say it now

Chapter 711

Chapter 711
I still remember being ruthlessly misunderstood by Xiao Licheng when I first arrived at this school.

But at that time, how could she know?

The boy who stubbornly wanted to apologize after following her for several hours, would firmly live in her heart two years later.

How could she have thought that that boy who was as clean as a glass of water would take pity on her and protect her so much.

How could she have thought of...

Maybe she went back to the past and told herself that Bai Yu from the past would not believe it either.

"I just want to hold the fleeting time

say goodbye

Carve your smiles in my heart
when meteors streak across the sky

make our wish

make now forever

forever forever la la la

la la la la"

The last paragraph was over, and the scene burst into thunderous applause.

Even Zhen Han who was sitting in the VIP seat couldn't help but nodded.

"This girl...Although she lacks some skills, overall, she sings really well."

"It belongs to the type that God rewards with food."

"Just for this voice alone, I still really want to ask people to come over."

Xiao Chenhe was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Bai Yu's singing to be so amazing.

The emotion of singing is inside, and the audience who listens can't help but feel the same.

After singing, Bai Yu, Su Yale and Xiao Licheng stood together, bowed a little gracefully, and then walked off the stage.

Seeing that Bai Yu was about to go down, everyone immediately started taking pictures again.

"Sit there."

Less than 3 minutes after leaving the stage, Bai Yu was called to a chair by Xiao Licheng, and then let her sit on it.

Although Bai Yu felt strange, he still sat on it obediently.

"Huh? What's wrong."

Xiao Licheng raised his eyebrows on the spot, and waited for about a minute, but did not answer Bai Yu's words.

Bai Yu frowned.


As a result, as soon as she said the three words, a person ran over there in a panic, with slippers and a strange small box in his hand.

After Xiao Licheng took the box, he knelt down on one knee and gently held Bai Yu's foot.

Bai Yu was taken aback, and quickly wanted to shrink back, after all, the people around him were watching, they were like this, too...


But Bai Yu felt ashamed, while Xiao Licheng acted like a normal person.

He directly grabbed Bai Yu's feet, and then took off the pair of expensive purple shoes, and then looked at the red, slightly worn heels, and frowned heartbroken.

Then I took out a small ointment and a band-aid from the small box.

He was very careful and patiently painted on Bai Yu.

This made Bai Yu really feel a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to stretch his feet back.

She could only blushed, lowered her head and waited for Xiao Licheng to finish.

Maybe it was because he realized that the person above his head was a little nervous, Xiao Licheng was able to finish the task very quickly, he dragged it on for about 3 minutes before he thought it was funny, and changed the slippers for Bai Yu.

At this moment, people in the corridor came and went, all of them looked at Bai Yu with extremely envious expressions.


Seeing that Bai Yu was really embarrassed, Xiao Licheng chuckled lightly, then got up and stood up.

With a little embarrassment, Bai Yu asked, "Well, I don't know... where did that Bai Yu go..."


Xiao Licheng looked at a piece of hair hanging from Bai Yu's mouth, and stretched out his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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