Chapter 84
Although Gu Fengxi is used to spending money lavishly, she usually spends it on food, drink, housing and transportation, and doesn't really spend it recklessly.

In this year, not only did she not lose all the remaining money of the Gu family, she also made a lot of money and lived a happy life.

She disguised herself as a man, walked from north to east, then from east to south, and then went around to the west, going round and round and covering the entire Qingyun Kingdom.

At that time, she had very little silver and bank notes left on her body, and saw a group of merchants who were about to ship goods to sea, full of tea and silk, and ship after ship.

There was a large ship parked at the pier. The captain, surnamed Song, said that he had no goods to transport, and asked her if she wanted to go out to sea for fun, and she only needed to collect some money to supplement the provisions on the ship.

She has always been kind and generous, and gave him ten taels of silver.

The captain happily bought a lot of food and respectfully invited her on board.

She thought that she had no money to buy tea or silk to sell, and she only had a few taels of silver on her body, so she just went for fun and couldn't do any business.

At this time, she saw someone selling green citrus on the shore, and she cried and said that she couldn't sell it, and the next meal was not available, so the family might as well jump into the sea.

In a moment of kindness, she gave them a few taels of silver.

The whole family bowed and thanked her, and picked out ten loads of green tangerines as gifts for her.

She had no choice but to accept it, let the boatmen carry it on board, and stuff it in the corner of the cabin.

Sea voyages are very boring and boring. She got tired of looking at the sea, so she hid in her room and slept.

After sleeping in a daze for more than half a month, we finally arrived at Nanman Island.

She saw many foreign people with very different looks from the Han people, and she liked the charming and rich scenery of the island very much.

At this time, the boatman told her that the oranges she bought were ripe, so she had to eat them quickly.

She ate one and found it sweet and delicious, thinking that she had no money and the boatmen couldn't eat that much, so she moved it out to sell.

Unexpectedly, there were no oranges on Nanman Island. Seeing the beautiful yellow and orange oranges, the residents on the island were so surprised that they spread the news and came to buy this beautiful fruit for her.

She didn’t know the specifics of the other party’s coins and emphasized that they could only be purchased with gold.

Soon, an aristocratic man came and asked people to move out ten gold ingots in one go.

She nodded happily and gave him three big baskets.

Later, people came from the palace and said that the citrus was so delicious that the Queen wanted to buy all the citrus and eat them in the palace.

She took out a gold ingot, and the chickens and ducks talked and gestured back and forth.

The other party nodded quickly and brought out more than 100 gold ingots to her.

Gu Fengxi was dumbfounded, then covered her mouth and laughed.

The captain praised her for her good deeds, and she generously gave him two large gold ingots, saying that she would employ him in business for a long time.

The captain was so happy that he immediately bowed down to her and recognized her as the benefactor.

Since then, Captain Song has been in charge of transporting oranges and lychees to Nanman Island for her to sell. She gets [-]% of the income and [-]% goes to the captain.

The people on Nanman Island are hospitable and like to eat sweet things, so she only sells sweet fruits and cane sugar, and her business is very good.

There are gold mines on the island, and they have no shortage of gold. Every time her ship docks, the residents of the island immediately find gold to exchange for sugar for her, and most of the fruits are supplied to the palace. There are one or two hundred pieces each time. Big gold ingots received.

Soon, she made a lot of money.

She bought two bodyguard agencies, hired some green forest heroes to follow and protect her, and then hurried to the suburbs of Yandu to pick up her father and mother to the seaside.

Doctor Liu listened to her talk about the experience of going out to sea, he yearned for it very much, and also liked the pleasant weather on the southern seashore, so under her persuasion, he left with her.

(End of this chapter)

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