Chapter 24 Movie Emperor
The lotus is elegant but not demonic, beautiful and beautiful.

Feng Xi smiled happily: "Thank you, I like it very much!"

Ye Chenxi's pupils narrowed slightly, and his eyes were fixed on her pretty face that was close to Chi Chi.

"……nice! You love it."

Seeing that he was wearing the bracelet she gave her, Feng Xi blushed a little.

"When I was young, I also planted lotus at home. My mother liked white lotus and often asked me to draw on the lotus that had just bloomed. I was lazy and thought it was too difficult to draw a lotus, so I only drew one with buds next to it, because buds are easy to draw. "

Ye Chenxi smiled, her handsome eyebrows and eyes glistening.

"You don't need to draw these two flowers, just look at them."

Feng Xi was amused by him, seeing him standing all the time, said quickly: "Please sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"No need." He said softly: "Don't forget that you are the patient. Don't stand for too long. Sit down."

Feng Xi had no choice but to sit on the hospital bed.

At this time, the door was knocked lightly.

Ye Chenxi strode to open the door, and then came in with a big bag.

"You haven't had dinner yet, have you? I ordered takeaway for you."

Then, he opened several large boxes and placed them on the sofa.

Feng Xi took a look, a little unbelievable.

They are all the signature dishes of the most famous "North and South Banquet" in the imperial capital. It is said that they never do takeaway, how can he order them?
He took out box after box of eight dishes.

Feng Xi was surprised: "It's too much...I can't finish it all by myself."

Ye Chenxi pulled the chair aside and leaned over.

"The portion is quite large. If you don't finish it, it might be wasted."

Feng Xi followed his words and asked: "Have you eaten? Why don't you eat together?"

"Okay." He blurted out, as if he had already planned to do so.

Her ears were slightly red, she took out a pair of chopsticks from the bag and handed them to him.

He took a small bowl and handed it to her.

Her family had strict rules since she was a child, and she had always adhered to the behavioral rule of "don't talk when eating or sleeping". She ate quietly and hardly said anything.

He also ate quietly, the corners of his mouth kept rising with joy, his appetite was very good, and he ate happily.

After eating, she buried her head in tidying up, tucking her hair behind her ears, revealing her delicate, snow-white ears.

Ye Chenxi glanced at her, and couldn't move her eyes away.

Her skin is very fair, and her ears are even more fair. Lined by jet-black hair, she looks like suet white jade.

Feng Xi raised her head inadvertently, met his gaze, lowered her head in shame, her ears were slightly red, pink and tender.

Ye Chenxi was slightly embarrassed and lowered her eyes.

"...The small piece of jade on your bracelet is very similar to your ear."

Feng Xi smiled lowly.

Don't all ears have the same shape?
Ye Chenxi glanced at her pink ears, and gently stroked the bracelet on her wrist.

At this time, the door was knocked!
An anxious male voice shouted: "Boss, dinner time is almost here."

Ye Chenxi frowned slightly, and quickly stood up.

"The dean said you can be discharged. When are you going to be discharged?"

Feng Xi wished she could be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible and said: "Tomorrow morning. If you have anything to do, go ahead and do your work. Goodbye."

Ye Chenxi nodded and opened the door with graceful steps, but paused and turned around.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Feng Xi's pretty face flushed slightly, and he hesitated: "You're very busy...would it be inconvenient?"

"It's very convenient." Ye Chenxi took a deep look at her and said, "See you tomorrow." Then he left.

Feng Xi looked at the closed door, shyly bit her lower lip, and smiled softly.


The next day, she packed up early.

Unfortunately, after waiting for more than an hour, Ye Chenxi never showed up.

(End of this chapter)

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