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Chapter 550 3 Days

Chapter 550 Three Days
Although Bai Yu couldn't see Su Ya's expression of holding the winning ticket at this moment, Chen Ruixi could see it.

He turned his head quickly, frightened.

Why is there no one normal in this school!Each of them can give him goosebumps with just one expression!

Soon, Bai Yu came back.

She brought a pair of slippers that were easy to walk in, and placed them in front of Su Yale.

Su Yale's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is…"

Bai Yu put the kettle aside.

"These shoes are not good for walking, don't fall any more."

"You put on these slippers first. No one has used these, they are spare."

The smile on Su Yale's face was sweet, and the bottom of her heart was completely moved.

"Ah! Love you! I'll put it on!"

She quickly put down the food in her arms, and took off her hate.

After putting on the slippers, she felt soft and comfortable.

She stepped on it a few more times before slowly taking out all kinds of lunch boxes.

Picking up a chopstick, stretched it out in front of Bai Yu and said, "I also know that you haven't had breakfast yet."

"Come on, eat quickly."

Bai Yu took the pair of chopsticks, gently picked up a piece of meat, and put it to his mouth.

The meat melts in the mouth, it's unimaginable that it was ordered outside.

She thought that this takeaway was worth tens of dollars, but only Su Yale understood that this takeaway was customized by Second Young Master Xiao himself and delivered to her in the car in the morning.

This small piece of meat costs at least several thousand, and I don't know how much it costs for a whole meal.

If Xiao Licheng hadn't informed her to come over, Su Yale wouldn't have known that Bai Yu had been staying in the swimming pool recently.

Although Su Yale knew that Xiao Licheng was so kind as to give her food and let her come to accompany Bai Yu, it was purely to monitor Chen Ruixi.

He hated Bai Yu and Chen Ruixi being together.

In the end, the biggest winner is of course her, Su Yale.

I haven't worked for these two days, so it's great to be able to stick to Bai Yu all the time.

Just think about it and be happy.

Bai Yu scooped a spoonful of salty and light seaweed soup at the side, put it into his mouth, felt that it was not enough, and took another sip.

Chen Ruixi, who was working on the side, moved his nose twice, smelling the smell of food in the air, his stomach rumbled unsatisfactorily.

The tears flowed down from his mouth even more disappointingly.

Bai Yu glanced at him lightly, Chen Ruixi immediately perked up and shook his head left and right.

No, I can't think about these foods anymore.

He resigned himself to cleaning from the corner.

This workload is naturally not small.

It took him three full days to clean the swimming pool.

In the past three days, he not only had to suffer from Bai Yu's pick and choose, Su Yale's sarcasm, and Xiao Licheng's disgusting gaze, but also had to resist the temptation of delicious food, as well as the condemnation of his conscience.

He thought that after three days, his hard life was finally coming to an end, but who knew that his hard life had just begun.

He and the other team members operated normally and had to train together every day, but in addition, Chen Ruixi had to practice for three hours a day, plus cleaning the swimming pool.

This made his originally full stomach directly re-train the eight-pack abs.

Chen Ruixi suffers every day, and silently swears in his heart that if he provokes Bai Yu next time, then he will be a villain! ! !

In this way, the days passed day after day, and everyone finally reached the second selection of Seri.

In this competition, it will be decided to represent City A to participate in the National High School Swimming Competition.

(End of this chapter)

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