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Chapter 720 Hot Search

Chapter 720 Hot Search
"Come, sit here."

Su Yale froze with a smile on her face.

"Uh, Brother Fan, don't we have to clean up, right?"

"Otherwise...hehe...the smell will be on Xiao Licheng's relatives."

"It's someone else's home after all... right?"

Brother Fan hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Xiao Licheng picked up his phone twice, and the middle part of the ceiling suddenly opened up.

Su Yale was shocked.

"What? You added...ventilators??"

Xiao Licheng looked at Su Yale as if he was mentally retarded.

" did you get the idea that my house doesn't have a ventilator?"

Su Yale scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Then...then it's better to wash the dishes first! Yes, why don't you wash the dishes? Talk, it's very messy!"

As he said that, he quickly cooperated with Zhang Baiyu and started to wash the bowls one by one.

Just as Bai Yu opened his sleeves, he saw Xiao Licheng striding forward, stopping Bai Yu from turning on the water pipe.

"No need to wash."

After speaking, he directly threw Wan into a box that looked as big as a washing machine.

Beauty Su Yale was shocked.

"What are you doing? Don't want the bowl??"

Xiao Licheng looked at Su Yale like a country bumpkin for a while, and then the red light of the dishwasher over there turned on.

Under the eerie silence, within 3 minutes, the bowl has been washed inside, and the size distribution is perfect.

Xiao Licheng took out the plate and put it in the kitchen cabinet just like that.

Put a smile on his face.

"Come on, go. Brother Fan wants to talk to you."

Su Yale hates that! !

"When did your family have a dishwasher like this!!"

Why come out at this time to spoil her good deeds?She originally wanted to make an excuse that she was too tired to wash the dishes and go straight to bed! !
Xiao Licheng snorted coldly.

"Is this dishwasher working all the time?"

Su Yale doesn't believe it, Xiao Licheng must have done it on purpose.

"Fart, why haven't I seen it before?"

Xiao Licheng cut, feeling very speechless.

"Have you come to do the dishes?"

Su Yale was wronged.

"Washed! Once..."

Xiao Licheng shrugged.

"Oh, then I probably forgot to tell you."

"I'm sorry."

"Anyway, it's a good thing, isn't it? Now you can talk to Brother Fan with confidence."

As he said that, he stood behind Bai Yu with a flat face.

"Okay, as for us... let's go practice the piano."

The two were just about to leave, but Brother Fan over there said, "Xiao Licheng, Bai Yu, you two also come over and watch together."

Hearing this, Su Yale stuck out her tongue, and hurriedly pulled Bai Yu over.

"Slightly slightly slightly, you come and listen too."


Two minutes later, Xiao Licheng was sitting on the sofa like an old man, while Bai Yu and Su Yale were sitting in front of Brother Fan like a child who did something wrong.

Brother Fan said angrily, "Let's not talk about the rest, Su Yale, what is this, you have to see for yourself!!"

Su Yale took a look at the phone with a guilty conscience, and took a deep breath on the spot.


What Brother Fan gave was a hot search, the title was [National First Love Xiaohuadan pretends to be a casual eater! 】

[Su Yale's emerging personality? ?Steal Goddess. 】

[When your goddess changed her dress to steal food—? 】

The more you look down, the more Su Yale's head hurts.

The camera was aimed at her very, very accurately. She went in in a dress, came out in casual clothes, and took pictures of what she ate.

(End of this chapter)

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