say it now

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
Well, finally this word is used wonderfully!Ingeniously created the image of Bai Yu as an abandoned woman who followed others with a shameless face and was abandoned by others.

Just as she was about to say something, a very magnetic bass came from behind.

"What's wrong with me."

Xiao Feiyun froze there. After Bai Yu turned his head and saw Xiao Licheng, he was about to call Uncle Xiao, but Xiao Licheng covered his mouth with quick eyes and hands.

"What are you talking about? I almost went to the lost children's broadcasting room."

Bai Yu clapped his hand away very unhappy.

"What are you doing, I was stopped by someone and you can't see? Are you blind?"

Xiao Licheng frowned, thinking that Bai Yu was really a sand sculpture, didn't you see him come to the rescue?If you say a word, you will praise it, if you say it, you will praise it!
Is she a jerk!
"Hey, what's the matter with you? And I seem to have heard my own name just now?"

Xiao Feiyun never expected that Xiao Licheng himself would appear directly, and the ridicule just now turned into a slap in the face.

"Xiao...Xiao Licheng, you didn't leave..."

Xiao Licheng touched the hand that was slapped away by Bai Yu just now, and said, "I'm going? Where am I going?"

Xiao Feiyun wanted to resolve the embarrassment, but she didn't know how to say it, so she said, "Uh... no, I thought you left Bai Yu and left. Friend, I just want to help her or something..."

Xiao Licheng frowned and said, "Huh? What are you talking about? I'm her friend? What can you do with my friend?"

Xiao Feiyun scratched her head and said, "Ah, I didn't know you two were friends, what about that, how about the four of us go shopping together? Xiao Licheng has always been a loner, and we haven't communicated with you much... "

Xiao Licheng snorted coldly, and said in a stinking way, "What are you shopping for? We're not here to buy things. Besides, what's your opinion on me being alone?"

Xiao Feiyun's face turned red for a while, and green for a while, like a palette, it was very exciting.

"No, we just want to communicate friendly..."

Xiao Licheng didn't have a good impression of Xiao Feiyun at first, but now it's even worse, his face darkened, and he said, "Who wants to communicate with you friendly, why do you have so many personal affairs. Bai Yu, let's go."

After speaking, he pulled Bai Yu directly, and was about to leave, but was arrested by Liu Ziqin with an angry face.

Bai Yu couldn't bear it any longer. With a backhand buckle, Liu Ziqin was pinned to the ground.Liu Ziqin originally thought that Bai Yu was the kind of girl who couldn't fight back, so he was totally defenseless, so he was shocked by his sudden appearance.

Xiao Feiyun yelled, causing everyone around to look here.

Xiao Licheng was also a little scared at the side, although he knew she was strong, but he didn't expect to be able to use this technique, fortunately he still had a bit of gentlemanly demeanor, so he didn't directly confront her.

"Are you finished? You may not know what's wrong here."

After speaking, he pointed to his head and let go of Liu Ziqin who was being held.

"What do you think? Interesting? Talk to yourself, you are the one who decided to gather at 02 o'clock, you were the one who let me go by myself at 30:[-], and you were the one who mocked me, and now you are still bringing someone to block the way Also you!"

"What? If she apologizes, I have to forgive her? Why don't you put a knife on my neck and let me say 'oh, okay, it's okay, it's all my fault, don't you mind'? Oh, I God."

(End of this chapter)

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