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Chapter 793 Charmed

Chapter 793 Charmed
"Hi, my name is Xia Yu, summer in summer..."

Suddenly, the scene on the rooftop many years ago flashed in her mind.

she smiles.

"The summer of summer, the lingering sound lingers on the beam."

The lingering lingering sound...

As soon as these words came out, in a certain dark room, Xiao Licheng, who was sitting in an office chair with his chin propped up and watching the live broadcast, trembled all over.

The lingering lingering sound...

This is what he told her, so she changed...

"My name is Bai Yu, Bai Bai, redundant Yu."

"You're the one whose lingering sound haunts you, right?"

"Bai Yu!"

"Bai Yu..."

After introducing the name, Xia Yu didn't speak any more.

The host hurriedly picked it up, saying

"Okay! Then thank our student Xia Yu for introducing himself. From the information card here, student Xia Yu is an artist of Yuele Entertainment Company, right?"

Xia Yu nodded.


The host wiped his cold sweat.

"Hahaha... Yuele Entertainment Company is notoriously inexhaustible, so it means that Xia Yu's students should also be very strong."

Xia Yu said nothing, but nodded.

The host said awkwardly: "Then let us enjoy the English songs brought by our student Xia Yu!"

""Bucause of you"!"

The shortest self-introduction in history was over, the lights dimmed, and then only a beam of light remained in the room, shining on Xia Yu.

"This one's for you"
It's something I have to say to you

But I can't be sure

If I ever get the messy flue

Don't know what ever if you still don't understand
I don't know if you're still wondering

Because of you

Because of you

Because you
... "

Xia Yu's red lips parted slightly, and she sang softly to the accompaniment of the piano.

The tone in front is soothing, like flowing water, quiet, just waiting for people to appreciate it.

The hoarse and slightly sweet voice made people get goosebumps when they heard it.

Halfway through the singing, the tone rose slightly, everyone held their breath, and watched the so-called investor Xia Yu perform.

The rhythm card is accurate, the music is nothing to say, the breath, the voice, it can be said to be impeccable.

"Only get what you want

I don't go wild you couldn't live
Between the lines live in the cracks
And though watch well

I couldn't see things with your eyes
You know what you are looking for

so you can understand

Because of you

Because of you

Because of you

... "

In the second half, the tone of the voice rose directly, and without warning, Xia Yu's high-pitched voice filled the entire hall.

Everyone looked in disbelief at Xia Yu, who thought he was a vase, but was so enthusiastic when he sang.

It's like fire and water, calm but passionate.

The high notes went up one after another, causing goosebumps on everyone's bodies and never coming down.

Everyone didn't dare to comment casually during the singing, but all of them opened their eyes wide, looking at the glowing people on the stage, and for a while, they were fascinated.

It felt like he was the only one among the handsome men and beautiful women who couldn't take their eyes off once.

On the other side, Su Yale, who was also watching the live video, curled her lips and smiled.

"Although I let Xia Yu do whatever he wants, it's fine to come back in a secret, but I've thought about this situation a long time ago."

"After all, that person is Xia Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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