After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 429 Why do you have to force me

Chapter 429 Why do you have to force me
Many strange pictures appeared in Zheng Xiaen's mind.

The picture is unfamiliar, but the people in the picture are so familiar.

"Di Wu..."

For some reason, this name suddenly sounded in Zheng Xiaen's mind.

Afterwards, countless memories poured into Zheng Xia'en's mind again, and that part of Wujian's memory was slowly being awakened.

Along with it, there is also the memory about Diyue...


Salem had already realized something the moment Mu Wu appeared.

Now, seeing that Zheng Xiaen is almost indistinguishable from a demon, my heart is already aching like being torn apart.


When Salem saw Zheng Xiaen's ice-like gaze resting on him, his heart began to get out of control.

"Secret Treasure..."

Zheng Xiaen, who was covered in pitch black, looked at Salem mockingly, "The only thing that can be called a secret treasure in me is my heart..."

These ignored everyone and walked towards Salem step by step.

"But, you know what?"

Zheng Xiaen put his hands on the position of his heart, and looked at Salem with a half-smile, "My heart has already been placed on you."

Saleng was shocked when he heard Zheng Xiaen's words. He covered his heart and looked at Zheng Xiaen in disbelief.

It seemed that it was difficult to accept what Zheng Xiaen said.

Even Mo Ling and those people from the underworld seemed shocked by this news.

On the contrary, the face of the old man whom Zheng Xiaen called his master didn't change much.

"elder sister……"

Bai Zheng, on the other hand, stood up abruptly when he heard Zheng Xiaen's words, as if he never thought that this would be the result.

The heart of a demon is the gathering point of power.

If the monster has no heart, the monster will no longer be a monster, but a lamb at the mercy of others.


However, before Bai Zheng could stand up and walk up to Zheng Xiaen to question him, Zheng Xiaen grabbed his neck first.

"Why do you have to force me!"

In Zheng Xiaen's eyes, there was endless killing intent.

The killing intent was not only aimed at Bai Zheng, but also at all the monsters, even everyone present.

"elder sister……"

Bai Zheng yelled with difficulty, as if he couldn't believe that his sister who loved him the most would actually pinch his neck like today.

"For tens of thousands of years, I have passed him by in every life. In this life, I wanted to live with him in peace, but why?"

As Zheng Xiaen said, Bai Zheng had gradually let go of his hand.

Zheng Xiaen, as if drunk, staggered under the kneeling knees of many monsters.

"Why? Why do you have to force me?"

"Why do you insist on forcing me like this?"

As Zheng Xiaen said, a fierce murderous aura erupted from all over his body, and all the monsters who were kneeling on the ground fell to the ground in an instant.

The black and ugly shell, like an egg shell, was forcibly peeled off by an external force.

All the monsters screamed in pain.

The original black-robed monster endured the pain of skinning, knelt and crawled to Zheng Xiaen's feet, "I beg the devil for mercy, I beg the devil for mercy."

"Yuan Hua, do you remember what the deity told you?"

Zheng Xia En looked down at Qian Hua, who was kneeling at her feet, without any warmth in her eyes.

Kuan Hua took a few steps back on her knees and prostrated herself on the ground, trembling all over, not daring to say a word.

"The deity said, monsters, don't make trouble in the human world! You are..."

(End of this chapter)

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