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Chapter 545 Price

Chapter 545 Price
She blinked her eyes and said, "Besides, if you really think that you are at fault, no matter whether you have the face to face Liu Dongdong or not, no matter whether Liu Dongdong accepts your apology or not, you must apologize to her."

Chen Ruixi faltered for a long time, and was lectured, so he could only turn his head obediently.

Is it...their fault?

No, maybe there is nothing wrong with liking others, but both he and Liu Dongdong use the excuse of liking to hurt the people they care about.


Chen Ruixi shook his head, shook off his distracting thoughts, and looked out the window.

Bai Yu touched his lips, snorted, and said, "And..."

and also?

Chen Ruixi's attention was attracted, only to see Bai Yu's face was smiling brightly, the corners of his mouth were hanging by his ears.

He had never seen Bai Yu smile so brightly.

No... He may have seen it once, last year, when she beat up those third-year students...

Thinking of this, Chen Ruixi couldn't help swallowing.

Bai Yu tapped his face.

"Also... Anyone who does something wrong will have to pay the corresponding price."

"Do you remember what I told you last year?"

Chen Ruixi nodded weakly with a frightened face.


Bai Yu let out a huff.

"Just remember, I'm afraid you'll forget."

Chen Ruixi felt that he was about to finish playing.

After all, when Bai Yu smiled like this, nothing good happened.

Xiao Licheng saw it, and could only smile helplessly and dotingly.

The person next to him is the most special one in his mind.

After more than half an hour, they finally returned to the swimming pool. In fact, most of the team members have already trained a corresponding amount and are sitting on the side to rest.

After less than 10 minutes of rest, I saw Chen Ruixi walking in from the outside with a disfigured face and bruises all over his body.

That step by step, it was as slow as someone pulling him behind.

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"Old did you get hurt..."

"You... you were taught a lesson by your manager, right?"

"Really...really fighting?"

"I'll go... you..."

Chen Ruixi shook his head, remembering that before Bai Yu came, he had been told not to tell the team members the truth, so he kept his mouth shut and pretended to be dumb.

Not long after, Bai Yu and Xiao Licheng walked in from the door together.

She blew a whistle and laughed, "Everyone has worked hard, let's go back and rest early."

"Remember to take good care of your mental state and body."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to ask about Chen Ruixi's injuries.

Seeing his bitter face, everyone pursed their lips at the same time, then put their bags on their backs and left.

Bai Yu said softly, "Oh, that's right. You stay, Chen Ruixi."

Chen Ruixi was taken aback, he looked at Bai Yu as if he was looking at a tigress.

"Ah ... ah? Why ... what happened? What ... ask ... question?"

Bai Yu smiled lightly.

" can't heal your wounds. I'll take you to the infirmary."

Hearing what she said, Chen Ruixi dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

Although what he said was terrible, is Bai Yu still okay? It's completely different from that Xiao Licheng.

"it is good."

But later Chen Ruixi discovered that he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

He didn't know that after healed, his hell began.

He didn't know that Bai Yu had always followed his word.

(End of this chapter)

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