least you should try to see if there is any danger in the water?"

After Yu Sha dived into the bottom of the water and swam around, he relaxed his body and soaked in the water without moving, and let out a comfortable breath.

After a while, he said quietly: "There are footprints on the edge of the pool. Although they are larger than the footprints of ordinary people, they are obviously not the footprints of beasts, let alone monsters. They look like human footprints."

"So you have already observed clearly." Feng Yuhuan smiled lightly, in her impression, Yu Sha was indeed not a person who would be reckless and not worry about any danger.On the contrary, she is more vigilant than anyone else.

"Human beings will divide regions. The regions where they operate are relatively safe, and they will not choose places where monsters haunt."

After soaking in the water for a long time, Yu Sha finally stood up. With a thought, the cassock changed into a pair of close-fitting black leather trousers. She used a variable-sized long sword to turn her long hair into a pin The bun stays in place.

"Where are you going next?" Feng Yuhuan asked.

In the past six months, although the two have already connected with each other, in order not to let Yu Sha be too boring alone, they are used to communicating with each other to convey ideas.

"Follow the footprints and see how the humans are here?" Compared with those terrifyingly powerful creatures, humans, the head of primates, seem relatively safer.

The footprints that Yu Sha stepped on the ground with one step are fully twice her size. This person is so tall that he has such big feet.

Walking along the footprints all the way, I saw a simple trap set in front of the open space.Trees are sharpened and erected to form a circle in front of the clearing.

Behind the clearing are several large caves, the entrances of which are blocked by some huge movable stones.

It seemed to sense the arrival of creatures from outside, and the huge stone was moved, revealing two round shiny pupils.

Then, after a burst of voices that were completely incomprehensible, the stone was moved away, and two tall and burly human-shaped creatures walked out.

Visually, these two human beings are at least two meters tall, with strong and powerful arms, and the black hair on their bodies has not completely molted, leaving a thick layer of soft down.The forehead is protruding, and the upper lip is protruding, revealing two pointed canine teeth.

These two human creatures gave her a warning 'whoosh' sound, and even thumped their extremely muscular chest, as if they were warning her not to approach, or asking who she was...

Yu Sha stared at them with great interest, but did not approach them.

Is this the late stage of the orangutan's transformation into a human?primitive?Caveman?tribe?
Various words flashed in Yu Sha's mind, and Feng Yuhuan couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

"History of Human Evolution."

Feng Yuhuan: "..."

After hesitating for a while, Yu Sha felt that she needed a cave to temporarily live in the habitat.Communicating with these primitive people seems not a wise choice.

Therefore, she chose the most straightforward method, which is absolutely universal from ancient times to the present: defeat them!

Just right, to test the strength of the human beings here, and also to test the strength of the skills and physical strength that I have cultivated in the desert for the past six months.

Moving his neck, clenched his hands into fists, Yu Sha rushed over at an extremely fast speed without talking nonsense.

"Wait, wait..." Feng Yuhuan quickly stopped: "Don't fight, I don't think they are hostile."

Stopped by this sound, Yu Sha subconsciously lowered his strength, and when he punched one of them, he still knocked him back several steps.

She raised her eyebrows in amazement, her strength could overturn the huge five-meter scorpion in the desert, but these tall primitive people could only repel them a few steps.

In other words, the physical strength of these primitive people is very strong.

Another human saw her move and punched her.His boxing technique has rules and regulations, it is not random relying on brute force.

Yu Sha dodged a few times, and realized that these primitive people should all have body training, and they couldn't just be simple primitive people.

Dodging to avoid a punch with a strong wind, it directly smashed the rocks on the ground.

"Hey, can you understand human language?" Yu Sha yelled, using his strength to fly up, kicked one of the people on the head, and he blocked it with his hand.

The reaction force made her legs numb slightly, she turned over and landed, and stomped her numb feet, Yu Sha's eyes became a little more serious: "Hey, I'm going to play for real."

Just when she used all her strength and her speed increased to the extreme, when she punched away, she heard the same human language as her: "Wait, don't hit, don't hit!"

(End of this chapter)

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