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Chapter 796 Rule 2

Chapter 796 Rule 2
Two teams form a total of five teams, and the top two teams with the highest number of votes are selected.

The last four are competing, and the one with the highest number of votes among the four will be the champion of this year's "Your Music".

The champion will receive high bonuses and various promotional channels and cooperation.

"Okay, please come down and draw lots for the contestants in Area A!"

Xia Yu lowered his eyes, followed the people in front, and stood up.

When the lottery is divided into groups, they are divided by color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple... In this way, the district-level evaluation at the beginning is actually not very meaningful. It is only used to eliminate people, and then each recognizes the strength of others.

Thinking about it, Xia Yu pulled out a red signature from the lottery box.



The host pointed to the other side and said, "Then please stand according to the color."

Xia Yu looked, and sure enough, not far away, there were several colors marked on the ground.

She walked quickly to the red area, and it happened that she was the first one to come to the red area.

Following her came the cherry who had been beside her just now.

She looked very excited.

"Ahhh! We are a group! Xia Xia, please give me more advice!"

Xia Xia?

Xia Yu covered his mouth and smiled.

"Are you calling me?"

Cherry nodded happily.

"That's right, because you are Xia Yu, you are called Xia Xia!"

Xia Yu scratched his head, so according to this statement, wouldn't Cherry have to cry?

"But... didn't you hate me at first? Why..."

Cherry scratched her head shyly.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a vase of a relationship...I hate that kind of people."

"But after seeing your performance, I understand that you are capable! I like people with strength!"

Xia Yu smiled. It seems that this girl is straightforward and has a clear distinction between love and hate.

It is often more comfortable to get along with such people.

One after another, three other contestants also walked in.

"You... hello..."

Xia Yu nodded.


The three little girls had just been rated as District C, and they seemed a little nervous when they saw Xia Yu and Cherry.

After the host smiled and introduced a series of things to them, he began to lead them to choose a dormitory in groups.

The dormitory can be said to be really luxurious, it can be said to be very rich.

Xia Yu's room has two bathrooms, five dormitory beds, and a big desk.

All kinds of equipment in the room are very complete. After leaving the room, two steps back is the recording room for making songs.

The recording rooms of each group are far away to prevent leaks and plagiarism, and to prevent any conflicts between players.

After everything was ready, the host told them that there would be a total of three days of preparation, and three days later at 7:[-] p.m., the performance would be performed on a specific big stage.

Naturally, there will be a lot of spectators at the scene.

During the three days of stay, everyone is free to go out, but every trip must be recorded and registered at the gate, and accompanied by people.

Must come back tonight.

Everyone nodded and returned to their dormitories.

You can choose to have dinner in the dormitory, or you can go outside for dinner, which varies from person to person.

But before 09:30, everyone must come back to sign.

"Hey...I'm exhausted."

"I still have to hang up the clothes and tidy up the room..."

One of the contestants said, dragging his suitcase helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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