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Chapter 251 Movie Theater 11

Chapter 251 Movie Theater 11
contact details?

Although the man was very angry, he still had a little bit of reason. After all, it was so quiet here and there were people all around.

This kind of matter can either be solved by going out, or simply deter that brat.

So he asked the woman to move further to the side, so that the woman sat behind Bai Yu again.

And that man tapped Xiao Licheng's shoulder, planning to say something.At the same time, the woman who changed her position felt that the reason why Xiao Licheng refused to give her contact information was because of this girl wearing a black hat.

So as if to vent, or to annoy the girl, he kicked under the stool again.

Because she felt that the girl didn't dare to say anything the first two times, she should be of the timid kind, so she kicked the stool even more recklessly.

To be honest, Xiao Licheng has been holding back, because he can tell that Bai Yu doesn't want to cause trouble.

But!As the second youngest of the Xiao family, he was so aggrieved that he even changed his position. How dare these two continue to come and find fault?

Just as he was about to explode, he saw the bodyguard quietly approaching from the corner.

" would be nice to come earlier."

After speaking, he relaxed and continued to watch the movie, thinking: This is all right, the two of them don't need to make a big deal, and the two of them will be taken away, and the film and television hall will finally be clean.

It's a pity that within three seconds, his thought was broken by the angry and smoking Bai Yu beside him.

Because she stood up suddenly, grabbed the popcorn, turned her head, and popped it on the woman's head.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

There was lightning and thunder on the big screen, and as the heroine's screams merged with the woman's screams in the back seat, the people around and the bodyguards who were about to walk over all looked at Bai Yu as if they had seen a ghost.

Bai Yu himself also realized that he had been dunked on someone's head after a long time, and he regretted it for a while.

ah……! ! !I can't hold back my temper! !

The woman hurriedly took off the popcorn bucket covering her head, and looked at Bai Yu in a daze, and was so frightened that she couldn't say anything at the moment.

But with the passing of each second, the ignorance was replaced by anger.

She said loudly, "You... you!! What are you doing, you bastard!!"

Bai Yu covered his ears, and said impatiently, "I told you to stop kicking, did you not hear?"

The woman stared and said, "What are you talking about! Why can't I understand? Are you looking for trouble?"

"Honey~! Look at her!"

Xiao Licheng exhaled, and looked at Bai Yu complicatedly.

"You...Didn't you say that you don't want to cause trouble today?"

Bai Yu patted the popcorn that accidentally fell on his clothes, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry...I couldn't hold back."

Who made this girl keep kicking! !

Xiao Licheng helped his forehead, and said, "It's a pity that I have been enduring..."

Hearing that his woman was complaining to him, the drunken man regained his rationality and said, "You...! Don't even think about leaving like this! Little brother, come on, let's go out and talk."

"Don't scare your little girlfriend, ah, how about letting your girlfriend come with you?"

Xiao Licheng glanced at the bodyguard who was frozen in place, and said, "What are you doing, come here and drag him away."

The bodyguard was startled, and hurried forward to grab the man.

"Yeah! What are you doing! Who are you pulling!"

(End of this chapter)

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