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Chapter 679 Atonement

Chapter 679 Atonement
Chen Lian had a mournful face, apparently listening to Bai Yu's words.

She was already full of guilt, and felt that she was really a jerk at that time, and what Bai Yu said was right.

Liang Fei walked back and forth a little uneasy.

Bai Yu saw it and tilted his head.

She poked Liang Fei's collar and said, "That white dress suits you better."

"And your makeup is too thick, you are suitable for light makeup in pink."

Chen Sijian also shrugged in agreement.

"That's right."

He flicked Liang Fei's bangs.

"You still fit there."

Seeing the intimate interaction between the two, Bai Yu put on a helpless expression.

"Qi, the most obedient one, I didn't expect you to let him go."

Chen Sijian was helpless.

"Forgive me, I didn't let you go. Her cabbage rolled into my arms by herself."

"Besides, she's not good, she's very wild."

Speaking of this, Liang Fei pursed his lips and lowered his head.

Bai Yu seemed to have noticed something, and patted her on the head.

"Anyway, you still don't do well in things like today."

Both Chen Zhuo and Liu Sisi were a little surprised, thinking that Bai Yu was going to let it go, who would have thought that he would intercede for them?

Liang Fei was sad, and he couldn't bear to speak.


"Bai Yu, I've always wanted to avenge you. As it turns out, I did it too."

"I made them pay for framing you."

"Since you left, I have always wondered, if at that time, if I had spoken up in the office, and I was not so timid to prove it for you, would the ending be different?"

"You and Xia Liang... don't you need to leave??"

"I have always regretted it, regretted it very much, so I changed my clothes, hairstyle, and personality, and told myself that it was because of my cowardice that Bai Yu was treated like that."

She hid her face in pain.

"I... I really... Every time I regret it, my hatred for Liu Sisi and the others will increase. I can't wait to throw them in front of the whole school and suffer the random comments of those people."

"Did I do something wrong? Did I...I...I made you unhappy?"

Seeing Liang Feiyue getting more and more excited as he spoke, Bai Yu stood there without moving.

Indeed, if Liang Fei had spoken at that time, the ending would really have changed.

But once that happens, Liang Fei will be hated by Liu Sisi and the others.

Thinking about it now... this ending is better.

Thinking about it, Bai Yu patted Liang Fei's head helplessly.

"Unhappy? Well... If you want to ask, there is indeed a little bit."

She looked at Liang Fei's hurt eyes and patted her shoulder lightly.

"Because I really didn't expect that Liang Fei would become what he is today. You used to be timid, and you didn't even dare to hit people, but seeing you now, I feel very sad, and I always feel that it is my fault."

"That's what makes you what you are now."

Liang Fei was shocked when he heard Bai Yu's words, and quickly backed away.

"No, no, no, it's not your fault, how could it be your fault, I don't even have time to thank you!!"

"Now I'm just making atonement!!"

Bai Yu shook his head helplessly.

"You don't have any crimes, what sins do you atone for?"

She raised her eyes, looked at Chen Sijian who had been unable to speak, and raised her head.

"Liang Fei, it's time to move on. It's my fault that I haven't come to see you for so long. Because I didn't expect things to develop this way."

"But it's been three years and you don't need to feel any burden or responsibility."

"If I say nothing, I will leave it here today. You, Liang Fei, have nothing to do with me. You live your life and I live mine. Whoever bullies you will bully you back, but you are not allowed to do this for me again." .”

(End of this chapter)

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