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Chapter 201 Ye Tao

Chapter 201 Ye Tao
"Hey...what do you want me to say about you..."

"Huh? Don't you have no money? Where did you get the takoyaki in your hand?"

Su Yale hurriedly said, "I just kept staring at someone... She gave it to me."

Keep staring at one person?

Although Xiaoxiao can't quite figure it out, she can roughly understand it.

Probably some other student gave it for free because they saw that Su Yale was cute.

Fortunately, her identity was not revealed.

Thinking about it, he hurriedly pushed Su Yale towards his booth.

In a hurry, Su Yale stuffed a mouthful of takoyaki.

The combination of sweet and sour tomato sauce with cheese and meat floss is really wonderful! !

On the other side, Bai Yu bought four red bean pancakes at the shop on the road, and then walked to the barbecue stand.

Could it be that Xiao Licheng was hijacked by someone? It's been too long.

Looking around, Xiao Licheng was really hijacked.

The person who hijacked him was much stronger than Xiao Licheng, and of course he was also tall, and he was wearing a black suit.

The two of them didn't care about the gazes of others, they just stared at each other, and the atmosphere was so tense that it was not surprising when they made a move.

In this situation... Bai Yu still winked a little, and it was difficult to go up and talk to him.

So he was beside the crowd, quietly waiting for Xiao Licheng and their conversation to end.

"Master! Are you really going to deal with it!!"

"Are you annoyed, hurry up and go."

"What are you talking about... Where are you going? Today's incident is very dangerous, you know! So I keep telling you, that woman has to be dealt with as soon as possible. If you still don't believe me, you must say that I am nosy!"

"You're fine, I sold a favor from the Zeng family, isn't that all right!"

"A favor from the Zeng family? How can a favor compare with your safety!!"

Xiao Licheng covered his ears, already holding three bags of barbecue.

"Okay, I'm going to go shopping in the market! Unrelated people hurry out!"

The brawny man followed closely behind Xiao Licheng, "No, I refuse, I must report this matter to the Patriarch today! Young Master, you just don't care about your own safety!"

"And what about visiting the market... I will accompany you! Anyway, you don't have anyone to accompany you."

"Why don't I have anyone to accompany me, since you belong to my father, don't stay around me all the time!! Go back to my home!"

The strong man paused for a few seconds, then said, " don't have any friends..."

Xiao Licheng became annoyed and said, "Who says I have no friends anymore! Can you go away!"

After the strong man calmed down for a while, he asked in disbelief, "Young Master, are you serious?! What's your friend's name? This subordinate will go and find out the eighteenth generation of his ancestors!!"

Xiao Licheng kicked him and said, "You, hurry up, let me go!!"

The surrounding noises became louder and louder, and the strong man in the suit finally compromised and went out with his ears pulled.

After all, you can't keep arguing, it will damage the young master's face.

Xiao Licheng sighed for a long time, looked at his phone, and found that almost 10 minutes had passed.

He secretly yelled badly.

"When I see Ye Tao again later, I can kill him."

How dare you embarrass him and make him late for such a long time!
"Xiao Li City!"

Just as Xiao Licheng was about to run there, he heard Bai Yu's voice.


He recovered and found Bai Yu in the corner eating red bean pancakes with relish, and heaved a long sigh.

"Hey... you really came. Did you see it?"

Bai Yu passed a red bean cake to Xiao Licheng with a calm face.

"Hmm. After all, too much time has passed."

(End of this chapter)

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