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Chapter 868 Marriage Ceremony 4

Chapter 868 Marriage Ceremony 4
"I will."

"Please do not worry."

He knew how much Xia Liang had in Xia Yu's heart, and he also knew how much Xia Yu had in Xia Liang's heart.

So at this moment, he is more serious than anyone else.

After finishing speaking, he took Xia Yu's hand, looking at her hazy face under the wedding veil, Xiao Licheng held her hand affectionately.

Xia Yu smiled helplessly.

this man...

"Today is a turning point and milestone in their lives. Let us congratulate them with warm applause. The two walked up to the ceremony arm in arm. This moment is a scene of a sky supported by two people, like two trees cuddling The big tree, the branches and leaves bloom together under the blue sky, and the roots are intertwined under the ground."

"Whether it's wind or rain, every moment is so beautiful, every moment is a touching love poem, and every moment is worth reminiscing with all the time... Hold your hand and grow old together. This should be a It’s a feeling of standing side by side and watching the sun rise and set together; this should be a feeling that changes from time to time!!”

After the host's narration, it was the turn of the two to pay respects.

"It's an auspicious day, so today, our husband and wife finally walked into this solemn and sacred wedding hall with two hearts of love for each other!"

"That's right, a talented man matches a beautiful woman, a weaver girl matches a cowherd, a perfect flower and a full moon, forever and forever! The bride and groom worship the heavens and the earth——"

"Bow to the aura of heaven and earth, and there is a marriage relationship on the Sansheng Stone;——a bow!"

"Once again worship the essence of the sun and the moon, all things grow and depend on her;—— bow again!"

"Three bows to spring, summer, autumn and winter, good weather and abundant grains!—Three bows!"

After worshiping, the two faced each other according to the request of the host.

Finally, it was the turn of the oath.

Xia Yu had mixed feelings in his heart.The last time I heard this word was when Xiao Licheng secretly took Xia Yu to watch someone else's wedding.

At that time, she was thinking that these beautiful things must be missed by herself.

But I didn't expect that when I heard this again, the protagonist was myself.

"Friends, marriage is mutual understanding and trust, but also mutual entrustment and cherishment. Marriage is the fusion of love and love, the exchange of love and affection, and the collision of heart and soul, and the connection of life and life. A beautiful love story, intertwined with a beautiful love oath. At this moment, I think the bride and groom will have something to say to each other, so now, please turn around, stand opposite each other, and look into each other's eyes , the groom, please hold the bride’s hand and tell this confession of love in front of everyone!!”

The host took the lead to ask Xiao Licheng

"Sir, when you hold her hand, from this moment on, regardless of poverty or wealth, health or disease, you will care about her, care for her, cherish her, protect her, understand her, respect her and take care of her, Humility her, accompany her, for the rest of my life, forever, are you willing?"

Xiao Licheng pursed his lips, his tone was quick and his attitude was firm.

"I am willing!"

The host smiled and turned his head to Xia Yu this time.

"Madam, when you hold his hand, from this moment on, no matter poor or rich, healthy or sick, you will be loyal to him, support him, help him, comfort him, accompany him, for the rest of your life, forever ,Do you want to?"

Xia Yu looked at Xiao Licheng's face fixedly, as if he was dreaming.

A wonderful dream.

(End of this chapter)

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