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Chapter 407 Take a Walk

Chapter 407 Take a Walk
"I'm not here to persuade you to go home and continue doing business in the enterprise."

"But...but go back and see the family at least once. Not just my grandma too, they miss you so much."

"And... grandma is getting older..."

"You know what I mean, don't regret it then."


Uncle Gao lay down on the table and wrapped himself in his arms.

So that everyone can't see what kind of expression he is putting on.


Everyone left, leaving only the lonely figure of Uncle Gao in the empty ramen shop.


Bai Yu, who went out, did not turn around to go to other places, but walked along the street alone with earphones on.

Xiao Licheng also rejected Uncle Zhang's request to accompany him, and walked beside Bai Yu.

If Ye Tao was there, he would definitely make a big fuss again, saying that he was so negligent in precautions, so how could it be possible.

Thinking of the time when he packed up the entire movie theater and filled it with actors, Bai Yu was quite frightened.

Look again now...

"Earphones, give me half."

Bai Yu thought about it, originally he didn't want to give it, he was afraid of being troubled by others, but in the end he took one side off and handed it to Xiao Licheng.

Xiao Licheng took the earphones contentedly, and then listened to the song that Bai Yu played casually.

Then it's just walking aimlessly.

Go and go, go and go.

He thought it was a good way to pass the time.

Because he had always thought that such a time spent in nothingness could only be a waste of time and life.

But look at it now, follow the people you like, watch the scenery you like, listen to songs, and stroll along the street.

There is nothing more seductive and fulfilling than this.

"This is……"

Xiao Licheng asked in surprise.

Bai Yu didn't look at him, but looked at the road, and replied, "Are you familiar with it?"

Xiao Licheng immediately rolled his eyes with a smile, causing Bai Yu to have no place to put his eyes.

Because Xiao Licheng was already good-looking, and with such a smile...

Even the hard-hearted Bai Yu couldn't help but sneak a few glances, and then quickly turned his head.

If it were placed in ancient times, this would be a real disaster!
A few more years, I'm afraid it will cause a war in the Three Realms.

"Well, familiar. Isn't this the one I talked about at the concert before?"

"Looks like you really like it."

Bai Yu put on the earphones steadily.

"Cut... Isn't that because you recorded the audio into my phone without authorization?"

"I don't want to hear it."

Xiao Licheng looked at the way she flipped through the music on her mobile phone, and then looked at the obvious 438 times, and his heart was full of joy.

Although I knew that Bai Yu would listen to this song, I didn't expect to listen to it so many times.

My heart suddenly felt a little warm.

"Okay, don't talk about it, just walk to see the scenery for a while. Remember to go when you're done."

"Otherwise your bodyguard will be nagging again later."

Xiao Licheng was ashamed.

Since that party, Ye Tao has been very clingy to him.

Almost can't wait to stare at it 24 hours a day.

Without even thinking about it, he knew it was Patriarch Xiao who said something.

Bai Yufa was dazed, and walked forward step by step.

Suddenly, a car whized by next to it.

Xiao Licheng quickly supported Bai Yu, and then quietly moved her into the inner passage.

"Look at the car."

Bai Yu let out a breath, and the white breath drifted past in the direction of the breath.

"Well, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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