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Chapter 186 Tug of War 4

Chapter 186 Tug of War 4
She really didn't know, after all, she hadn't searched much before coming here.

It's true, Xu Qiuyi is in track and field, and Chen Ruixi is in swimming. Thinking about it carefully, Liu Ziqin and the others seem to be in some kind of sports club...

This is really...

Xiao Licheng let out a breath.

"The loss of the first grade was expected. After all, they haven't had any training yet, and this time it's good to take it as a lesson."

"No matter what path you take, there will always be some clever people like this."

Bai Yu has a clear face, so it is so.

"Look, the third year of high school is probably easy to win."

Then, as Xiao Licheng thought, Class [-] won the final victory of Senior [-] without any effort.

Because the established high school focuses on cultural courses, apart from writing papers at school every day, it is just listening to lectures at school, and there is no physical training at all.

Compared with Ling Yu, who is the main sports player, the loss was miserable.

In the end, Principal Lingyu became so excited by himself that he compared the established first grade class with Lingyu's second grade class.

In the third year of high school, he returned to the stands.

"come on!"

"Come on!! Class one!"

Under the cheers from all walks of life, Class [-], Grade [-], is ready.

Bai Yu propped his chin and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Xiao Licheng took out a book from nowhere and read it quietly.

"No, I'll win no matter what."

That's right, Bai Yu raised his head and looked at the sky, he didn't know where it came from, a red balloon was floating in the sky.

Slowly, leisurely.

When the balloon completely disappeared before Bai Yu's eyes, the game was over.

The victory was overwhelmed by the class one of the second year of high school.

Lingyu's students applauded one after another.

Everything was over, and it was noon. After listening to the results of the tug-of-war competition announced by the principal, everyone packed up and went to eat.

Bai Yu and Xiao Licheng stayed on the playground, ate the staff meal provided by the school, and then started to make arrangements for the class.

After all, there is no competition in the afternoon, and the afternoon is the long-awaited market.

There are three types in the market, one is for selling items at low prices, one is for selling food, and the other is for entertainment.

Like Bai Yu and his class, they were too lazy to make this kind of stuff, but in the end they had no choice but to sell it at a low price.

They symbolically put all kinds of strange things on the stalls, and the stands are basically full of items.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, the students all came back, and they were quite satisfied with seeing that their positions were completed in a decent manner.

The students from both schools stood up and waited quietly for the principal to speak.

When the two principals were ready, the host said, "Respected leaders, dear students, good afternoon everyone."

"After two and a half days of activities, I believe that the students have fully felt the vitality of youth and the importance of friendship. So without further ado, let us two principals announce the results of the sports meeting."

"The person whose name is read please come on stage."


Just awarding the awards went on for a while, and the legs of the students gradually became numb.

Thinking that this is the end, Cheng Sijin, the principal of the school, said, "Then it is about the 500-meter bribery incident."

(End of this chapter)

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