Chapter 87
Gu Fengxi hurriedly led a group of subordinates, plus thousands of bodyguards, and hurried north to rescue him.

When she arrived, Xiang Feng was besieged by imperial soldiers and horses. He was guarding the prison alone, holding a broadsword in one hand and a spear in the other.

Gu Fengxi was distressed, moved and angry, and shouted: "Go! Save him!"

After a desperate fight, the court's soldiers and horses were repelled, and Xiang Feng and Gu Fengxi temporarily went to Yongcheng to escape.

After more than two years, the two finally met, but unexpectedly it was such an embarrassing scene.

Gu Fengxi couldn't laugh or cry: "You big fool! Don't you think about it, am I such an unlucky person? I have been under the nose of that damned King Ning for so many years. Could it be for nothing?! I Will he be easily caught by him?! He doesn't even know who I am!"

Since she left Rongcheng that year, she has been disguised as a woman.

She has been doing business abroad for many years, and she has always called herself "Feng Xi" and her surname is "Feng", not "Gu".

The person that King Ning arrested was probably her maid Chunmei.

"I've already sent someone to investigate secretly. If it's Chunmei, I'll find a way to get her out of the prison. How old are you? After fighting outside for so many years, why did you suddenly become brainless? Is it? Too impulsive!"

Xiang Feng was covered in blood, most likely from others, but he was also injured in several places. Although he was embarrassed, he did not faint.

Seeing that she was dressed in men's clothes, graceful and luxurious, just like Mr. Jun, without a single injury on her body, she finally let out a long breath and felt relieved.

"You're fine, that's fine." He said quietly.

Gu Fengxi was still angry at him for being too impulsive, angrily cursing: "What can I do! I have been flying all over the world for more than two years, and I haven't even broken a piece of skin!"

Seeing that she was fine, Xiang Feng was secretly happy and let her scold her enough.

On the contrary, the subordinates around him couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "You boy! Even if you came to help us, you can't be so rude to our Khan!"

"Shut up!" Xiang Feng yelled at them, "She...she is an exception."

The subordinates were all dumbfounded, feeling that Gu Fengxi was too simple, so they hurriedly buried their heads, not daring to speak again.

Gu Fengxi was tired of scolding, so she waved her hand and said, "Why hasn't anyone healed him yet? What have you been doing?"

Doctor Liu gently stroked his white beard and smiled.

"Brother Xiang, I haven't seen you for many years, and you look even more majestic. I saw you from a distance earlier, and I admired you very much!"

Gu Fengxi couldn't help muttering: "Growing flesh doesn't grow brains!"

Miracle doctor Liu tried hard to hold back his laughter.

When Xiang Feng saw Miracle Doctor Liu, he hugged him.

Doctor Liu hurriedly said: "There is no need to be formal, let me see your wounds.'s okay, it's just some skin trauma. I'll help you disinfect and apply medicine, and it will recover in a few days."

"Thank you." Xiang Feng nodded.

At this time, an escort hurriedly reported: "Master Feng, the brothers below are here to report that Yongcheng has been surrounded by imperial soldiers and horses, tens of thousands of them!"

"Oh." Gu Fengxi yawned, "I'm exhausted after rushing here. Go and tidy up a clean and quiet room first, so that I can have a good sleep."

"Yes, Wind Lord."

Xiang Feng's subordinates were waiting for his order, vowing to rush out of the city and fight to the death with the Han people.

Gu Fengxi stretched lazily, "What are you fighting for? Is it time to fight now? Life is precious, do you understand? Go down first, eat enough and sleep well, heal what you need to heal, and rest what you need to rest."

Xiang Feng gave her a doting look from the corner of his eyes, and ordered in a deep voice: "Listen to her!"

(End of this chapter)

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