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Chapter 302 Encountered

Chapter 302 Encountered
He said that he was just going to say hello, and strode forward.

Bai Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Why is this called night snack... This looks like some kind of banquet."

Xiao Licheng casually grabbed a small matcha biscuit on the white table next to him, then picked it up with his slender fingers, and stuffed it into Bai Yu's mouth.

She naturally opened her mouth to take a mouthful of the reward from Uncle Xiao.

Seeing that her food was delicious, Xiao Licheng himself took a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, saying, "Hey, you don't care if it's a banquet or not, as long as there is something to eat, it's supper."

Bai Yu's eyes widened, and he didn't want to be entangled with him, but he was right.

Anyway, this banquet has nothing to do with her big fart, she is only responsible for eating~ that's fine.


Thinking of this, Bai Yu asked in a somewhat urging tone, "Huh? By the way, didn't you say you were going to say hello. Hurry up."

Xiao Licheng paused the movements of his hands, straightened his face and said, "If you don't tell me, I'd almost forget it."

"You wait here for me, I'll be right back."

Bai Yu quickly waved his hand in disgust, signaling him to leave quickly.

Why does it feel like Xiao Licheng always treats her like a child, as if she is afraid that she will not be able to find her way all day long.

After about 10 minutes, Bai Yu found that Xiao Licheng was still there saying hello, without his nagging, Bai Yu was quite at ease.

So I walked along the food all the way.Just wanted to see if there was anything better to eat.

Anyway, Xiao Licheng will call if he can't find it.

As a result, not far away, the plate and the clip were found just by chance.

I thought this should be for them, so I wanted to go and get one.Unexpectedly, just as she was about to reach out to take it, she touched another person's hand.

Another hand?

Bai Yu raised his head and was about to apologize, when the other person started to speak first, "Tsk, you don't have eyes."

She squinted her eyes, always feeling that the person opposite seemed familiar.

"Huh? You..."

Because of the change of clothes, Bai Yu really didn't notice her at first, but after a closer look, he could recognize that this girl was the one who was stalking Su Yale in the bathroom.

The girl was a bit annoying at first, but after seeing who was coming, she even turned pale.

" are..."

Bai Yu clicked his tongue twice, why didn't this man remember a lesson.

It's not good to hate people when you come up, what if you offend a big boss?
That's right, just like the handsome young man standing behind her with a sullen face at the moment.

Xiao Licheng didn't know why he came here, when Bai Yu realized his existence, Xiao Licheng was already standing behind her.

Then he stretched out his white arm from behind her, picked up the plate from between the two, and asked with a puzzled face, "Why are you in a daze here, don't you want to eat?"

The girl's eyes were almost popping out, and when she was about to say something, Xiao Licheng immediately interrupted, "I told you to wait for me where you are, where are you going?"

Bai Yu looked at the distance from the original place to here, and said a little angrily, "Where did you go? It's only a few meters in total."

Xiao Licheng shook his head, looking like He Qiyi, he grabbed a lot of things from the table next to him, and then urged her, "Hurry up and get something."

Bai Yu coughed twice, and just looked at him patronizingly.

After reacting, he quickly took a plate and imitated Xiao Licheng and took something and followed.

The girl looked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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