Chapter 10
Feng Yuhuan quickly surfaced from the bottom of the pool, and the other party also surfaced.The pool of water barely submerged a little below his shoulders.

Seeing the other person clearly, the sharp-edged outline reveals a trace of sternness, the slightly raised peach eyes are half-downcast with interest, staring at himself, and the slender eyelashes are stained with water, which is fatally sexy.Slanting Feiying's straight sword eyebrows contained sharpness, and slightly raised her perfect lips with a slight smile.

The kind of arrogance naturally exuded in solitude and independence made Feng Yuhuan feel an unprecedented sense of crisis at a glance.In the eyes of the other party, he seems to be a small animal that can be teased and crushed to death at will.

Before you know the opponent's purpose and strength, the enemy will not move and I will not move!
It was the first time I met such a woman, and when facing a strange man naked and frank, she was calm and composed.His eyes sank into the water following the water droplets that fell from the woman's face, and the man raised his eyes with a trace of sarcasm: "I haven't grown up yet."

The voice is magnetic and low, with a feeling of laziness.

Nonsense, a 15-year-old girl is not yet fully developed.

Feng Yuhuan ignored the other party's overly aggressive eyes and looked at her body, calming down and her brain working quickly.Huang Niao said that the secret realm here can only be entered below the Nascent Soul Realm, and one must also possess the Innate Eucharist.

That is to say, this person is as useful as himself in innate cultivation of the Eucharist, and his realm is nothing more than the middle or late stage of Nascent Soul Consummation.If you really want to fight together, it's not like you have no chance of winning.

It's just that it's not worth doing it yet.The real fight should be to snatch the green luan's eggs.

But, you can try the depth...

Thinking of this, Feng Yuhuan suddenly used the power of the pool to push out her palm directly, and the pool instantly turned into a huge water palm print and pressed towards the opponent, and she stepped back forcefully.

The man's two fingers joined the sword, piercing through the palm of the water.Turning fingers into palms, the long black hair waving in the water curled up and pulled back.

My scalp hurts, I forgot about my long hair.With the force of her hair being pulled, Feng Yuhuan bumped backwards into the man's chest.

"Put in your arms?" The man's peach blossom eyes lightly raised, and he took advantage of the situation to caress Feng Yuhuan's waist with his fingers, delicate and silky.

Killing intent flashed across the phoenix eyes, and the hair wrapped around the man's body instantly like a giant python, and the hair with spiritual power twisted tightly around the man, as if directly crushing him to pieces.

The man was restrained, without changing his face, staring at the hair: "The hair has spiritual power, and it belongs to Fenggu."

"Who are you?" Feng Yuhuan asked coldly because she used all her hair to restrain the man, so she could only get very close to the man.

"If I tell you my name, can you let me go?" He spoke frivolously, and the man didn't seem to take this uniform seriously.

Even though, at this moment, his body has been imprisoned and tightened by strands of hair to the point that a little blood oozes out.

"Don't make me ask a second time!"

"Your hair is so beautiful, I don't want to break it. I'll tell you your name, how about you let me go?" Being so close, the Lingtan is so clear.Does this Fenggu woman know that she was seen naked?
Enduring the discomfort of being scratched by the hair, the man's eyes never left the opponent's underwater body, and his pupils became even darker.Although it has not fully grown up, it is still eye-catching.

Aware of the man's gaze, Feng Yuhuan's murderous look suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Looking for death!"

Seeing that she was serious, the man had no choice but to burst out the spiritual power in his body, which directly broke the black hair. He slapped down the palm of his hand, and a water curtain was instantly formed in the Lingtan water, which just blocked the piercing of the Lingtan water into a flying knife. coming attack.

In just a moment, Feng Yuhuan immediately realized that her cultivation was not the opponent's opponent.In this Lingtan, the two of them are in an environment that is not beneficial to him, no matter how you say it, he is at a disadvantage.

If you think so, gather the spiritual power of your whole body to mobilize the spiritual energy of the Lingtan, set off layer after layer of water curtains and push towards the opponent, then immediately spin around and fly up to the branches of the phoenix tree.

The blue luan's egg trembled slightly again, the cyan eggshell glowed reddish, shaking violently.

"Don't come out at this time!" Feng Yuhuan was taken aback when she saw that the egg had moved.

It's not an opponent, I'm afraid I can't grab the bird's eggs.Trying to reach out again to touch Qingluan's egg, the blue light outside the egg spread to both sides.

The water curtain has been broken layer by layer. In this race against time to escape, without thinking about wearing clothes, Feng Yuhuan picked up the bird's eggs and flew away from Lingtan.

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(End of this chapter)

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