Chapter 78
The war raged on and the city was destroyed.

Ruins and ruins, deserted.

The two of them walked to the border and saw such a scene.

Gu Fengxi sighed sadly: "Why do you want to fight? People are gone, houses are gone, everything is gone—it's too miserable!"

Xiang Feng Leng said with a stern face, "When people are greedy, they will fight. When they fight, they will fight."

"Ah..." Gu Fengxi rubbed his stomach and muttered, "I'm so hungry, let's find something to eat first."

After walking to several places, people went to Chengkong. She had a lot of silver and gold ingots on her body, but she couldn't find a place to sell food.

The closer they got to the border, the more desolate they became. The dry food on the donkey cart had already been eaten up, and the two of them had only water to drink for more than a day.

Xiang Feng led the donkey cart to a stream, found some hay and firewood, and started a small fire.

Then, he took a small pot from the car and boiled some stream water.

"I'm looking for something to eat."

Unexpectedly, he circled most of the barren hills and went to every corner, but there was nothing but ashes left by the war.

He returned empty-handed, took the bow and arrow from the cart, and unloaded the old donkey.

"I'll go farther and hunt."

Gu Fengxi gave up, "Don't go, you are out of luck, let me do it."

She was dizzy and climbed out of the car, her hands and feet were trembling, and she accidentally fell down.

The donkey cart overturned, two bundles rolled down, and things were scattered all over the ground.

A big doughnut appeared out of nowhere, rolled and rolled, and landed in front of her.

Gu Fengxi blinked her eyes and smiled in surprise.

"Hey! There's something to eat! It seems that I bought it when I passed by Lancheng. I thought it was too hard and threw it in the corner—I didn't expect it to still be here!"

Xiang Feng: "..."

Her luck is still as good as ever-it really is her!
He tore the bread into pieces, threw it into the pot and boiled it, adding a little salt.

The two each ate a bowl of warm noodle soup.

After eating, she has more strength. She played with the bow and arrow he made.

"It's getting dark, we should have to walk another day and night to get to Rongcheng, right?"

"Yeah." He nodded, "rest, we'll leave tomorrow morning."

He climbed up an old tree by the road and looked around.

Suddenly, a little bit of gray in the distance was flying over here.

Xiang Feng narrowed his eyes and shouted: "Arrow!"

Gu Fengxi quickly got up and handed him the bow and arrow.

After a while, the gray approached - it was a wild goose!
Xiang Feng drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and was about to fly away.

Unexpectedly, the wild goose seemed to have human nature, shaking its body, flying in circles, flying farther and farther.

Xiang Feng hesitated and frowned, he hesitated for a while.

The wild goose was hit in the head by a small stone, fell straight down, and fell to the ground to death.

Gu Fengxi patted the dust off his hands, "Yo hoo!" and smiled happily.

"Great! Let's have roast geese tonight!"

Xiang Feng: "..."

He pulled the goose up, and as expected, he found a small mailbox hanging on the goose's feet.

When he drew the bow just now, the wild geese quickly noticed it vigilantly and kept avoiding his arrows.

He guessed that it should be a wild goose that has been specially trained to quietly deliver messages instead of carrier pigeons.

Unexpectedly, she knocked down the wild goose with a single stone!

Forget it, anyway, Qingyun country's affairs have nothing to do with him, the most important thing is to fill his stomach.

So he threw the letterbox away.

Gu Fengxi was extremely curious, walked over to pick it up, unscrewed it, and dumped it on the ground—two sheepskin rolls!

She opened it slowly, and found that there were actually two maps.

One is a topographic map of the entire Northern Barbarian region, and the other is the location of each small tribe of the Xiongnu, with small characters indicating the reserves of men and horses in each place.

Xiang Feng glanced at it and then stared in surprise.

This lucky little girl accidentally bought food by mistake, and even picked up two very important maps!
 Dear friends, I have no code words due to a cold, and I will make up an update tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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