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Chapter 836 Acting 2

Chapter 836 Acting 2
"Okay, everyone get ready!"

Xia Yu quickly coughed twice, adjusted the position of her hair, and lay down on the piano cover.

"Ready! Action!"

Following the sound, she also closed her eyes.Although she looks very stable on the outside, she is actually panicking inside.

Xia Yu slowly opened his eyes, and just like what Su Yale said, he looked at the watch hanging on the opposite wall absentmindedly.

After watching for a while, she didn't pay attention to how many cameras were around her. Now she was only thinking about Xiao Licheng, Xiao Licheng, Xiao Licheng...

Thinking about it this way, my heartbeat really became a little faster.

After a while, the actor walked past her.

When Xia Yu saw it, he couldn't help being surprised, because he didn't expect that the actor really looked like Xiao Licheng in her eyes.

Not to mention the problem of distance, if you look at it this way, you always feel like you are back in the second year of high school, when Xiao Licheng taught her to practice guitar.

When she saw him, she blushed uncontrollably.

These few times, the shock, joy, and shyness were all acted out.

At the beginning, the director really didn't expect much. After all, the other party is not an actor, but also a daughter, so he thought he didn't have much acting skills... Isn't this acting very good! !

The director slowly sat up from lying down, and began to seriously look at the shy girl on the screen.

Xia Yu came back to his senses, and hurriedly opened the piano in a panic, scolding himself.

Ah, really, I was so surprised that I forgot to play the piano next...

Although he was thinking this way in his heart, on the face, he still took a deep breath, from the panic of opening the piano cover to the silence of preparing to play the piano.

She calmed down, raised her hand, and began to play a song.


This song is the only piano piece she is too familiar with.Because this was the first violin piece that Xiao Licheng performed to her, and it was also on this day, she remembered what he told her.

"Your surplus is not superfluous surplus, it is surplus that lingers on."

She thought, it was at this time that she began to fall in love with this boy unconsciously.

So even in country b, she practiced this piano piece unconsciously.

Over and over's like listening to Lesiren.

When the director watched Xia Yu play a complete piano piece, he couldn't help being startled.

This Xia Yu didn't expect to be able to play the piano! !This is really unexpected.

"Okay, click!!"

Three seconds after the last sound of the piano landed, the director decisively called out "click".

He was full of joy, "Hey, Miss Xia Yu's acting skills are good! You can come to be an actress!"

Xia Yu explained with some embarrassment, "I almost forgot to lift the piano cover just now... I was a little flustered..."

The director gave him a thumbs up, "It's just the feeling of panic and bewilderment! Hey...I can feel the breath of youth rushing towards my face!"

"Good job!"

"But...cough, I've gone through it once here...just look at Su Yale's side...cough, after all, she has always been very strict with acting..."

"Ah, don't be sad if Miss Xia Yu is criticized later, it's all normal..."

The director couldn't say a few words about the usual thing, so Su Yale ran over in small steps from a long distance, and hugged Xia Yu.

"Hey! The acting is really good! It's really good! It's the feeling of Bai Yueguang, I really love it, Xia Yu, why don't you just change careers and become an actor!"

(End of this chapter)

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