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Chapter 482 Human Traffickers

Chapter 482 Human Traffickers

The sound of a man killing a pig sounded, and the girl took the opportunity to shake off the man's hand, and ran directly to Bai Yu's side, protected by Su Yale.

The man guessed that things were going to die, so he turned around and prepared to run.

But there are so many people around here, and Bai Yu himself is not low in strength, how could it be possible for people to run away so easily?
Soon he was pushed to the ground by the crowd, and the surrounding crowd also stepped forward to help.

"Hey! Still planning to run?"

There were three people who came, seeing the fierce resistance from this side, Bai Yu simply stepped forward and locked his throat, but forgot that he was still holding the cake he just bought in his hand.

Accidentally, the cake fell directly to the ground.Still being stepped on by the man who was holding her up, she was completely crushed.

Bai Yu's heart twitched. While feeling sorry for those cakes, he didn't forget to put an extra force on his arm.

"Stop, stop, stop, let go!"

"Let go of me! Let me tell you, I can sue you for doing this!"

Bai Yu sneered with his nose, and immediately pushed him to the ground.

"Then you have to see the police first."

The security guard also saw that something was wrong, and finally understood, he blew his whistle quickly, and a group of people rushed out from one side, holding down the men on the edge of the city.

Bai Yu glanced around twice.

Seeing that he had been caught, the man shouted, "Run!! Run!"

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, a silver van closed the door not far away, ready to flee the scene.

Bai Yu saw that the few people around him were caught by the security guards, so he didn't need to take care of it himself. In a hurry, he took the mobile phone of a girl who was taking a video next to him, and pointed the mobile phone directly at the van that was leaving.

Fortunately, the license plate was clearly illuminated.

The girl whose mobile phone was taken away was startled, and just about to say something, she was fascinated by Bai Yu's faint smile.

She simply said, "Thank you for your help, if I bother you for a moment, can you forward this video to me."

The girl took her mobile phone tremblingly, and said a little excitedly, "Ah, it's okay, beautiful sister, you can use it as you like."

Pretty sister?

What an interesting girl.

Bai Yu laughed "poof~" and asked, "What's your name? Thank you for your help."

As she spoke, she took down the license plate number of the van in the video.

"Ah? I... Me... Uh... I, I, my name is Liu Dongdong... Miss sister can just call me Dongdong."


Bai Yu nodded, then turned to appease the girl who was still in shock.

When the girl saw Bai Yu, she rushed forward gratefully.

"Thank you so much! Almost...almost... woo woo woo~"

Just as Bai Yu was about to say a few words of comfort, the sound of "beep beep beep" from a police car came through not far away.

Passers-by gave way one after another.

"Comrade police, you are here."

"The police are coming, make way!"

Several policemen quickly stepped forward, took away several prisoners with handcuffs, and comforted the crying out of breath man.

"Miss, it's all right."

"Can you contact your family?"

The girl nodded her head weeping, and then made a call, and there was an older voice on the other end of the phone.

Hearing that something happened here, he hurriedly said that he would go to the police station immediately.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Bai Yu clapped his hands, followed Su Yale and said, "Then let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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