If you like it, you have to face it

Chapter 69 Make You Happy

Chapter 69 Make You Happy
She was curious at the time, no one would buy it if no one bought it, and when she came to buy it personally, she actually took all the goods from her shop.

At present, besides Shi Yao, who else can be.

"Well, it's me." Shi Yao held her hand in his palm.

Ji Yuting blinked in astonishment, she didn't expect it was really him.

So that is to say, after the first meeting and separation, he has been keeping an eye on her whereabouts, and he even knew that she opened a shop.

She asked again: "Why?"

At that time, she had nothing to do with him. Why did he do this? It was really because... he liked her? !
Ji Yuting always felt that it was unrealistic. Maybe love at first sight really existed, but when it fell on her, she felt... unreliable.

She is only 20 years old, and she has never dreamed of any dreamy love stories.

It can be said that before meeting him, she never thought about what love is, but after meeting him, she wanted to try it.

Is this trying to be real?

Shi Yao stared at her for a while, then said calmly, "I want to make you happy."

The little girl likes money so much, so he will give her money in a disguised form. The first opening of the business can't dampen her spirit, but give her a sense of accomplishment and make her happy.

What he did might seem strange to others. Of course, he didn't help her with the idea of ​​owning her at first, but simply wanted her to feel the joy of staying in Yuncheng.

No matter why she came here or what she has experienced, here, he just wants to give her a little warmth and let her experience it. In fact, life is not as bad as imagined.

Ji Yuting's eyes were slightly moist.

What else did the man do that she didn't know about.

She has been doubting and speculating on how he feels about her. Now that she thinks about it, she is actually quite exaggerated. In this relationship, she has not seriously invested in it. Some people have...

Before Shi Yao could see her expression clearly, her figure had already leaned towards him, got into his arms, and hugged his waist tightly.

Maybe he can make her believe in love.

Ji Yuting muttered softly: "Thank you."

Shi Yao stretched out a hand to clasp her waist, lowered his head, and said softly, "Thank me for what? Huh?"

Thank you for caring about me so much, and thank you for liking me.

She has always been alone, she has never relied on anyone, let alone trusted anyone, but when she met Shi Yaohou, she seemed to be taking off her armor little by little, and slowly approached him.

Ji Yuting groaned, twisted her waist in his arms, did not speak, hugged him tightly, but her other hand restlessly ran down from his chest, resting on his abdomen...

Shi Yao suddenly froze.

He tried his best to hold back and lowered his voice: "What are you doing?"

Ji Yuting raised her head, looked into his dark and deep eyes, and smiled maliciously. She lowered the curtain and looked at her hand...

"I'll try my hand... feel."

Ji Yuting groped and poked at his abdomen through the shirt. On both sides of the midline of the abdomen, the lines were clear and firm.

Suddenly, her wrist was grabbed, Shi Yao gritted his teeth slightly, and smiled wryly: "Enough."

He really didn't expect that she would have such an astonishing move. I'm afraid she has been greedy for him for a long time!
Ji Yuting snorted dissatisfied, "Stingy."

How did he usually bully her...

She just asked him for some benefits, what's the matter, this man is too stingy, he can't play happily anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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