After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 94 Take Zheng Xiaen away (1 more)

Chapter 94 Take Zheng Xiaen away (Part [-])

Suddenly, there was a burst of thunder in the sky, Zheng Xiaen in the rain, looking at the dark sky, his eyes suddenly became firm and sharp.

At this time, Yu Xiaoyan, who was already a little restless, rushed out from the shelter.

In the bean-sized raindrops, Yu Xiaoyan looked sharply at the place where the thunder sounded.

Yu Xiaoyan clenched her hands tightly, gritted her teeth, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Salen, what the hell am I greeting your ancestor, you're the fuck!" Yu Xiaoyan gritted her teeth, but still couldn't hold back her curse.

After scolding, without any warning, Yu Xiaoyan left directly.

Yu Xiaoyan, who came out of the set, hesitated for a moment, but took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Come over to the set right away, and bring Zheng Xiaen to the spiritual realm for me, Salem is about to activate the formation! "

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaoyan wanted to spit out lotus flowers again.

"Yes, miss." There was a charming voice on the phone.

Through the camera lens, Zhang Duxian was startled by Zheng Xiaen's expressive expression change.

This change in eyes is simply a stroke of magic in this scene.

Zhang Duxian has already started to make plans, and feels that this change in eyes must be added to the promotional film in the later stage.

After the sudden change in eyes, followed by Zheng Xiaen firmly drawing the formation under the camera.

The four actors who played the role of magic soldiers guarding Zheng Xiaen's side were startled and terrified by Zheng Xiaen's sudden change of aura.

But the director didn't call out, so they could only bite the bullet and continue acting.

Ji Tong studied her countless times, drew the formations countless times, and drew them on the ground extremely quickly with the magic power gathered in his fingers.

Ji Tong, who finished drawing a big formation, slumped on the ground with a pale face.

At this time, all the demonic power in Ji Tong's body had been consumed in the formation, so now she was extremely weak.

But she still moved towards the formation carefully and resolutely.

When Ji Tong sat on the eye of the formation, her eyes were also looking for the figure that moved her heart.

He killed the demon with such cruelty and ruthlessness, just as ruthlessly as when he pierced her heart.

Ji Tong sat on top of the formation and laughed to the sky.

The rain from the human world, mixed with Ji Tong's tears, dripped onto the rich land beneath her.

There is no one in this world whom she can remember.

When Ji Tong was in the demon world, he was alone.

I thought that this time when she accidentally came to the human world, she met a friend who could make a lifelong friend.

Ji Tong thought that she had also met him who would make her fall in love with her for the rest of her life.

But in the end, everything was just her delusion.

The person who was truly worthy of her friendship and love had already died for her.

The living people either want to use her or want to kill her.

Yu Chen looked at Ji Tong who was laughing loudly, and suddenly felt an urge to 'stop Ji Tong immediately'.

He always felt that Ji Tong seemed to be doing something...

It seemed that she was about to do something that he regretted for the rest of his life.

It's raining harder and harder...

"My Ji Tong's life is so sad!"

Ji Tong stood up staggeringly from the front of the formation, looked at the gray sky, and let out a sad sigh.

At the same time, the formation under her was activated at this time.

In an instant...

The demons suddenly disappeared in the entire human world and the god world.

In front of this so-called demon-slaying orthodox people, only Ji Tong who was about to disappear in the formation was left.

Everyone in the human world and the god world woke up from their daze.

Then spontaneously surrounded the only demon in this world.

"Tell me, where did those demons go?"

(End of this chapter)

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