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Chapter 205 The Boy Under the Moonlight 2

Chapter 205 The Boy Under the Moonlight 2
Gao Xin scratched her head shyly, "Hey, it's okay~ It's because Ya Le dances well..."


Gao Xin glanced at the confused Bai Yu, then kindly pointed to the group dancers below the playground, and said, "The person in the front, Su Yale, is there usually on TV, right? After all, he is so famous. "

Bai Yu's eyes followed Gao Xin's fingers, and he understood.

So that person is the child star that Xiao Licheng mentioned...

"I don't watch TV."

Gao Xin choked and couldn't say anything, just watched the dance quietly.

After the umbrella dance, there were about a dozen performances, and finally it was Xiao Licheng's solo.

In fact, Bai Yu was worried, would it be insufficient for only one person in such a big playground?

But the results show that Bai Yu's worries are completely unnecessary.

It was already past eight o'clock when Xiao Licheng came out, the performance was drawing to a close, and the sky became even darker.

He was wearing a white and purple suit, and instead of letting his flaxen hair down as usual, he brushed it up on one side with hairspray.

Compared with his usual innocence, he is now more mature.

In the quiet night sky, there was a golden moon hanging, and Xiao Licheng's white suit seemed to be glowing under the light and moonlight.

The moonlight poured out, and Xiao Licheng was like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, it was unbelievably beautiful.

There was a golden light on the boy's face, and his eyes were as calm as clear water.

Everyone on the playground held their breath, feeling that such a beautiful moment could not be disturbed.

Xiao Licheng's eyes drifted over the strings of the piano, that look, as if looking at his lover with pity.

At this time, Bai Yu was always thinking, ah...he really likes music...

He raised his hand and started to play the violin. The moving and beautiful sound from each string resounded throughout the gymnasium, and everyone was intoxicated by it. The sound was like a breeze, drifting past people's ears, making people crazy drunk.

As soon as the song was over, the students burst into thunderous applause, full of praise.

"My goodness……"

"Is this still a human... this is a fairy!"

"As expected of Xiao Licheng..."

"It's a match for his brother! Who said that Xiao Licheng can't compare with his brother..."

"This strength..."

"So beautiful……"

Bai Yu watched Xiao Licheng slowly leave the stage, and he didn't know if it was his illusion... Why did he feel that Xiao Licheng was staring at him?

But after a while, Bai Yu's phone vibrated twice.

She took out her mobile phone and found that Xiao Licheng had sent her a text message.

【How's my playing? Do you think I'm more than enough to be your guitar teacher? 】

Bai Yu let out a breath with a smile, forgive her for withdrawing her original sentence, saying that she seems to have matured a lot...

Uncle Xiao is still Uncle Xiao.

She quickly replied [Yes yes yes, more than enough! 】

Xiao Licheng, who was taking off his make-up in the background, saw the text message sent by Bai Yu, and couldn't help but put his phone on his chin.


The makeup remover became happy when he heard Xiao Licheng's laughter.

"What's the matter? Is there anything good?"

Xiao Licheng shook his hand and said, "Well, yes... By the way, will there be fireworks in a while?"

The makeup artist said excitedly, "Yes, yes, what's wrong?"

Xiao Licheng thought for a while and said, "Is there..."

(End of this chapter)

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