After rebirth, I became a boss

Chapter 396 Origin (1) (1 more) 2000+

Chapter 396 Origin (1) (One more) 2000+

Hearing Mu Wu's words, the old man sighed deeply, "You have already found her, but now..."

"You need to get some sleep."

"As for you..."

The old man's gaze, at the moment when Mu Wu fell asleep, stayed on the little elf in the corner.

"Master, I was wrong!"

The elf knelt tremblingly on the ground, and said in a trembling voice.

"Forget it, next time remember to be a little discerning. The rules are dead, but you are alive. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing the old man's words, the little elf felt as if liquid flowed from his forehead.

"Xiao Ling understands!"

The little elf crawled on the ground, and whispered to the old man.

When it raised its head again, the old man had already left, leaving only two people lying on the ground.

Perhaps, the woman's identity, it is still uncertain, but...

The elf looked at Mu Wu lying on the ground next to the woman with complicated thoughts, "I never thought that Jun Shang, who had disappeared for so many years, would actually appear in the lower world, or... with this appearance..."

"Where is this place?"

Zheng Xiaen felt a little uncomfortable looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar world of spiritual cultivation.

"This is Puning Village."

Di Wu closed his eyes, frowned and shook his head, looked at Zheng Xiaen who was asking questions in the distance, and chased after him.

"Puning Village?"

Zheng Xiaen frowned, she had never heard of this village in the spiritual world.

It seems that with the passage of time, the past of the spiritual world has not been completely passed on.

"Let's go in and see."

Zheng Xiaen turned his head, glanced at Di Wu, and then said to him and the elf.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Zheng Xiaen nodded to the little elf sitting on her shoulder, seeing that it was almost pushed off her shoulder by her, she smiled softly.


The elf glared at Zheng Xiaen, pouted, and answered Zheng Xiaen very dissatisfied, "Ah Sa."

"A Sa..." Zheng Xia En nodded, "Hello, Ah Sa."

Ah Sa: "..."

"And then?" Ah Sa frowned, staring at Zheng Xiaen dissatisfiedly and asked, "Where's your name?"

Zheng Xiaen raised his hand, helped his chin, was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "You can call me sister beauty."

Ah Sa: "...Smelly shameless!"


Not long after Zheng Xiaen and Di Wu entered the village, a group of big men stood in front of them.

Zheng Xiaen squinted his eyes, watching the group of big men surrounding them vigilantly, frowning tightly.

"Brothers, we two brothers came across this place on the road. We have finished all the dry food we had with us. We want to go into the village to replenish some food."

Zheng Xiaen looked at the sky, it was morning in the spiritual world, and it was approaching noon, if they said they wanted to stay overnight, it might make them more vigilant.

The leader, a big man, glanced at the people around him, and then someone threw a bag of things over.

Di Wu's eyes narrowed instantly, and he raised his hand to take the bag of things.

"There is some dry food in it, take it and leave quickly, strangers are not welcome in the village."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Thank you."

Zheng Xiaen cupped his fists at the big man, turned around and gave Di Wu a meaningful look, and then walked out of the village.

"I smelled some demons in the village. It seems that's why they didn't let us into the village."

After leaving the village, as Zheng Xiaen said, she raised her hand and wanted to lift the veil in front of her that blocked her view.

"Don't lift it."

Seeing it, Di Wu quickly raised his hand to hold Zheng Xiaen's hand that lifted the veil.

Zheng Xiaen was taken aback, and looked at Di Wu through the half-opened veil.


"Master, what's wrong with you?"

A very pleasant looking woman was looking nervously at the child who suddenly clutched her heart.

Of course, if one ignores her wet blood, this woman looks really lovely.

"is her!"

The half-person tall child suddenly looked in one direction, and his face instantly became serious.

However, after being serious, the child's face revealed a touch of joy from the bottom of his heart.


The woman was taken aback for a moment, not understanding who the "she" in the master's mouth was.

"For the matter of massacring the city, you should act on your own. If the deity has something to do, just..."

Halfway through the child's words, he suddenly stopped.

"How did it disappear!?"

The child frowned, and the woman looked at him worriedly.


However, the child left in a hurry without even looking at the woman.

"It's too much!"

Zheng Xiaen muttered a little unhappy, but put down his hand very honestly.

The slightly smaller palm was withdrawn from Di Wu's hand, and the hearts of both of them felt a little weird.

"Hmm." Zheng Xiaen snorted softly to cover up his weirdness, "Why do I wear a gauze hat but you don't?"

"Because Your Majesty is a candidate for the future lord, of course, he will not be affected by the rules of the lower realm within a short period of time."

Ah Sa turned her head and looked at Zheng Xia En very puzzled, "You don't even know this?"

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Ah, I forgot. When I saw you before, you didn't even know Wujian. It's understandable that you didn't know about it."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

"Shut up, you!"

Zheng Xiaen said something to Ah Sa angrily, then put his arms around his chest and said in a strange tone: "Didn't you say that you are on top and have no rights?"

She just knew that since he was respected by so many people, how could he have no real power?

"Now I have no rights."

Di Wu hooked his lips and said, "Before the lord abdicates, I'm just a show, and I don't have any real power."

Zheng Xiaen: "..."

Is this what the candidate looks like?
"They called me Your Majesty because I was a candidate."

Zheng Xiaen: "...Is that so?"

Zheng Xiaen twitched the corner of his mouth and asked A Sa on his shoulder in a low voice.

Ah Sa opened her mouth slightly, and just about to speak, she heard Di Wu's gentle voice, "Of course it is, otherwise what do you think?"

A Sa's mouth moved, and she nodded under Di Wu's frozen eyes.


Zheng Xiaen didn't see Ah Sa's expression, so he reluctantly believed Di Wu's words.

However, Ah Sa didn't dare to say anything more.

It absolutely believes that if it just said something that shouldn't be said, Your Majesty will never let it go.

In Wujian, not all candidates can be honored as the king.

Like another candidate for the monarch, no one will honor him as the monarch.

The reason why the current Junshang is respected by them is entirely because of his strength to beat all their creatures!
However, judging by Jun Shang's appearance just now, it seems that he didn't want this smelly and shameless woman to know.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Zheng Xiaen curled his lips and looked in the direction of Puning Village, "We have to find a chance to sneak into the village for a look."


(End of this chapter)

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