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Chapter 87 Nosy 1

Chapter 87 Nosy 1
Ling Yiyi wronged and said, "It's me...I'm Ling Yiyi..."

Bai Yu felt really uncomfortable seeing people crying, so he took out the tissue in his pocket and said, "You should wipe it off first."

Ling Yiyi took the tissue and had just wiped away her tears, but this time she started hiccupping.


"Separate, spaced..."

The three of them stood there very calmly. Although they looked as stable as old dogs on the outside, they were too flustered inside.

Why did Ling Yiyi cry like this...

Bai Yu unconsciously glanced up, and glanced at Xiao Licheng twice.

Xiao Licheng immediately reacted, "I didn't make you cry, okay?"

Bai Yu clicked his tongue twice and said, "Then why is she crying so hard?"

Xiao Licheng waved his hand and said, "Then how do I know, anyway, my mission has been accomplished, let's go."

"Anyway, there is no one else on your side, so you can ask her to help you first."

Bai Yu bit the pen cap, feeling very helpless.

People are crying like this, so why help...

In the end, there was nothing to do, so Ling Yiyi was asked to sit on the side.

She unfolded the drawings, distributed them briefly, and then prepared to go to the truck to get the class supplies.

Ling Yiyi was not idle either, following behind Bai Yu's buttocks with red and swollen eyes.

Originally, Bai Yu didn't want to admit the little chicken that Uncle Xiao said, but now that he looked at it, he really looked like a little chicken that had just broken its shell and recognized its owner.

After a short while, people from the opening academy also entered the arena one after another.

She stood over there in the stands, looking at each other's seat assignments.

Unlike Lingyu College, the opening college uses the third floor for the second grade, the second floor for the third grade, and the extra grass in the playground for the first grade just like them.

"Over there—the monitor of the second and third! The monitor of the second and third! Come and move this!!"

Ling Yiyi tugged at Bai Yu's sleeve and said, "Is the teacher over there calling you..."

"Hey!! Class two and three!!"

Bai Yu frowned, looking at the furious host teacher below.

Suddenly reacted, "Oh, the second and third monitors mean me?"

That's right, the sports squad leader is also a squad leader.

She hurried over and asked, "What did the teacher move?"

The teacher said angrily, "Speed, speed! Come here quickly! Why are you so slow!"

Bai Yu coughed twice, after all, it was his own fault.

"That... I didn't realize it for a while, so what should I move?"

The host teacher said irritably, "Didn't you see that the things have been moved away by the students who opened the college? You follow and help them."

After finishing talking, I went to arrange other things without looking back.

She looked around, and not far away was a huge joint sports meeting being carried by several boys and girls.

"The brand you mean?"

Ling Yiyi took a look and said, "It should be."

The two didn't dawdle, and hurried to help.

However, what I didn't expect was that Ling Yiyi was just about to put on a hand to help, but was slapped away by a girl with short hair who cut her hair neatly.


At first I thought it was Ling Yiyi's illusion, but when she was about to reach out to help again and was photographed by that girl again, she knew, ah——

Finding fault?

Before Ling Yiyi could speak, the girl said, "Where is the ugly girl from? Get out of here, okay?"

The person next to the girl hurriedly stopped and said, "Liu Qianxi! How can you say that the person you just met is an ugly girl!"

ugly girl...

Ling Yiyi's self-confidence accumulated for 17 years almost disappeared on this day...

(End of this chapter)

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