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Chapter 24 Lost

Chapter 24 Lost
Teacher Gao touched his chin.

"Where do you put all your stuff?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "I came back first yesterday, and put all the things I bought under the podium."

Under the podium?

Teacher Gao frowned and said, "It's strange... I didn't see anything under the podium when I came here this morning?"

"The only thing I saw in the activity room this morning was the name of student Liu Ziqin. Bai Yu, think about it carefully, where did you put your things?"

"I read your report. It's very important. The cheerleaders' uniforms are also there."

Bai Yu was startled.impossible?
She definitely remembered putting things under the podium last night...

Gao Xin was a little worried, and when he heard this, he said, "Did someone take it away? I heard from Ziqin that I met Bai Yu, who was shopping in the mall yesterday."

Teacher Gao was a little worried and said, "Why, who would take things purchased by other classes. Student Bai Yu, think about it again, did you put the things somewhere else?"

Bai Yu said firmly, "Teacher, I am sure and sure, I put all the things I purchased under the podium."

The teacher shook his head.

"Then what should I do? How should I explain to my classmates? After all, things are bought with class fees. If Bai Yu's dereliction of duty caused me to lose all my things..."

Bai Yu understands that if this is the case, she will have to pay out of her own pocket to buy things in the class again.

What she purchased was definitely worth a fortune.At least one month of her living expenses will be gone.

Gao Xin was a little anxious, how could this happen?She believed that classmate Bai Yu would not lie, after all, she singled out many people to save her.

If Bai Yu was the kind of person who could tell lies, he would definitely abandon her and run away first.

"Teacher, I guarantee my personality, Bai Yu must not have lied."

Seeing Gao Xin's excitement, Liu Ziqin couldn't sit still, and said, "Yes, I also saw that Bai Yu bought everything and went to the classroom."

Everyone said that, and Teacher Gao felt a little frustrated.

So what can I do about this... There is no solution, no way.

She doesn't need any guarantees, she just needs to see things, or in other words, she only needs to give an explanation to the classmates in the class.

"Then why is Liu Ziqin's stuff put in the activity room, but Bai Yu's stuff just disappeared?"

Bai Yu listened quietly, as if she had a similar experience a long time ago. At that time, the person beside her was...

"Hi teacher, I'm Xiao Licheng from class one. I can also guarantee that Bai Yu has bought all the things and put them under the podium."

Xiao Licheng?
Teacher Gao was a little surprised.

This kid Xiao Licheng is an elite of the top class, he doesn't usually get in touch with his classmates, even the teacher doesn't pay much attention to him.

"Student Xiao Licheng? How can you guarantee it?"

Xiao Licheng said lightly, "Because Bai Yu is not very familiar with the college, so I accompanied her to purchase things yesterday and put them under the podium."

"I have nothing to guarantee, but if the teacher doesn't believe me, I can check the surveillance."


Teacher Gao sighed.

"Of course I believe what the students said, but... now I don't know why, but the monitoring in our class is broken. The teacher is also very anxious."

(End of this chapter)

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