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Chapter 14 Good Start

Chapter 14 Good Start

Hearing that Uncle Gao said that there is no need to pay, Bai Yu was flattered.

"No? Why don't you use it? I definitely have to pay for it!"

Uncle Gao smiled very honestly, his eyes were crooked.

"Hey~ I really don't need it! Actually, our store has always had male clerks, and this is the first time we have female clerks. I was a little excited when designing the uniforms, so I hurriedly made them for you."

Made it?Design it yourself? ?

"Uncle did this yourself!"

Uncle Gao might be a little embarrassed, so he quickly picked up the clothes, gave them to Bai Yu, and said, "Hey, although I designed the design, it certainly couldn't be done by myself, hahahaha, okay, okay, don't I said it. Hurry up and try it on.”

"If there's anything inappropriate, it's easy to bring it up early. The changing place is behind the kitchen, and there's a small room over there for staff stuff."

Bai Yu was a little embarrassed and said, "Then I'll go, Uncle Gao."

"go Go."

I took the clothes and walked around the kitchen to the small room to change, only to realize...the clothes are really pretty.

It doesn't feel like a problem to wear it directly.

If it is sold in a large shopping mall outside, it will definitely sell for more than 1000.

After putting on his clothes, Bai Yu took off the rubber band on his wrist, and tied his shoulder-length hair up high.

After all, with loose hair, there is a possibility that the hair will fall into the ramen...

After putting on a whole suit and tidying up his strength, he went outside and asked Uncle Gao to take a look.

"How is it, Xiaoyu, is there anything inappropriate?"

Bai Yu smiled and shook his head, "Oh no, it's very suitable, and it's also very beautiful! Uncle Gao, you are so talented!"

Uncle Gao smiled, then took the menu and showed it to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu silently memorized the rules, the names of the dishes, and the way to treat customers in his heart.

After all, I have done this kind of waiter work many times before, and the ability to absorb everything is very fast.

Uncle Gao looked at Bai Yu with satisfaction.

After all, he was still worried at the beginning that hiring a female student would be lazy.

The doorbell rang, one or two...

Customers began to come one after another, some of them looked kind, and some looked fierce.

"Hey~Xiao Gao, you finally hired a waitress in your shop!"

Uncle Gao said cheerfully, "Yes, this Xiaoyu can learn quickly. He is also very hardworking! He is the hottest one in our shop."

Bai Yu shyly covered his face, "Hey, it's not that far yet, uncle Gao, stop praising me."

Several people laughed, and for a while, the atmosphere in the store was warm.

Even the face of the customer with a fierce face stretched a lot.

Suddenly Uncle Gao shouted, "Xiao Yu, here's a free gift for the guests~"

Bai Yu replied with a yes, and put something like rice wine on the table cup by cup.

In this way, three hours passed quickly.

She worked happily for these three hours, and she wasn't too tired.

It may be because the attitude of the guests is very good, and there are very few people.

I feel that if I work here, I can study and make money!

It's really great to find here!
Bai Yu really felt that he had made a lot of money.

After tidying up in the store, Bai Yu bid farewell to the store manager, and walked home as usual, wearing earphones and carrying a guitar.

Although there are a lot of things that happened today, it can be regarded as a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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