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Chapter 417 The Early Morning Visitor

Chapter 417 The Early Morning Visitor

Time passed and passed, and after the final exam, all the students got their vacation as they wished.

Because Su Yale has been very busy, Xiao Licheng has also been busy, and has not had much time to meet each other until today.

——September 1——

In the morning, 05:30.

Bai Yu was still immersed in dreamland, when he heard his cell phone ringing frantically, and the door of the apartment was being knocked on all the time.

She didn't sleep very deeply, so she woke up immediately after making such a noise.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Because I just opened my eyes, my eyes are still a little blurry, the other end of the phone said with a smile, "Bai Yu! Just woke up? Open the door quickly."

With a face full of doubts, Bai Yu opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xiao Licheng and Su Yale rushed into the room, took off their shoes very skillfully, and squatted at the foot of Bai Yu's bed.

With black lines all over Bai Yu's face, he looked at the time on his phone and said, "What are you two doing?"

"05:30 in the morning, why don't people sleep?"

The two said mysteriously, "Hey~ Long time no see! I miss you so much!"

"It's the new agent who has too much work for the winter vacation, and basically didn't see him except for the exam!"

Xiao Licheng also nodded.

"If I didn't have to go to socialize or something, I would have come to meet you earlier."

Bai Yu waved his hand.

"I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about why you two are in the middle of the night..."

Su Yale opened her eyes wide, and said, "It's not midnight! It's almost six o'clock, change your clothes quickly, remember to wear thicker ones!"

Bai Yu was dumbfounded.

"Get dressed? Are you going out?"

Xiao Licheng nodded.

"Put on that big padded jacket, it will be really cold outside."

Bai Yu bit his lips, and finally said helplessly, "Okay..."

While Bai Yu was going to wash up in the bathroom, Xiao Licheng and Su Yale went to the kitchen in tacit understanding, took out three bags of instant noodles from the cabinet, and cooked them together.

Of course, the noodles are not spicy.

The two of them added three poached eggs on their own.

After she had 10 minutes to wash up, after she came out of the bathroom, the two of them had already set up a lazy table at home and prepared the dishes.

"Oh! Bai Yu, have you finished washing? Come and eat ramen!"

"Yes! Only when you are full can you have strength!"

Bai Yu is helpless, and he doesn't know when it will start, these two people are more comfortable in this home than she is.

She almost forgot that she was the owner of the house.


Finally, Bai Yu also sat down and started eating ramen under the warm hospitality of the two.

Because the three of them were very hungry, the noodles were completely dried up in less than 15 minutes.

Even the noodle soup was drunk.

After eating, the two of them got up very consciously, went to the place where the dishes were washed, washed the dishes, and urged Bai Yu, "Hurry up and get dressed!"

"The thicker the better!"

Bai Yu put on a sweater helplessly, and a down jacket that reached his knees outside.

"That's the head office. Where are you going? It's early in the morning."

Seeing that the man had finished changing his clothes, the two of them put the bowl away, and then dragged Bai Yu downstairs.

Downstairs, Uncle Zhang was already waiting there in that black car.

"Oh, Miss Su, Master Xiao, you are here."

The two of them stuffed Bai Yu in together, and hurriedly said, "Uncle Zhang, let's go!"

Uncle Zhang said "De Ling" and drove out in the car.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Yu still had a dazed face. Could it be that he wanted to sell her early in the morning?
(End of this chapter)

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