say it now

Chapter 17 Meeting

Chapter 17 Meeting
Looking back to the present, Bai Yu has a hundred thousand regrets!

If I knew I would have to face two bad faces in the conference room, I should have firmly rejected it just now! !

"Attention, students, let me talk about the schedule now. First, on October [-]th, the physical examination will be held on the East Campus. On October [-]th, we will gather at the sports ground, and we will have a physical test. Then from October [-]th to October On the [-]th of the month, there will be a joint sports meeting for the opening of the academy. The venue will be at the National Stadium."

"October [-]th to October [-]th can be arranged separately within the scope of each class. The sports squad leaders of Lingyu College must work together and help each other. If there is a conflict, it must be resolved through negotiation. Then come down..."

Bai Yu's eyes were empty, recording the arrangement the teacher said.By the time it was over, it was already twelve noon.

She dragged her body wearily, went to the rooftop to carry the guitar on her back, and sat in the same position as yesterday.

The autumn wind is slightly cool, but not cold.Many students have already left from the school gate with their schoolbags on their backs.

Just like yesterday, Bai Yu picked up the bread in his mouth and played with the guitar in his hand.

Xiao Licheng was holding a lunch box in his hand, just as he stepped onto the rooftop, he heard a messy sound of playing.

"Oh, Bai Yu? I knew it was you."

Bai Yu glanced at the person who came, feeling a little surprised.

Oh~ Don't call her Strong Woman today?

"Xiao Licheng?"

Xiao Licheng picked up his own cloth, spread it on the floor, and sat on it himself.

"By the way, can you practice your crappy guitar in another place? I can play better than you in the first grade of elementary school."

Those words were full of disgust.

Bai Yu didn't even look at it, and said, "Hehe, yes, yes, you are amazing. But there is no need to discuss changing the position, you have to change it yourself."

She finally found such a treasure!

"If I tell you to change it, you can change it. Why are you such a pouty woman?"

Bai Yu snorted coldly, "If you ask me to change it, I will change it? Where did you come from, Mr. Xiao?"

Uncle Xiao just finished eating a mouthful of rice, when he heard Bai Yu call out Uncle Xiao, he choked.

"You... I don't even call you Strong Woman, why do you still..."

Bai Yu shrugged.

"That's right, didn't I call you a stinky man?"

When Uncle Xiao heard it, it was quite reasonable, right?

"Okay, you can. From now on, you can be called Aunt Bai."

Mrs. Bai?aunt?

"You call me aunt? You are the aunt!"

"You call me Uncle Xiao first. I don't want to argue with you, cut."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Licheng put on the earplugs and eye mask that he took out from nowhere.

"I'm going to sleep, so stop playing too."

Facing Uncle Xiao Licheng's speech, Bai Yu could only silently put away the guitar.

After all, she still has a conscience.If others play the piano while sleeping, they are afraid they will be beaten.

Xiao Licheng took a sneak peek at Bai Yu, seeing her deflated expression, it was inexplicably amused.

If Bai Yu knew what Uncle Xiao was thinking at the moment, he would definitely fight.

She put on the earphones, played a piece of pure music, and slowly closed her eyes.

It's good to sleep, sleep...

three o'clock in the afternoon—

The girl lying on her side on the roof opened her eyes and moved her arm that had been pressed for a long time.Her messy hair was casually draped behind her.

It was only then that she realized how much she had slept.Sleeping on the roof with the wind blowing... I'm afraid I'm going to catch a cold.

Bai Yu pressed his stiff neck, only then did he see that there was something wrapped around his leg.

(End of this chapter)

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