Chapter 27 Movie Emperor
"No!" Feng Xi resolutely refused.

Meng Yuan apologized and said, "Xiao Xi, this is what our Xingguang President Xie requested. You are still in the probationary period and you don't have a fan base. You must not fight head-on with the company's senior management."

Feng Xi shook her head, her voice was soft but loud.

"How did you promise me before signing the contract? I hope you can keep your promise."

Meng Yuan smiled wryly, and tried to persuade him for a while.

Feng Xi did not let go at all.

Sister Mi on the side pulled Mengyuan, and said in a low voice, "Don't think that she will be easy to talk because of her meek nature. Back then you clearly promised not to mess around with Ye Yingdi's popularity."

Meng Yuan raised his forehead in annoyance: "Mr. Xie said that we must go."

Sister Mi muttered: "Actually, Axi doesn't need to be enthusiastic at all. Brother Meng, you have seen Axi's strength these days!"

"I see it's useless!" Meng Yuan lowered his voice: "Xie always wants her to act like a 'mashate' to disgust Ye Yingdi!"

Sister Mi: "..."! ! !
Ye Yingdi's image has always been very good since his debut, there are almost no frivolous news, and there are very few gossip about CP speculation.Unexpectedly, Xingguang signed Fengxi with such dirty thoughts!
Meng Yuan thought for a while, and stepped forward to persuade him: "Xiao Xi, all you need is to put on 'horse special' makeup and stand by the VIP channel to take a few photos. Ye Yingdi went abroad and was invited to be a judge at the International Film Festival. Communication is temporarily suspended. Take the fastest flight back to China tonight. The media has already learned the news. You really just need to show your face and take photos."

Feng Xi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

At this time, Meng Yuan's cell phone rang!

"Hello? Mr. Xie, I'm already trying to persuade you, don't be impatient. No! No - don't be angry! Terminate the contract? No! Mr. Xie, please calm down first! Hello? Mr. Xie? Mr. Xie?"

Sister Mi secretly swallowed her saliva and said timidly: "What's wrong?"

Meng Yuan sighed and explained: "Mr. Xie said that if Feng Xi doesn't cooperate, let her pay the termination fee and leave."

Sister Mi was startled, and hurriedly grabbed Feng Xi's arm.

"Axi, you just agree! Anyway, you and Ye Yingdi have had so many scandals, and it's not too much! We can't afford to offend Xingguang! The termination fee is only 500 million! If you are a big guy, no It’s so short of money, the key point is that you didn’t earn a dime!”

Feng Xi frowned exquisitely.

Sister Mi begged in a low voice: "You can still make money by painting, but I can't do it! For you, I resigned from that small entertainment company. What would I do if I didn't have the salary of Starlight? I still have two children. You have to support your family!”

Feng Xi bit her lower lip lightly, raised her beautiful eyes to look at Meng Yuan.

"I'll go, but I'll leave after taking pictures. I don't want to have any direct contact with Yingdi Ye."


It was past ten o'clock in the evening when we returned to the apartment, Feng Xi took out his mobile phone, and was surprised to find that there were a dozen missed calls.

They are all from the same unknown number, calling every few minutes.

There is no online shopping in the past few days, and the group of classmates and circle of friends are quiet, so they should not be acquaintances.

Dancing practice is very exhausting. After a whole day of exhaustion, she was too lazy to deal with it, so she hurriedly took a shower and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Sister Mi came to pick her up.

She cooked millet porridge, and hurried into the babysitter's car after eating.

Sister Mi explained: "Brother Meng has found a makeup artist from the company and a photographer waiting outside the airport!"

When the makeup artist saw her, she laughed in surprise and shouted: "No way? Such a fairy sister wants to put on special makeup! What a waste!"

Meng Yuan stared at her displeased, and said in a deep voice, "Let you melt!"

The makeup artist quickly kept silent and complied.

Feng Xi smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "Miss, please make it darker, the more slutty the better."

Makeup artist: "..."

Why is this big beauty so hard to think about!
(End of this chapter)

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