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Chapter 44 Phoenix City

Chapter 44 Phoenix City

After the watcher left, he looked at Kang Hua's blank medical examination report in his hand and laughed.

"It's probably useless..."

After she handed in the blank form, she leisurely left the East Campus and walked towards Phoenix City.

When it was almost time to arrive, Gao Xin called her and asked, "Bai Yu, where are you now? Why aren't you here?"

Bai Yu looked at the big Phoenix City in front of his eyes and said, "I'm already at the door, and I just helped the teacher sort out some things."

Hearing that the person had already arrived at the door, Gao Xin said excitedly, "Oh, yes! I see, you stand there and don't move! I'll go pick you up right away!"

About 10 minutes passed, Bai Yu was very obedient and really didn't move at all, and the passers-by all looked at him strangely when they saw him.

Is this person imitating a statue?
"Ah~! I found it! Bai Yu!"

Hearing someone calling her name, the white statue finally moved. She took a few steps forward and found that Liu Ziqin was following behind Gao Xin.

Dislike it.

Seeing him, Bai Yu couldn't help but recall the story Kang Hua just told.

Although it was drugged, even my girlfriend couldn't tell the difference and kissed her, and after waking up, she talked about her indiscriminately.

Really shameless, tui!

Bai Yu himself didn't realize that his heart was slowly leaning towards Kang Hua, and his thoughts at the moment were to protect the calf.

Liu Ziqin became angry when he saw Bai Yu's disgusted face after staring at him for two seconds.

What does this woman want to do!
If it wasn't for fear that she would mention Kang Hua, he would go up and argue!

"Is it cold?"

Bai Yu shook his head, he had already mosaiced Liu Ziqin in his mind.

"No, it's not cold at all. By the way, what are you going to do in Phoenix City today?"

What are you doing?Gao Xin was startled, and said, "Ah! That's nothing, it's just an ordinary dinner."

Bai Yu was puzzled for a moment, but he followed into the sixth floor of Phoenix City.

We stopped at a restaurant and went inside.

Many students in the class are looking at the door.

Bai Yu stood at the door, stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, a little hairy.

Subconsciously took two steps back, and suddenly, Gao Xin rang something from behind, and colorful strips fell from the sky, and then the students in the class also blew the celebration cannons one by one.


Teacher Gao pushed a dining car not far away, and there was a big cake on it.

"Welcome Bai Yu to join our class!"

This is……

Bai Yu glanced at Gao Xin in confusion, she laughed twice and said, "Freshman Welcome Party!"

Welcome party for new students?
It was the first time she had this kind of treatment, and her hands froze there for a while, she, what is she going to do next?

She has been to the birthday party...but she doesn't know how to deal with the welcome party?Want to blow out the candles?Where are the candles?
This cake has no candles! !
Liu Mengmeng got up quickly and said, "Teacher~ I'm starving~ When will the food be served!"

After Teacher Gao hurriedly asked people to return to their seats, Gao Xin also pulled Bai Yu to sit on a seat.

The waiters began to serve the dishes one after another, and Teacher Gao also began to cut the cake.

Bai Yu couldn't help being shocked.

"You... haven't eaten for so long?"

Gao Xin rubbed the back of her head and said, "Ah... yes. But I served a little dessert and watched a big movie. Everyone didn't feel bored or hungry."

Liu Ziqin snorted coldly, they were not hungry, but he was starving to death.

(End of this chapter)

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